Author Topic: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea  (Read 11223 times)

Offline Omollo

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A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« on: September 04, 2017, 01:55:56 AM »
The country is divided down the middle. Whoever wins in November will face a hostile half of the country. We have to seriously think about talking to each other.

Right now NASA and Jubilee are talking but through megaphones. Each one is saying NO to Nusu Mkate. These "talks" should be structured. Even that John Kerry is a possible mediator.

I am just thinking aloud.

The IEBC is damaged. Jubilee is comfortable with it because it can control it. NASA is comfortable with the Judiciary but Jubilee is hell bent against it. Where shall we end? The IEBC just disobeyed court orders.

Parliament is illegitimate. It can't be trusted by NASA to transact business.

The wrong elections will be held. It is the parliamentary elections to come first.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2017, 02:17:47 AM »
In about 2 months somebody will be declared a winner.   Then life will go on.
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline Kichwa

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2017, 02:40:54 AM »
Kenya is changing very quickly and one cannot assume that everything is going to be ok and life will go on as usual. I watched the NASA crowd to day and Jubilee crowds yesterday and its amazing how quickly the youth is getting radicalized.  The speakers are cheered on the more extreme their utterances are.  The NASA crowd want to hear from Joho and Babu Owino and Oururuto are cheered on when they issue threats and insult to the judiciary. Everybody is claiming that they are men and will not be tishwad.  One cannot therefore claim that all you need is for ouru or Raila to win and people will fall on line.  Responsible leaders are those who manage change so that it does not consume all of us.

In about 2 months somebody will be declared a winner.   Then life will go on.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2017, 03:11:55 AM »
Kenya is changing very quickly and one cannot assume that everything is going to be ok and life will go on as usual. I watched the NASA crowd to day and Jubilee crowds yesterday and its amazing how quickly the youth is getting radicalized.  The speakers are cheered on the more extreme their utterances are.  The NASA crowd want to hear from Joho and Babu Owino and Oururuto are cheered on when they issue threats and insult to the judiciary. Everybody is claiming that they are men and will not be tishwad.  One cannot therefore claim that all you need is for ouru or Raila to win and people will fall on line.  Responsible leaders are those who manage change so that it does not consume all of us.

Kenya is indeed changing, but so is everything everywhere in the world.  Some things might even be changing quickly in Kenya.   But there is little change where there really needs to be change.   For example, I'm sure I can safely count on things like "our man", "eating", crappy services from the government, a general cluelessness from those in power .... for some years to come. 

The "youth" are getting excited by "extreme utterances"?  They are mostly unemployed idlers looking to kill time, get some free soft drinks and mandazis at these events, get a few shillings to go beat up people on the other side, and so on.   The "smarter" ones among them are busy "hustling" or on the market to be "sponsored".   Today's youth in Kenya are largely a sad lot. Even the universities no longer produce intelligent, thoughtful protest or commentary on where things are and where they might be going.    No, sir; you aren't going to get anything even remotely resembling a hint at revolution from this lot. 

On real men not being "tishwad", huge crowds are the best place to be tough.   Everyone has "makende mbili",  and big ones too.  Until someone gives them a hard kick, with a "mta do?". Historically, Kenyans have never been good at responding to any number of "mta do"s.   Real suckers so punishment. 

SO, I'm pretty confident that very little will change.   If Jubilee wins, then Kenyans can expect to get what they have been getting, but "taken to the next level".   If NASA wins, Kenyans can expect to get the same sort of crap, but at a slower "start-up" pace.  And the "radical youth" will keep getting exactly the same rear-end tarimbo that they are getting right now   
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline Georgesoros

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2017, 04:20:44 AM »
Poor leadership has brought all this,,
Kibaki was aged but he was focused

Kenya is changing very quickly and one cannot assume that everything is going to be ok and life will go on as usual. I watched the NASA crowd to day and Jubilee crowds yesterday and its amazing how quickly the youth is getting radicalized.  The speakers are cheered on the more extreme their utterances are.  The NASA crowd want to hear from Joho and Babu Owino and Oururuto are cheered on when they issue threats and insult to the judiciary. Everybody is claiming that they are men and will not be tishwad.  One cannot therefore claim that all you need is for ouru or Raila to win and people will fall on line.  Responsible leaders are those who manage change so that it does not consume all of us.

Kenya is indeed changing, but so is everything everywhere in the world.  Some things might even be changing quickly in Kenya.   But there is little change where there really needs to be change.   For example, I'm sure I can safely count on things like "our man", "eating", crappy services from the government, a general cluelessness from those in power .... for some years to come. 

The "youth" are getting excited by "extreme utterances"?  They are mostly unemployed idlers looking to kill time, get some free soft drinks and mandazis at these events, get a few shillings to go beat up people on the other side, and so on.   The "smarter" ones among them are busy "hustling" or on the market to be "sponsored".   Today's youth in Kenya are largely a sad lot. Even the universities no longer produce intelligent, thoughtful protest or commentary on where things are and where they might be going.    No, sir; you aren't going to get anything even remotely resembling a hint at revolution from this lot. 

On real men not being "tishwad", huge crowds are the best place to be tough.   Everyone has "makende mbili",  and big ones too.  Until someone gives them a hard kick, with a "mta do?". Historically, Kenyans have never been good at responding to any number of "mta do"s.   Real suckers so punishment. 

SO, I'm pretty confident that very little will change.   If Jubilee wins, then Kenyans can expect to get what they have been getting, but "taken to the next level".   If NASA wins, Kenyans can expect to get the same sort of crap, but at a slower "start-up" pace.  And the "radical youth" will keep getting exactly the same rear-end tarimbo that they are getting right now   

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2017, 04:36:12 AM »

Yes, sad.   And I forgot to add that the Babu Owino that the "radical youth" are supposedly clamouring to hear from is a fine example of what what is today wrong with the country and the youth ("leaders of the next generation").    The success of this little flake will no doubt "inspire" countless youth, but it is a really  really bad example for them.
MOON Ki  is  Muli Otieno Otiende Njoroge arap Kiprotich
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Offline Kadame7

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2017, 06:07:21 AM »
It's a very bad idea.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2017, 06:18:43 AM »
Moon Ki, I do not think Omollo nor I are  necessarily predicting a revolution, but we are talking about an escalation in the political discourse which could easily lead to violence, plunge the country into chaos and make it ungovernable such as the  2008 PEV or worse.  You cannot sit here and rule all that out cavalierly as if somehow you have travelled into the future and knows for a fact that a Rwanda or Somali will never happen in Kenya. 

Poor leadership has brought all this,,
Kibaki was aged but he was focused

Kenya is changing very quickly and one cannot assume that everything is going to be ok and life will go on as usual. I watched the NASA crowd to day and Jubilee crowds yesterday and its amazing how quickly the youth is getting radicalized.  The speakers are cheered on the more extreme their utterances are.  The NASA crowd want to hear from Joho and Babu Owino and Oururuto are cheered on when they issue threats and insult to the judiciary. Everybody is claiming that they are men and will not be tishwad.  One cannot therefore claim that all you need is for ouru or Raila to win and people will fall on line.  Responsible leaders are those who manage change so that it does not consume all of us.

Kenya is indeed changing, but so is everything everywhere in the world.  Some things might even be changing quickly in Kenya.   But there is little change where there really needs to be change.   For example, I'm sure I can safely count on things like "our man", "eating", crappy services from the government, a general cluelessness from those in power .... for some years to come. 

The "youth" are getting excited by "extreme utterances"?  They are mostly unemployed idlers looking to kill time, get some free soft drinks and mandazis at these events, get a few shillings to go beat up people on the other side, and so on.   The "smarter" ones among them are busy "hustling" or on the market to be "sponsored".   Today's youth in Kenya are largely a sad lot. Even the universities no longer produce intelligent, thoughtful protest or commentary on where things are and where they might be going.    No, sir; you aren't going to get anything even remotely resembling a hint at revolution from this lot. 

On real men not being "tishwad", huge crowds are the best place to be tough.   Everyone has "makende mbili",  and big ones too.  Until someone gives them a hard kick, with a "mta do?". Historically, Kenyans have never been good at responding to any number of "mta do"s.   Real suckers so punishment. 

SO, I'm pretty confident that very little will change.   If Jubilee wins, then Kenyans can expect to get what they have been getting, but "taken to the next level".   If NASA wins, Kenyans can expect to get the same sort of crap, but at a slower "start-up" pace.  And the "radical youth" will keep getting exactly the same rear-end tarimbo that they are getting right now   
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Kadame7

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2017, 07:02:37 AM »
A Rwanda/Somali is the inevitable conclusion of polarized tribal politics. But I don't see how a fake unity called a govt of national unity is the solution. If that is the talk within NASA, I will tell you right now its gonna be badly received. You might as well just admit defeat right now. I for one see no reason why I should support a party seeking nusu mkate. Are we for structural changes or securing positions for NASA principals and others? If its the positions they want they can look for them on their own. No need to take us all along for the ride.

Pope Francis' wishy washy "spirituality" has set me and many on a path of spiritual confusion/crisis/rethinking our association with the Catholic Church because it makes you question whether you were sold an empty bag of hot air in the first place. Look, you must be able to show people that you yourself believe the claims you have sold your followers if you want them to follow your leadership.

Many of us support Raila consistently because we GENUINELY believe certain things: like the fact that he has been treated unfairly by a no-good shadowy elite of one group. We want fairness and we also believe that the enmity from these cartels are indication that Raila himself can be trusted to take us closer to rather than further away from the functional institutionalized integral governance we seek than others, even if he only does so simply by respecting institutions and not interfering. I can see civil society and other focusses of important structural change thrive rather than merely survive under his tenure, if nothing else.

If this nusu mkate business starts, it will show us more than anything that NASA themselves don't believe they won the election or that they are capable of winning it. Please, if this are ideas coming from within tell them they are going to lose far more support than they can gain advantages.

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2017, 07:58:10 AM »
The idea of nusu mkate would never cross NASWA if they had numbers in parliament. However colorful the message is packaged, beneath it is real fear of a lame duck presidency.

We are reminded that Kibaki had a minority in 2007 but hey conveniently forget that Kalonzo brought in some numbers before the NARA. Right now, NASWA is hopelessly outnumbered and they know it.

I know there are fantasies of an 'avalanche of petitions' that overturns the Jubilee CGLs but I doubt it. Petitions are bloody expensive and this CGL seems to me more like a hollow campaign slogan. Deadline for petitions is tomorrow, and I predict there won't be no 'avalanche' just a slight uptick

NASWA intends to sponsor 62 petitions not certain of the areas or elections. I've heard the idea is to keep Jubilee winners busy with the petition to distract them from campaigning for the rerun.

Clever negroes :lolz:
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2017, 11:37:39 AM »
Just agree on a reformed IEBC without Chiloba and get on with it. People have to learn to appreciate democracy. A lameduck president is actually rather good. It means for once the president will not be able to lineup his cronies in the executive without compromise. In any case so long as this is what Kenyans choose there is no problem with it.
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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2017, 11:50:09 AM »
If Raila wins, current jubilant MPs from non-bedrock jubilant areas will have more incentive and leeway to work with NASA and even defy the wishes of the jubilant party itself.  It's just how it works in Kenya.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #13 on: September 04, 2017, 12:00:08 PM »
If Raila wins, current jubilant MPs from non-bedrock jubilant areas will have more incentive and leeway to work with NASA and even defy the wishes of the jubilant party itself.  It's just how it works in Kenya.

Exactly. So no need of nusu mkate nonsense. We need to be able to tell who messed up or did what in 2022. Also the executive would have the face of Kenya instead of kabila mbili.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2017, 12:30:10 PM »
Hahahah. Someobody knows they have no path to victory. NO NUSU MKATE Please. Let us have the fairest, freesest, the most credible election even ran by UN - and let us have ONE WINNER. Surely it's not impossible to hold presidential election - it gonna be easy with six ballots.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2017, 12:33:00 PM »
Yes I am glad NASA are making reasonable demands. Chiloba and entire secretariat should hand over to their assistants.There is no time to recruit afresh. Those assistant should step up and hold the election under guidance of current IEBC commissioners - who were selected 7 months ago - in a fair process.
Just agree on a reformed IEBC without Chiloba and get on with it. People have to learn to appreciate democracy. A lameduck president is actually rather good. It means for once the president will not be able to lineup his cronies in the executive without compromise. In any case so long as this is what Kenyans choose there is no problem with it.

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2017, 12:34:53 PM »
Kweli. All we need is a free, fair and transparent election. Who ever wins will get my support even if it is not my preferred candidate.

In about 2 months somebody will be declared a winner.   Then life will go on.

Offline Omollo

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2017, 06:11:03 PM »
This is what I was talking about. People whether in NASA or Jubilee who look at the middle ground as capitulation.

Pundit what numbers does Uhuru have? If he had them why all the rigging and use of County commissioners to take over and run IEBC in Central and RV? Anybody who knows he has the numbers would have ensured that the election process and systems were so foolproof, transparents open, credible and verifiable that not even St. Peters would find a fault! It is a well known fact that Jubilee has tried everything to tilt the IEBC to work for it. The court determined that much so you need not dump your percentages on us anymore.

Here it is:
(i) As to whether the 2017 Presidential Election was conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Constitution and the law relating to elections, upon considering inter alia Articles 10, 38, 81 and 86 of the Constitution as well as, Sections 39(1C), 44, 44A and 83 of the Elections Act, the decision of the court is that the 1st Respondent failed, neglected or refused to conduct the Presidential Election in a Presidential Election Petition No.1 of 2017 -3- manner consistent with the dictates of the Constitution and inter alia the Elections Act, Chapter 7 of the Laws of Kenya.

How do you propose to have the elections you describe below when the only constitutionally mandated body to conduct such elections has been found wanting by the highest court in the land?

At the bottom of your exuberance lies the obvious belief and desire that Jubilee will rig even better and not be caught or if caught there will be no stomach to bring another case before the courts.

This is the same argument that I heard stupid NASA advisers tell Raila that Uhuru and Ruto will not order killings because of the ICC shadow. I told them they will steal and kill as easily as Uhuru did in 2008. As usual i regretted being so right!

If Uhuru tries to steal the country will move away from PEV to civil war. Trust me. The killings in Kisumu, Siaya, Homabay, Busia, Bungoma, South Nyanza have reduced the power of Raila to tame the youth. Entering people's homes to commit Pharaonic Androcide was the last straw. No parent can tell a young man to stay home and not go out there to look for trouble when his brother did just that and ended up in a bo9dy bag in Lake Victoria or eaten by fish.
Moderate your views. Nobody can doubt my views about the Kikuyu intelligentsia but here I am having weighed the options and finding only bloodshed lasting over 100 years. I hope you know how long the Somalia war has lasted. How many people who were your current age when it broke out in 1988 are still alive in Somalia Mr. Pundit?

Hint: Somalia Life Expectancy: 55.69 years (2015) - and falling
Hahahah. Someobody knows they have no path to victory. NO NUSU MKATE Please. Let us have the fairest, freesest, the most credible election even ran by UN - and let us have ONE WINNER. Surely it's not impossible to hold presidential election - it gonna be easy with six ballots.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2017, 06:24:36 PM »
In 2008, the violence had already occurred, there was no mechanism for holding a repeat elections and GNU was a ceasefire solution.  Now it is exactly the opposite, there is no violence except for the one committed by the government, there is a mechanism in place to repeat the elections and there is no political will or desire to form a GNU.

This is what I was talking about. People whether in NASA or Jubilee who look at the middle ground as capitulation.

Pundit what numbers does Uhuru have? If he had them why all the rigging and use of County commissioners to take over and run IEBC in Central and RV? Anybody who knows he has the numbers would have ensured that the election process and systems were so foolproof, transparents open, credible and verifiable that not even St. Peters would find a fault! It is a well known fact that Jubilee has tried everything to tilt the IEBC to work for it. The court determined that much so you need not dump your percentages on us anymore.

Here it is:
(i) As to whether the 2017 Presidential Election was conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Constitution and the law relating to elections, upon considering inter alia Articles 10, 38, 81 and 86 of the Constitution as well as, Sections 39(1C), 44, 44A and 83 of the Elections Act, the decision of the court is that the 1st Respondent failed, neglected or refused to conduct the Presidential Election in a Presidential Election Petition No.1 of 2017 -3- manner consistent with the dictates of the Constitution and inter alia the Elections Act, Chapter 7 of the Laws of Kenya.

How do you propose to have the elections you describe below when the only constitutionally mandated body to conduct such elections has been found wanting by the highest court in the land?

At the bottom of your exuberance lies the obvious belief and desire that Jubilee will rig even better and not be caught or if caught there will be no stomach to bring another case before the courts.

This is the same argument that I heard stupid NASA advisers tell Raila that Uhuru and Ruto will not order killings because of the ICC shadow. I told them they will steal and kill as easily as Uhuru did in 2008. As usual i regretted being so right!

If Uhuru tries to steal the country will move away from PEV to civil war. Trust me. The killings in Kisumu, Siaya, Homabay, Busia, Bungoma, South Nyanza have reduced the power of Raila to tame the youth. Entering people's homes to commit Pharaonic Androcide was the last straw. No parent can tell a young man to stay home and not go out there to look for trouble when his brother did just that and ended up in a bo9dy bag in Lake Victoria or eaten by fish.
Moderate your views. Nobody can doubt my views about the Kikuyu intelligentsia but here I am having weighed the options and finding only bloodshed lasting over 100 years. I hope you know how long the Somalia war has lasted. How many people who were your current age when it broke out in 1988 are still alive in Somalia Mr. Pundit?

Hint: Somalia Life Expectancy: 55.69 years (2015) - and falling
Hahahah. Someobody knows they have no path to victory. NO NUSU MKATE Please. Let us have the fairest, freesest, the most credible election even ran by UN - and let us have ONE WINNER. Surely it's not impossible to hold presidential election - it gonna be easy with six ballots.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Kadame7

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Re: A National Unity Government Is Not A Bad Idea
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2017, 06:35:58 PM »
In 2008, the violence had already occurred, there was no mechanism for holding a repeat elections and GNU was a ceasefire solution.  Now it is exactly the opposite, there is no violence except for the one committed by the government, there is a mechanism in place to repeat the elections and there is no political will or desire to form a GNU.

Agreed. 2008 crisis basically saw us "suspend" the constitution, create interim mechanisms, and only subsequently legalize them through the usual mechanisms. As many people often say, law is the first casualty of war, and that's what happened in 2008 for a short while.