Now its time for Garliv's Conspiracy ramblings...
That Coronavirus is a biological weapon started as "conspiracy theory" with those alleging so being labeled as usual nutjobs. But the issue didn't die and Chinese government (through statements made by its officials) accused the US Military of "bringing Coronavirus" into Wuhan. At that time it seemed that the virus will be contained within China and surrounding region like previous SARS and therefore Americans were deriding Chinese for "hiding full scope of the virus.." "hiding true numbers of infected and deaths" which was of course designed to erode Communist Party stand within China. All manners of "leaked" stories from some Chinese "students, or researchers or military men" started doing round on social media labelling China's Government story on the virus as not believable.
Then Coronavirus hit Europe and its presence in the US started. Trump then labelled the virus as "Chinese virus" and with the usual split in American chaotic politics some like CNN and Democrats labelled Trump as racist. But when they all grasped "seriousness" of the situation, they then try to portray China as the source of the virus and this time the nuance/innuendo that China did it deliberately; To cripple America and be the leader in "helping" to solve the problem but also to enhance itself economically.
Undeniable facts are that the US has the most advanced Chemical and Biological Weapons plus research in the world. It is also undeniably the country which has used Chemical and Biological weapons on others than any other other. It has even experimented on its own citizens as guinea pigs. I know most anglophile and Americanised Africans have problems believing that US government can be evil but facts are facts. this Coronavirus. THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE (funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU & DARPA) was awarded A US PATENT FOR CORONAVIRUS in 2018 which they had applied in 2015 when Bill Gates was warning about a Global Pandemic (he was not specific about Corona). This is not conspiracy but fact easily verifiable from US patent office or their online database. DARPA is of course US Military Agency specifically dealing with advanced research of almost all aspects primarily for military consumption. Bill & Melinda Gates and their foundation are well known for advocating population control through "improved vaccinations and improved health care services.." so as, among other things, reduce carbon emission. How one can "reduce population growth between 10% to 15%" through improved health care services and vaccination is a mystery to me. Because with improved health services and vaccinations expectations are that population would ACTUALLY INCREASE/GROW as less people would die of health problems and they would live longer. Anyhow that aside. In October 2019 just before coronavirus hit China, Event 201 (at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health (Centre for Health Security) as RVKirgit posted was staged; funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Isn't John Hopkins NOW being quoted as authority of those infected and those dead of Coronavirus?
Pirbright Institute has been chosen to create the vaccine behind this coronavirus outbreak. They will partner with Inovio Pharmaceuticals and Wistar Institute also ALL generously funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It is safe to say Bill & Melinda will be behind any upcoming vaccine or whichever vaccine is ready. It would be a requirement for each individual and all newborns to have coronavirus vaccine especially after all the hysteria borne of fear spread by mainline media, celebrities, NGOs, politicians and others.
Maybe all these obsessions with getting a VACCINE FIRST and ignoring or downplaying supposedly cheaper "cures" for coronavirus aren't just coincidences. It is a game all playing out according to some script; and that script isn't Chinese at all. It is American to the core plus media hype and brainwashing. China has no such media capability.
This Pepe Escobar article give insights into how the French Government is deliberately and willingly downplaying the effectiveness of cheaper and effective Chloroquine drugs. He provides links and anyone can research on veracity of what he says took place. (Btw, this isn't the only source that Big Pharma in conjunction with corrupt government decision-makers are deliberately suppressing research/reports and administration of cheap drugs as they wait to deliver their more costly drugs)
Therefore if anyone is "to pay for coronavirus", Bill Gates and US DARPA should first answer/clarify some really interesting coincidences.