Author Topic: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.  (Read 8428 times)

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #40 on: February 21, 2022, 11:36:26 AM »
Why are people busy discussing any issue from Stanley Livondo's mouth? That man is totally irrelevant in Kenya's political scene. He wants limelight by all means. The man lost his political and financial clout with the dissapearance of Mary Wambui, who it is said Livondo was servicing since Mzee could not keep up with the demand.

As of Pundit and his war cries, I think this issue has been discussed hundred times before and seems Pundit has not learnt anything.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #41 on: February 21, 2022, 12:27:22 PM »
Pray what I did miss?
As of Pundit and his war cries, I think this issue has been discussed hundred times before and seems Pundit has not learnt anything.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #42 on: February 21, 2022, 01:23:55 PM »
Uhuru will campaign and hope Raila wins fairly. I do not think he will dare rig because he knows the legacy he will leave behind. If Ruto loses fairly, he will congratulate the winner and wait for the 2027 duel again. If he wins outright and somehow the election is bungled like 2007, DP will be spending many days, weeks, and months convincing folks to stop fighting. Folks tend to erupt organically when the loser fraudulently is announced the winner!
Beg your pardon Sir?
Ruto won't be sitting pretty. The public has already been told what awaits him after Aug 9th... malipo ni hapa hapa

Kalonzo, Gideon to sign Raila deal in Uhuru's presence

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #43 on: February 21, 2022, 02:14:38 PM »

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #44 on: February 21, 2022, 02:25:23 PM »
Helicopter hazina mafuta. Government is broke due to spending in Jubilee I. :D :D :D

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #45 on: February 21, 2022, 05:36:16 PM »
So you are the only one entitled to make predictions? You have made many that never came through. Ruto got away with stealing and murder and Somehow Ruto's arrogance has gotten to your Kalenjin head-You all think you are politial geniuses. Things have changed.

The presidential elections for 2022 is already decided, RAO is the 5th.

That might well be true or false - just provide more evidence.
But we know for sure his competitor Raila did overthrow a legitimate gov
And wanted to bomb Moi and his cabinet.
And recently swore himself as president.
last you told me in 2010 that Obama n Kibaki were done making raila pork..I am hoping he is retiring having completed 10yrs as imaginary pork.Kichwa don't set yourself for more depression...just study my moas..Ruto losing 2022 will take big screw up
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #46 on: February 21, 2022, 08:48:41 PM »

Uhuru bado hajaongea.Mambo bado....

(1) He will remind kikuyu people of Molo clashes,
(2) Kiambaa 2007/8,
(3) The assasination theory,
(4) How ruto has been using boys (Ndindi/Ichungwa) to abuse their father (uhuru).He will curse them at Ihura stadium in Muranga.
(5) How Ruto stole public money and fought BBI which was mean't to help GEMA
(6) How he wanted o slap him in statehouse but uhuru gave him an uppercut,
(7) How he was blackmailing GOK projects.

You will hear the most stupid things in the coming days and weeks...Then DCI will summon ruto on assasination theory,then murathe will hire some jigger infest drunkards to protest against him outside DCI office at muthaiga,then message resonates.

expect lots of chaos moving ahead,

Martha koome will now know why she can't vote like sending money via M-pesa

Like i said, the matter will head to DCI and it surely did today....Anything that makes Ruto dirty.The PROPAGANDA continues in media and local radio stations like inooro.All is fair in war.

Online RV Heavy Hitter!

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #47 on: February 21, 2022, 08:58:24 PM »
Yes it will be disaster and there will be no winners.
Yes Kakobook is bad news. I didnt know about Kalenjin ability to rise and defend themselves in that scale until I witnessesed in 1992.
Previously I used to know kalenjin like everyone whenever there is small cry in the village - people would rush to scenes - mostly armed.
But Kakobook is bad news - I still remember that day in 1992 -  Kabobook! O-wen Molo! - "there is war! Attack molo" - it was errie women cry
That move quickly ridge to ridge.
Our primary school was half boarding half day
Immediately the bell was rung - it was mid-day - we were told to go home - and use the left or right path - cant remember depending on the gender.
We took like an hour to get our stuff out - by time we are getting out of the gate - thousands of men - dressed wierldy - never seen kipisigis dressed in shukas before - armed with all sort of crude weapons were assembling in schools.
As we walked to nearest town to get transport home - more and more were coming.
We reach home eventually - to find everyone left - to my grandfather house in the next ridge - there were only one worker - who was hidding behind the house. I dont know where my father was....but we came back the following day when it was established the war was happening in Nakuru district -
I dont know how the news broke - but in some areas - they were saying kikuyu raiders had emerged from the forest :) - anyway for the next three days - thousands of people passed our farm to Nakuru - we live 2 kms from Mau forest - many coming from transmara that 200kms  - sweeping through kikiyus and gusii - in the next days - burning/killing/stealing
Cows and all sort of livestock would follow - to be sold. Somehow Kalenjin believe cows from raid - are huge blessing - than cow you rear - so they demand for them was high. Kalenjin are savage thieves.
And then it ended as quickly as it started...though many never came back from forest - deciding to clear mau forest for settlement - or steal kikuyu cows - in Nakuru - those transmara primitives are something else - brown teeth with cuts all over their body .
Many eventually became the squattors and mau ogiek - Moi had to settle in late 90s.

....Kibaki swearing at sooner had CJ done that  swearing - my friend from Lessos calls me - tell me at least a couple thousand nandis warriors are matching to Burnt forest....that was early night - and tomorrow moring- they had swept clean except for few areas like Kiambaa.

-- That is why it's in kenya interest to make sure Kakobook is never sounded - because they will no time to respond or plan to respond - and the police had better prepared for night battles

I know exactly what you mean. I wish we never experience or see tension ever in Kenya. I am a Uasin Gishu native, and I know how folks can quickly assemble when "Kakobook" is uttered. Non-Kalenjins would start trembling when Jacobo (Kakobook actually) war cry starts. In my village, we had more luhyas than Nandis in 1990, and when multipartyism started, tension started almost immediately. Kenyan villages were mixed and in harmony up until 1990. In my village, the Nandi folks were MOI damu, and Luhyas were proudly FORD! One night the sleepy, quiet village erupted, and houses from both sides started going up in flames out of nowhere. The next day or so, a contingent of Nandi warriors from remote villages came in lorries and tractors. Within weeks of combat, popularly known as land clashes, the whole village was 100% Kalenjin because Luhyas had been driven past Turbo to Lumukanda sides in present day Kakamega County. Within months, Kalenjins, as well in Kakamega and Luhya areas, were driven to Uasin Gishu showing no one wins when folks fight. It is only the uchumi and poverty that will follow.
That eerie war cry should be abolished. It tortured me in the 90s as a young boy. I had associated the war cry with less food because non-Kales women and children would throng to our home to seek refuge. My family would share the little we had, meaning Boi (me) would eat less. Even in high school (Arnesen's Boys) in Burnt Forest, we could hear that through the hollows of Timboroa, Kamuyu, and rironi villages, and our hearts would just sink. Those marauding warriors were so disciplined and organized because as soon as Kakobook was sounded, five minutes later, after you dress and peep through domitory window, you would see the houses already on fire. Moments later, in the thick of the night, you would see weirdly dressed people with bows and arrows walking in single file like a platoon. Boy! I was scared of those weirdly dressed warriors more than anyone. Folks in the dormitory made fun of me for shaking like a leaf and teeth-gnashing when war cry was on late at night!
I do not miss those days one bit. I hope Uhuru and his cabal do not take us there by playing dirty politics and rigging. Messing elections and inciting people are two things that can turn Kenya upside down. Moi incited folks in parables throughout the 90s, Kibaki rigged elections, Raila incited folks (No Raila, No peace, 42v1, and so on) and the rest is history. If Kenya can get integrity-driven servant leadership preaching peace and conducting mature politics plus fully independent IEBC that can conduct accurate and verifiable elections, fighting would be a thing of the past in Kenya. Folks respect when they lose fairly and listen to their kingpins. If Kingpins says this and that, they tend to follow with to a T. Kibaki did well economically on a national scale, but he sacrificed thousands of okuyus in RV. Had he accepted defeat, 2007 would not have taken place. Same with Moi, had he accepted Multipartyism with open hands, instead of constantly coming to villages and uttering madoadoa BS, the 90s wars would not have started. I respect the current crop of Kale leadership because they constantly preach peace and never incite. The only opening where war may start is if the election is rigged/bungled. Uhuru and his government need to make sure elections are smooth, transparent, and accurate. Kenyans will accept either Odinga, or Ruto with open harms except for government cartels on either side, especially Uhuru those chaperoning Uhuru interests. There is a rumor that both DP and Raila are working on picking non-Okuyu deputies, Hey Pundit. Do you think that is a possibility? DP at the moment is like "no" because that would undercut him because he has the most support in Central. I think if Uhuru chips his support to below 50%, he may go with a Luhya if Raila picks Kalonzo! 
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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2022, 09:27:10 PM »
Yes you can almost understand why people think those warriors are planned and organized. I dont know where people were taught those things - but somehow immediately war cry was sounded - folks removed their trousers - wore shorts - those without shorts simply cut their trousers into half with a sword - some even camouflage their faces with white clay - and armed themselves to the teeth - every warriors carries swords, club, arrows, etc - and rush to the assembly point in the village - then village joins up to sub location then location - then by time you know there are 10,000 dressed and armed like a stone age army :) . The it's eerie silences as nobody talks. If you talk you get beaten as people see it bad omen - there is no dissuading or giving them second thought. It's just long lines of warriors matching - and few hours - the loot arrives. Cattle, bicyles, even chicken.

2007 - there was less traditional wear thing - and there were phones - 2007 was more ODM gangs - than 1992 which was really traditional warfare with regalia.

Anyway current generation of kalenjin leaders are doing a good job - someone like Kones was inciting people using parables. I am not sure what Kikuyu did to him - but he was a real kikuyu hater.Of course current leaders can change tune - and Kalenjin are expert in speaking the opposite of what they say - they can say we want peace - when they mean we want war - and everyone will understand. There is art of speaking code language that is taught in MTC - where people can speak about you and you wont even know.

Ultimate the burden lies with Uhuru - he is one who can bring the demons back - and this time we may lose the country.

That eerie war cry should be abolished. It tortured me in the 90s as a young boy. I had associated the war cry with less food because non-Kales women and children would throng to our home to seek refuge. My family would share the little we had, meaning Boi (me) would eat less. Even in high school (Arnesen's Boys) in Burnt Forest, we could hear that through the hollows of Timboroa, Kamuyu, and rironi villages, and our hearts would just sink. Those marauding warriors were so disciplined and organized because as soon as Kakobook was sounded, five minutes later, after you dress and peep through domitory window, you would see the houses already on fire. Moments later, in the thick of the night, you would see weirdly dressed people with bows and arrows walking in single file like a platoon. Boy! I was scared of those weirdly dressed warriors more than anyone. Folks in the dormitory made fun of me for shaking like a leaf and teeth-gnashing when war cry was on late at night!
I do not miss those days one bit. I hope Uhuru and his cabal do not take us there by playing dirty politics and rigging. Messing elections and inciting people are two things that can turn Kenya upside down. Moi incited folks in parables throughout the 90s, Kibaki rigged elections, Raila incited folks (No Raila, No peace, 42v1, and so on) and the rest is history. If Kenya can get integrity-driven servant leadership preaching peace and conducting mature politics plus fully independent IEBC that can conduct accurate and verifiable elections, fighting would be a thing of the past in Kenya. Folks respect when they lose fairly and listen to their kingpins. If Kingpins says this and that, they tend to follow with to a T. Kibaki did well economically on a national scale, but he sacrificed thousands of okuyus in RV. Had he accepted defeat, 2007 would not have taken place. Same with Moi, had he accepted Multipartyism with open hands, instead of constantly coming to villages and uttering madoadoa BS, the 90s wars would not have started. I respect the current crop of Kale leadership because they constantly preach peace and never incite. The only opening where war may start is if the election is rigged/bungled. Uhuru and his government need to make sure elections are smooth, transparent, and accurate. Kenyans will accept either Odinga, or Ruto with open harms except for government cartels on either side, especially Uhuru those chaperoning Uhuru interests. There is a rumor that both DP and Raila are working on picking non-Okuyu deputies, Hey Pundit. Do you think that is a possibility? DP at the moment is like "no" because that would undercut him because he has the most support in Central. I think if Uhuru chips his support to below 50%, he may go with a Luhya if Raila picks Kalonzo! 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2022, 09:36:11 PM »
>>>> Yes the moment GEMA become 50-50 play - and Raila pick Kalonzo - then MaDVD would look good - if he can bring Luhyas. Otherwise Ruto will suffer twice - from kikiyu-kalenjin rotation (his current biggest impediment)  and Uhuru playing spoiler.

There is a rumor that both DP and Raila are working on picking non-Okuyu deputies, Hey Pundit. Do you think that is a possibility? DP at the moment is like "no" because that would undercut him because he has the most support in Central. I think if Uhuru chips his support to below 50%, he may go with a Luhya if Raila picks Kalonzo!

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #50 on: February 21, 2022, 11:41:50 PM »

I repeat umpteenth time with the current constituion . No one can win the Presidency without GEMA support. The Presidential candidate being a Geman or Non Geman.
>>>> Yes the moment GEMA become 50-50 play - and Raila pick Kalonzo - then MaDVD would look good - if he can bring Luhyas. Otherwise Ruto will suffer twice - from kikiyu-kalenjin rotation (his current biggest impediment)  and Uhuru playing spoiler.

There is a rumor that both DP and Raila are working on picking non-Okuyu deputies, Hey Pundit. Do you think that is a possibility? DP at the moment is like "no" because that would undercut him because he has the most support in Central. I think if Uhuru chips his support to below 50%, he may go with a Luhya if Raila picks Kalonzo!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #51 on: February 21, 2022, 11:54:50 PM »
What if scenarios.
GEMA play 50-50.
GEMA turn out low - like all indicators suggest.
GEMA became useless  as political force - just like Luhyas or Gusii normally are - for dividing their vote equally.
GEMA right now is maybe 25 percent joggernaut - if low turnout happens.
But if they were to split the vote equally to 12.5 to 12.5 - you cannot win with it -
it become 50:50 if Raila can miraclously gain 50 percent of GEM
So Ruto has to watch for Uhuru play and Kalonzo
If Uhuru decide to play spoiler like he did last year in Mululu by openly saying Kabila mbili sijui nini
And Mt kenya - half listen to him
Then Uhuru sacrifices DPORK in Mt kenya - for Kalonzo.
Then Ruto could lose 30 percent of something back to 10-20 percent.

Of course nothing suggest Mt Kenya will bolt from UDA or Ruto in such numbers.
That is the Plan A.

But Ruto always had MaDVD's Luhya has his Plan B.

Now question would be - what would Mt Kenya do if Ruto decide to choose MADVD - and Raila decide to choose Kalonzo.

They wont have any serious candidate to fallback to.

Will they quit Ruto camp? Are they in Ruto camp for DPORK?

Would Luhya move from 65 percent in Ruto camp to say 90 percent if maDVD was DPORK?
Like its likely Kambas could if Kalonzo nicks DPOR?

If you ask me - GEMA are more reliable  - but Ruto has to watch for Uhuru rough and dirty games.

Or another what-if Ruto offers Kalonzo DPORK :)

Will GEMA go to Raila's Azimio - it will be technically dead.

Bottomline - GEMA have weaken themselves through disunity - 10 parties - 10 chiefs - no indians.

I repeat umpteenth time with the current constituion . No one can win the Presidency without GEMA support. The Presidential candidate being a Geman or Non Geman.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #52 on: February 22, 2022, 04:01:51 AM »
These so called scenarios can happen if only Raila does not run
GEMA was united by Raila in 2007.  As long as Raila is in the ballot they will always be united.
Another fact , Raila just like 2013 will win in Luhya land only that the margin will be smaller and this is what matters.
Out of all politicians in the recent past .Ruto seems to be the most strategic.Unlike you he knew that to win Presidency he needs to consolidate his 2017 coalition and then go hunting in his rival strongholds. For that he will come out victorious in Coast , improve really well in Western and Lower western and thus win hands down.
This other theories you are trying to advance are wet dreams.

What if scenarios.
GEMA play 50-50.
GEMA turn out low - like all indicators suggest.
GEMA became useless  as political force - just like Luhyas or Gusii normally are - for dividing their vote equally.
GEMA right now is maybe 25 percent joggernaut - if low turnout happens.
But if they were to split the vote equally to 12.5 to 12.5 - you cannot win with it -
it become 50:50 if Raila can miraclously gain 50 percent of GEM
So Ruto has to watch for Uhuru play and Kalonzo
If Uhuru decide to play spoiler like he did last year in Mululu by openly saying Kabila mbili sijui nini
And Mt kenya - half listen to him
Then Uhuru sacrifices DPORK in Mt kenya - for Kalonzo.
Then Ruto could lose 30 percent of something back to 10-20 percent.

Of course nothing suggest Mt Kenya will bolt from UDA or Ruto in such numbers.
That is the Plan A.

But Ruto always had MaDVD's Luhya has his Plan B.

Now question would be - what would Mt Kenya do if Ruto decide to choose MADVD - and Raila decide to choose Kalonzo.

They wont have any serious candidate to fallback to.

Will they quit Ruto camp? Are they in Ruto camp for DPORK?

Would Luhya move from 65 percent in Ruto camp to say 90 percent if maDVD was DPORK?
Like its likely Kambas could if Kalonzo nicks DPOR?

If you ask me - GEMA are more reliable  - but Ruto has to watch for Uhuru rough and dirty games.

Or another what-if Ruto offers Kalonzo DPORK :)

Will GEMA go to Raila's Azimio - it will be technically dead.

Bottomline - GEMA have weaken themselves through disunity - 10 parties - 10 chiefs - no indians.

I repeat umpteenth time with the current constituion . No one can win the Presidency without GEMA support. The Presidential candidate being a Geman or Non Geman.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #53 on: February 22, 2022, 04:49:48 AM »
The are probable scenarios. I think we have two months or three before presidential nomination. That will be sufficient time for Ruto to see if his GEMA stronghold will hold or not. There is no doubt that Raila has gained or will gain. You want to bury your head that he will score 2 percent like last time - while it's likely he will go as high as 20 percent if not more in some counties. I am sure Ruto will be polling Mt Kenya aggressively - and watching Western & Ukambani. This election will be decided by those 3 kabilas - GEMA, Luhya and Ukambani
These so called scenarios can happen if only Raila does not run
GEMA was united by Raila in 2007.  As long as Raila is in the ballot they will always be united.
Another fact , Raila just like 2013 will win in Luhya land only that the margin will be smaller and this is what matters.
Out of all politicians in the recent past .Ruto seems to be the most strategic.Unlike you he knew that to win Presidency he needs to consolidate his 2017 coalition and then go hunting in his rival strongholds. For that he will come out victorious in Coast , improve really well in Western and Lower western and thus win hands down.
This other theories you are trying to advance are wet dreams.

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #54 on: February 22, 2022, 04:10:12 PM »

Uhuru bado hajaongea.Mambo bado....

(1) He will remind kikuyu people of Molo clashes,
(2) Kiambaa 2007/8,
(3) The assasination theory,
(4) How ruto has been using boys (Ndindi/Ichungwa) to abuse their father (uhuru).He will curse them at Ihura stadium in Muranga.
(5) How Ruto stole public money and fought BBI which was mean't to help GEMA
(6) How he wanted o slap him in statehouse but uhuru gave him an uppercut,
(7) How he was blackmailing GOK projects.

You will hear the most stupid things in the coming days and weeks...Then DCI will summon ruto on assasination theory,then murathe will hire some jigger infest drunkards to protest against him outside DCI office at muthaiga,then message resonates.

expect lots of chaos moving ahead,

Martha koome will now know why she can't vote like sending money via M-pesa

Like i said, the matter will head to DCI and it surely did today....Anything that makes Ruto dirty.The PROPAGANDA continues in media and local radio stations like inooro.All is fair in war.

The guy is brave I have to grant him.  Bravery, especially the audacious variety tends to correlate well with stupidity.  Kenyan politics, especially at the top, is basically a mafia contest and you could get killed - over nothing really.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #55 on: February 22, 2022, 05:21:21 PM »
Yeap - the top boys have layers of security - and here you're taking them with bare hands. There are lines you dont cross. This one is another Jacob Juma or a Miguna Miguna type.
The guy is brave I have to grant him.  Bravery, especially the audacious variety tends to correlate well with stupidity.  Kenyan politics, especially at the top, is basically a mafia contest and you could get killed - over nothing really.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2022, 07:43:20 PM »

Uhuru bado hajaongea.Mambo bado....

(1) He will remind kikuyu people of Molo clashes,
(2) Kiambaa 2007/8,
(3) The assasination theory,
(4) How ruto has been using boys (Ndindi/Ichungwa) to abuse their father (uhuru).He will curse them at Ihura stadium in Muranga.
(5) How Ruto stole public money and fought BBI which was mean't to help GEMA
(6) How he wanted o slap him in statehouse but uhuru gave him an uppercut,
(7) How he was blackmailing GOK projects.

You will hear the most stupid things in the coming days and weeks...Then DCI will summon ruto on assasination theory,then murathe will hire some jigger infest drunkards to protest against him outside DCI office at muthaiga,then message resonates.

expect lots of chaos moving ahead,

Martha koome will now know why she can't vote like sending money via M-pesa

Like i said, the matter will head to DCI and it surely did today....Anything that makes Ruto dirty.The PROPAGANDA continues in media and local radio stations like inooro.All is fair in war.

The guy is brave I have to grant him.  Bravery, especially the audacious variety tends to correlate well with stupidity.  Kenyan politics, especially at the top, is basically a mafia contest and you could get killed - over nothing really.

Livondo is a fool,He is indeed setting himself up.

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #57 on: February 22, 2022, 08:07:43 PM »
It's upto him - the best thing Uhuru and institution can do is to ensure very credible, very free, very fair election - if Ruto loses after such a process - he will bide his time - wait for Raila to finish his term. He is just 55yrs.

If not - I am afraid neither Ruto or Kalenjin have the stomach for such an injustice. Kalenjin dont take lightly to injustice that would make them lesser men like Luos have been made in kenya.

The Luos have endured a lot - but not Kalenjin. Not before they kill and plunder.

Why would Uhuru risk becoming an international pariah 5 months before his term ends? Uhuru will retire in peace.  His wife will move back to London and that will be it.  Kenyans don't like to see their ex presidents disrespected. This is not Liberia where people's ears will be cut off on live TV.

Raila will then spend the next 5 years harassing Ruto and taking him to court.  Ruto should retaliate by letting miguna miguna come back.

Why should Uhuru do for Ruto what they did not do together in 2013 and 2017? Free election foreign language to Ruto even now. He is bluffing all the way when he speak of free election because he never know one.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2022, 09:31:34 PM »
Ruto rigged moi..he knows you need rigging margin and is working hard for that..if gov has to rig two million won't

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Ruto wanted to kill Uhuru-Stanley Livondo.
« Reply #59 on: February 23, 2022, 06:40:27 AM »
Yeap - the top boys have layers of security - and here you're taking them with bare hands. There are lines you dont cross. This one is another Jacob Juma or a Miguna Miguna type.
Of layers of security ... and  bare hands. You compare Stanley Livondo to Jacob Juma (JJ), so please tell us who killed JJ. And don't beat about the Bush.....!