Author Topic: US Democrats Nominates like ODM  (Read 15376 times)

Offline Garliv

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2020, 07:06:37 PM »
You wrong. Tyler Durden is always claimed as byline. But the article itself/themselves have "Authored by...."  But you have to understand Tyler Durden is a character in the FIGHT CLUB movie. So is adopted as a PSEUDONYM.

Well... Let's say definition of "gutter" is relatively. It's in the eye of beholder (mostly if not always)., I have seen several and countless fabrications on CNN, NY, Washington post and others. Apart from having "good name" and being "newspapers of record" they are nothing but gutter stuff to brainwash sheeple into some direction.

You should visit ZeroHedge for few days then compare it's coverage and reality.

ZeroHedge is gutter. Complete with anonymous columnists. They have a tech blogger called "Tyler Durden" who unleashes on Tesla and SpaceX so often.

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2020, 07:10:21 PM »
Critiquing Tesla isn't a criteria for being gutter press. And no one has ever claimed ZeroHedge's Tyler Durden is not a pseudonym. Everyone knows it. And his real identity is known.

As i said.. Follow it for few days and pinpoint falsehoods or "ridiculous conspiracy theories" or anything untoward.

ZeroHedge is gutter. Complete with anonymous columnists. They have a tech blogger called "Tyler Durden" who unleashes on Tesla and SpaceX so often.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2020, 07:24:40 PM »
Mr Durden builds an army of delinquents who indulge in anti-social activities and criminality. Finally he blows up Wall Street to "reset the credit record." You see why the moniker is unsavory.

He was a delusional MPD. "Mr Durden has reconstructive surgery every three years" "Nobody knows what he looks like" "Is Mr Durden building an army?"

The columnist focuses on the Musk character and personality instead of the company's objective merits. He sees nothing but a roster of bears and shortsellers to quote. Mr Doom who the market never concurs with.
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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2020, 07:35:12 PM »
Nope. I cannot stomach Infowars. And if you compare Zerohedge to Infowars then you haven't paid much attention about them. You have paid attention to left drivel dismissing them as "ultra right conspiracies.." They are day and night apart.

Zerohedge has consistently proven to be credible. No weird theories except where reasonable source/justification exists. It highlights lots of stuff which US Ministry of Propaganda (left/liberal lying) media doesn't  or distort.

Check this credible portrayal of media bias/fact check. Do not rely on some website designed to reinforce official narrative under the guise of identifying "media bias.. IT'S anything but dependable or factual..

Then you must love infowars' "super truthiness" :-[

Just Facts peddles half-truths and right wing talking points.  James Presti is the owner and is also the author of Rational Conclusions, a meticulously researched and scholarly acclaimed book evidencing factual support for the Bible across a broad array of academic disciplines.  He is also a regular on Fox News.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2020, 02:57:31 PM »
Bloomberg millions have landed him no 3. Money can buy legitimacy... dude has not attended a single debate. Biden is kaput.
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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2020, 04:37:44 PM »
Bloomberg millions have landed him no 3. Money can buy legitimacy... dude has not attended a single debate. Biden is kaput.

I am having second thoughts on Biden.  He has been wallowing in his "front-runner" status and thinks that by itself should be enough to propel him to the White House.  He does not seem understand the desperation of Republicans, who know because of demographic change, they must rely on increasingly undemocratic methods to attain and maintain power.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

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Offline Garliv

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2020, 05:16:07 PM »
Biden surely? Incomprehensible, senile, hair-smelling creep? Biden time is over. He should have not have been in the race in the first place.
But its Democrats who are desperate and they know it. That's why they wanted Trump on most ridiculous Impeachment Charges ever. Unless Bernie is the nominee, Democrats are already down and out..

Bloomberg millions have landed him no 3. Money can buy legitimacy... dude has not attended a single debate. Biden is kaput.

I am having second thoughts on Biden.  He has been wallowing in his "front-runner" status and thinks that by itself should be enough to propel him to the White House.  He does not seem understand the desperation of Republicans, who know because of demographic change, they must rely on increasingly undemocratic methods to attain and maintain power.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2020, 07:54:58 PM »
Bloomberg millions have landed him no 3. Money can buy legitimacy... dude has not attended a single debate. Biden is kaput.

I am having second thoughts on Biden.  He has been wallowing in his "front-runner" status and thinks that by itself should be enough to propel him to the White House.  He does not seem understand the desperation of Republicans, who know because of demographic change, they must rely on increasingly undemocratic methods to attain and maintain power.

Buttigiege and Klobuchar have risen by surprise. The "moderate" lane is congested right now - poor Biden is badly squeezed. Sanders has it easy as a the certified "progressive". Trump calls him "Crazy Sanders". I get that most Democrats want a sober guy like Biden or Bloomberg. But I am for a radical... to avoid apathy ala Clinton. Biden is the boring establishment candidate now - Bloomberg is a Republican - the rest are 50 shades of the status quo. Buttigiege is a good bet.
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Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2020, 08:15:18 PM »
ZeroHedge is gutter. Complete with anonymous columnists. They have a tech blogger called "Tyler Durden" who unleashes on Tesla and SpaceX so often.

That is where white racists/nationalists  congregate. Their comments section is stormfront levels vitriol.

Garliv is Garlic on other nipate ? The notorious Trump ass kisser/russian troll.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2020, 09:57:47 PM »
If Bernie Sanders takes Nevada and South Carolina, Termie's hero Joe Biden will be kaput like Ruto. Funny how this race is a wazee affair. Pete B is 38 everyone else is in 70s

Poll: Sanders holds 19-point lead in Nevada
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Offline Georgesoros

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2020, 05:17:17 AM »
Independents seem to favor Bernie. Am in denial but Lets see mid March.
I saw Michael Moore campaigning for Bernie the other day and am in conversion therapy

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2020, 10:56:51 AM »
No shit there's a new fool called George soros :o
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #32 on: February 23, 2020, 11:02:39 AM »
Sanders wipes the floor with Ruto Biden
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2020, 11:39:54 PM »
Sanders seems unstoppable. Scored 47 v 19 Biden in Nevada. He is cleaning out Super Tuesday too. Biden and Bloomberg have to square out for no 2.

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2020, 09:20:25 AM »
Let me introduce you guys to a show that does actual analysis instead of establishment propaganda: It's Rising (on the channel 'The Hill')

I was not surprised by Nevada like those idiots on MSNBC because I've been watching their analysis for three weeks. They laughed off all the stablishment talking points and have been proven right EVERY SINGLE TIME.

1) MSM: 'Bernie wins Iowa (pop vote) and NH coz they're pure white. Wait till we get to diverse states then he'll be floored.'
-Rising said: Actually, Bernie's strength is among Minorities, so expect him to only get stronger once you move out of Iowa, NH.
Nevada shows they were right.

2) MSM: 'Bernie is winning coz moderates are splitting the moderate vote/lane'
-Rising said: Actually, there's no such thing as a 'moderate lane': it's a meme made up by pundits. Voters don't think like that, they think in terms of individual candidates and who they think will beat Trump for a good chunk. In fact, MOST voters list Bernie as their preferred second choice; both Biden and Warren voters, so assuming they'll congregate under one of them against Bernie is not based on any analysis: the 'moderate lane' vs 'progressive lane' don't exist.

3) MSM: 'Bernie has a ceiling: he can't grow his support/unite Democrats beyond his fringe hardcore support.'
-Rising said: Nonsense. The party base will begin jumping on board the ship of anyone who starts wracking up the wins; exactly as happened with Trump in the RNC process in 2016. It doesn't matter if that person is Bernie or Biden or Warren.

4) MSM: 'Joe Biden is prolly finished after NH.'
-Rising said: Don't count him out yet! If he squeaks out a second in Nevada, which he can, and a win in S.C., he'll struggle but will still be in play. His real problem is Super Tuesday: has not been campaigning well because of no money and poor ground-game, but MSM will give him a lot of airtime boost if he does well in S.C.

5) MSM: 'Bernie is not electable. Biden is, Warren is, Buttigiege etc.'
-Rising said: Bernie is the MOST electable. Why?

(1) He has beaten Trump by the highest margin in most head-to-head polls, of all the Dem candidates.

(2) He's the only one who speaks to the populist independent vote that gave Trump the edge over Hillary in the Rustbelt in 2016—They hate establishment candidates from both parties.

(3) He has the ground-game, comparable only to Trump 2016 and Obama 2008: the Get-the-vote-out game, that is. Biden in particular has very poor ground-game. Warren and Buttigiege have very good ground-game but no money. Plus, Warren's hiring former Hillary people who advised her to start turning back on M4All and start playing up Hillary's tired Identity politics 'I'm a woman' nonsense totally tanked her campaign. She and Biden were Bernie's only real competition b4 Bloomberg turned up with all his cash.Buttigiege has never been a threat because he has no minority support like Biden and Bernie. Elizabeth doesn't have minority support either but she had good crossover appeal that would've carried her if she had performed well in the first few states. Her real problem is she has been 4th/5th throughout.

(4) Not only can Bernie compete with Trump, his strategy is the only one that has a chance to beat him at his strength: Trump's strength is that older people, white people, and Republicans in general vote like their lives depend on it, whereas younger pple and minorities tend not to vote. 40% of the electorate stay home. Bernie isn't looking to convert Trumpians Blue, he's looking to turn out a vote base that normally doesn't vote: Latinos, Blacks, young people.

-Which is why his ground game counts a big deal but ALSO his message. They won't be turning out for milktoast status quo centrist, 'moderate' nonsense. They'll be turning out for college debt forgiveness and Medicare 4 all. Only middle class, educated White liberals (or middle-class liberals in general) will be turning out to the polls just to kick Trump out of office. For the poor working class, you need to give them something tangible, like Trump gave 'build the wall' and a few others to poor Whites on the Right.

(5) Besides Bloomberg, the rest have run out of money and have not been running ads or campaigning properly in the Super Tuesday states.  Bernie is flowing with cash: a huuuuuge war chest and all of it reflects grassroots support since he has refused to take anything but small donations. He has more money than anyone save Bloomberg.

I advise everyone not to rely on MSNBC (the WORST culprit), but also CNN and the other MSM. The only pple who have been seeing this clearly have been Fox, shockingly, only because they were comparing it to RNC 2016 and seeing the parallels, but even they have gotten a lot of stuff wrong. Watch Rising on the Hill, folks! You'll despise MSM very fast if you do because you'll watch them miss everything. They are not stupid, they are 'invested': they are millionaires who don't want to pay higher taxes. Rely on them at your peril. They've plain said they'd rather lose to Trump and try again in 2024 than have Bernie take over coz he'll change everything. (Chris Mathews). So if you're not on board with that, be aware that they are not in anyway neutral.

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2020, 11:08:24 AM »
MSM lies are not known to the 'moderate' voters and independents unfortunately. The fringe voters - Trump's redknecks and Bernie's students and hippies - are the ones that know and despise them. They are call "mainstream" for a reason.

You are right only Bernie or Warren can beat Trump. Warren has been swept aside so now we have Bernie. Joe Biden is another boring safe pair of hands like Hillary that creates no excitement and turnout.

The biggest risk for Bernie once he nails the primaries are

1. health - say another heart attack? At times he looks tired
2. he could outdo himself with radical policy and turn away independents. The way Jeremy Corbyn turned off people
3. Trump rabit tricks. He may have another "Build the wall" rallying cry to counter Bernie's populism
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2020, 11:11:20 AM »
Why do you think Fox are favorable to Bernie? Should they not be afraid?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Garliv

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2020, 01:44:32 PM »
There is no way Warren can beat Trump. Not even close. With her unfathomable maths. Her fake Indian bloodline. Her fake being denied or forced out of work cause of pregnancy etc etc would be utilised by Trump such that she won't even have a start.

Crazy Bernie is actually nuts. I don't understand his socialism brand and imagine am an African who believes it can work. Try selling that to Americans who equate Socialism with evil and you see how Trump team would make a mincemeat out of him. At least Bernie has ardently loyal supporters so they can stick with him through it all.
Finally even big shot Dems aka deep state aka Clinton/Obama machinery really loathe Bernie. They'd better let Trump win than see Bernie as President.

It's Clown Orangetan Guy for another 4yrs.

MSM lies are not known to the 'moderate' voters and independents unfortunately. The fringe voters - Trump's redknecks and Bernie's students and hippies - are the ones that know and despise them. They are call "mainstream" for a reason.

You are right only Bernie or Warren can beat Trump. Warren has been swept aside so now we have Bernie. Joe Biden is another boring safe pair of hands like Hillary that creates no excitement and turnout.

The biggest risk for Bernie once he nails the primaries are

1. health - say another heart attack? At times he looks tired
2. he could outdo himself with radical policy and turn away independents. The way Jeremy Corbyn turned off people
3. Trump rabit tricks. He may have another "Build the wall" rallying cry to counter Bernie's populism

Offline Garliv

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2020, 01:56:41 PM »
White racists/nationalist is a label. But check the content of what publish. It's far better informative than Leftists/Woke media who according to Candace Owen they exploit "Low IQs of Dems....." with lies and outright fantastical fiction.

2. I was for Trump when Killery was Dem nominee. Still believe Orange Guy is far better better than Killery. With Hitlerly the world would have even experienced nuclear war. A total psychopath who even drone-killer King Obama feared.

3. For Russia i think you refer to when they intervened to save Syria from US sponsored Jihadists. Whuch5i supported and time has proved us correct. Check at for progressive maps since Russia intervened to present. It's now Idlib province being cleansed of Jihadists as US and Turkey still support Jihadists. And of course Trump did away with PRETENSE of fighting ISIS and declared his work is to SECURE THE OIL. In short US never fight terrorism, it creates. So as to make it easier to steal other countries resources and wealth.

ZeroHedge is gutter. Complete with anonymous columnists. They have a tech blogger called "Tyler Durden" who unleashes on Tesla and SpaceX so often.

That is where white racists/nationalists  congregate. Their comments section is stormfront levels vitriol.

Garliv is Garlic on other nipate ? The notorious Trump ass kisser/russian troll.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: US Democrats Nominates like ODM
« Reply #39 on: February 26, 2020, 08:22:03 AM »
Why do you think Fox are favorable to Bernie? Should they not be afraid?

Trump was caught on tape admitting to being afraid of a Bernie faceoff. He has better political instincts than the Republican establishment who think screaming socialist will ensure no one will vote for Bernie. The problem is they have been calling every Dem that for years, it only works for the Red Base. If Bernie wins the nomination, the entire Dem voting base will get behind him and the establishment DNC media will have to at least pretend to be on board even while undermining him in other ways. Bernie is not trying to win over hardcore Trump pple. He knows it will never happen. What he's doing is making sure the unvoting base that leans blue and who would benefit from the social programs he's proposing, and that the establishment ignores turns up to vote. It's how Obama won in 2008; but Bernie is looking to go harder than him.