Yes it will be disaster and there will be no winners.
Yes Kakobook is bad news. I didnt know about Kalenjin ability to rise and defend themselves in that scale until I witnessesed in 1992.
Previously I used to know kalenjin like everyone whenever there is small cry in the village - people would rush to scenes - mostly armed.
But Kakobook is bad news - I still remember that day in 1992 - Kabobook! O-wen Molo! - "there is war! Attack molo" - it was errie women cry
That move quickly ridge to ridge.
Our primary school was half boarding half day
Immediately the bell was rung - it was mid-day - we were told to go home - and use the left or right path - cant remember depending on the gender.
We took like an hour to get our stuff out - by time we are getting out of the gate - thousands of men - dressed wierldy - never seen kipisigis dressed in shukas before - armed with all sort of crude weapons were assembling in schools.
As we walked to nearest town to get transport home - more and more were coming.
We reach home eventually - to find everyone left - to my grandfather house in the next ridge - there were only one worker - who was hidding behind the house. I dont know where my father was....but we came back the following day when it was established the war was happening in Nakuru district -
I dont know how the news broke - but in some areas - they were saying kikuyu raiders had emerged from the forest
- anyway for the next three days - thousands of people passed our farm to Nakuru - we live 2 kms from Mau forest - many coming from transmara that 200kms - sweeping through kikiyus and gusii - in the next days - burning/killing/stealing
Cows and all sort of livestock would follow - to be sold. Somehow Kalenjin believe cows from raid - are huge blessing - than cow you rear - so they demand for them was high. Kalenjin are savage thieves.
And then it ended as quickly as it started...though many never came back from forest - deciding to clear mau forest for settlement - or steal kikuyu cows - in Nakuru - those transmara primitives are something else - brown teeth with cuts all over their body .
Many eventually became the squattors and mau ogiek - Moi had to settle in late 90s.
....Kibaki swearing at sooner had CJ done that swearing - my friend from Lessos calls me - tell me at least a couple thousand nandis warriors are matching to Burnt forest....that was early night - and tomorrow moring- they had swept clean except for few areas like Kiambaa.
-- That is why it's in kenya interest to make sure Kakobook is never sounded - because they will no time to respond or plan to respond - and the police had better prepared for night battles
I know exactly what you mean. I wish we never experience or see tension ever in Kenya. I am a Uasin Gishu native, and I know how folks can quickly assemble when "Kakobook" is uttered. Non-Kalenjins would start trembling when Jacobo (Kakobook actually) war cry starts. In my village, we had more luhyas than Nandis in 1990, and when multipartyism started, tension started almost immediately. Kenyan villages were mixed and in harmony up until 1990. In my village, the Nandi folks were MOI damu, and Luhyas were proudly FORD! One night the sleepy, quiet village erupted, and houses from both sides started going up in flames out of nowhere. The next day or so, a contingent of Nandi warriors from remote villages came in lorries and tractors. Within weeks of combat, popularly known as land clashes, the whole village was 100% Kalenjin because Luhyas had been driven past Turbo to Lumukanda sides in present day Kakamega County. Within months, Kalenjins, as well in Kakamega and Luhya areas, were driven to Uasin Gishu showing no one wins when folks fight. It is only the uchumi and poverty that will follow.