Author Topic: The Making Of Wanjigi  (Read 6725 times)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #60 on: January 20, 2022, 10:56:18 AM »
Very good. Practise mapema and rehearse kalenjin matusi. When Ruto become PORK - I am sure we will hear about our big white teeth and our black skin. If you drank enough milk like we do - you wont have weak bow legs, weak brown teeth and weak body stature.

Behold the genius computer pundit at every conversation his genius trick is bribing.
You need mental recalibration,if this is how Moi kickbacks and corruption have gotten to your round soot big white teeth head then you are beyond any redemption.
Any solution to you starts and ends with corruption. Moi university graduate
Take it as complement. Do you know racist Chinese in their toothpaste adverts use black people and white teeth as their models and  say if you want strong white teeth like a black person then use this toothpaste  :D
You confusing Merus with Okuyu. Merys don't have brown teeth or bow legs luckily our genes are mixed up so we have best of nilotes cushites and bantu

Offline Kadudu

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #61 on: January 20, 2022, 11:24:31 AM »
It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #62 on: January 20, 2022, 11:50:32 AM »
I think both side realize they need each other to govern and rule successfully.
It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #63 on: January 20, 2022, 12:40:28 PM »

RV is a Nyayoist. He is more of ODM (80%) than U.D.A. ( 20%)
Ruto would never ever keep him close. He would open his mouth and chase Ruto supporters.

It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #64 on: January 20, 2022, 01:06:07 PM »
I am pundit. Dispassionate political and social analyst. I am not a Ruto cow. Why do you think I am close or wish to be close to Ruto. I would hate to sacrifice my beliefs just to make politician happy.

I support Ruto but not dogmatically like you do.

And if you're expecting because you support Ruto - I will be nice to you - forget it. I am only nice to nice people.

Ruto UDA is mass movement - it carries everyone - and that is nature of politics.

RV is a Nyayoist. He is more of ODM (80%) than U.D.A. ( 20%)
Ruto would never ever keep him close. He would open his mouth and chase Ruto supporters.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #65 on: January 20, 2022, 02:15:00 PM »

RV is a Nyayoist. He is more of ODM (80%) than U.D.A. ( 20%)
Ruto would never ever keep him close. He would open his mouth and chase Ruto supporters.

It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.
Well said he lives in the 90s no question he admires and longs for Moi era. He is a good guy though I like keeping him entertained

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #66 on: January 20, 2022, 03:03:08 PM »

Good guy but not real. He talks of war as a tough guy, when you ask him lets meet for a drink he chickens out.

RV is a Nyayoist. He is more of ODM (80%) than U.D.A. ( 20%)
Ruto would never ever keep him close. He would open his mouth and chase Ruto supporters.

It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.
Well said he lives in the 90s no question he admires and longs for Moi era. He is a good guy though I like keeping him entertained

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #67 on: January 20, 2022, 03:11:03 PM »
I dont talk war. I hate war and violence. I predict things like war though. You need people like me to predict 2007 like stuff before it happens.
Good guy but not real. He talks of war as a tough guy, when you ask him lets meet for a drink he chickens out.

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #68 on: January 20, 2022, 03:16:35 PM »
In 2007 I was the only one who said there is going to be war. Its on record. The war ended up being between Police forces and stone throwers in slums and Kisumu.
If there is going to be any war trust me , you will hear it first hand from me.
Ruto is not that dumb to fall into the war trap and destroy his chances of 2022 elections. Matiangi and ODM  ans dare I say you are really hoping and trying hard for a war scenario.

I dont talk war. I hate war and violence. I predict things like war though. You need people like me to predict 2007 like stuff before it happens.
Good guy but not real. He talks of war as a tough guy, when you ask him lets meet for a drink he chickens out.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #69 on: January 20, 2022, 04:34:27 PM »
You're dumb. Of course such war will only happen if 1) Ruto is rigged 2) Koome is compromised. 2007 war was easy to predict because it was clearly ODM were not going to supreme court.
In 2007 I was the only one who said there is going to be war. Its on record. The war ended up being between Police forces and stone throwers in slums and Kisumu.
If there is going to be any war trust me , you will hear it first hand from me.
Ruto is not that dumb to fall into the war trap and destroy his chances of 2022 elections. Matiangi and ODM  ans dare I say you are really hoping and trying hard for a war scenario.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #70 on: January 20, 2022, 04:55:25 PM »

Good guy but not real. He talks of war as a tough guy, when you ask him lets meet for a drink he chickens out.

RV is a Nyayoist. He is more of ODM (80%) than U.D.A. ( 20%)
Ruto would never ever keep him close. He would open his mouth and chase Ruto supporters.

It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.
Well said he lives in the 90s no question he admires and longs for Moi era. He is a good guy though I like keeping him entertained
Pundit is a softie that I know you can tell by his couch potato antics not well versed with field manenos but relying solely on books and internet at times bar talk for reference. But guys like Pundit make most potent propagandists and inciters. He is more less kinda itumbi fellow
But you once exposed him which was very wrong

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2022, 05:19:43 PM »
If I want to expose him for real .I can  but then again for what gains. He entertains us here .

I Will tell you of a story , Back in 2012 -2014 Late OO spotted me several times at different places he had to DM me to ask if Im a Govnt agent . I calmed his nerves and later he used to refer to me as his good friend.


Good guy but not real. He talks of war as a tough guy, when you ask him lets meet for a drink he chickens out.

RV is a Nyayoist. He is more of ODM (80%) than U.D.A. ( 20%)
Ruto would never ever keep him close. He would open his mouth and chase Ruto supporters.

It seems this UDA fraternity is already at civil war even before the elections have taken place. What I know is the Kikuyu/Kalejin alliance will not hold even if Ruto wins the elections.
Well said he lives in the 90s no question he admires and longs for Moi era. He is a good guy though I like keeping him entertained
Pundit is a softie that I know you can tell by his couch potato antics not well versed with field manenos but relying solely on books and internet at times bar talk for reference. But guys like Pundit make most potent propagandists and inciters. He is more less kinda itumbi fellow
But you once exposed him which was very wrong

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #72 on: January 20, 2022, 05:23:43 PM »

In 2007 the ingridients of war were too much thatvit was obvious there was going to be a war. Intelligence information also leaked before hand and also Kibaki was not ready to use Military..
Months later he used them against Mt Elgon defense forces ame crashed the militant group in amatter of days.
Right now things are very different.
You're dumb. Of course such war will only happen if 1) Ruto is rigged 2) Koome is compromised. 2007 war was easy to predict because it was clearly ODM were not going to supreme court.
In 2007 I was the only one who said there is going to be war. Its on record. The war ended up being between Police forces and stone throwers in slums and Kisumu.
If there is going to be any war trust me , you will hear it first hand from me.
Ruto is not that dumb to fall into the war trap and destroy his chances of 2022 elections. Matiangi and ODM  ans dare I say you are really hoping and trying hard for a war scenario.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #73 on: January 20, 2022, 05:35:07 PM »
You dont know me. Eti I am teacher at some school :).  Me and my brains being a teacher :) in primary school. Many folks know me here. My story is well known. I dont hide myself because I dont have anything to hide. If you misunderstand my punditry for my personal opinion - hiyo shida yako.
So you're the Kamale or Kamau that use to torment Luos in Jukwaa?.
If I want to expose him for real .I can  but then again for what gains. He entertains us here .

I Will tell you of a story , Back in 2012 -2014 Late OO spotted me several times at different places he had to DM me to ask if Im a Govnt agent . I calmed his nerves and later he used to refer to me as his good friend.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2022, 05:42:57 PM »
There was no pre-planned violence therefore no intelligence. Dont lie to yourself. Kibaki like you now thought RV were going to stomach the rigging and basically his plan was to deal with Luos. He knew Luos would protest violently and he prepared well for that - sending thousands of GSU to Nairobi and Kisumu slums.

Like you now - he never saw the volcano in RV erupting - and before he realized it - it was over and done.

Again I am warning you - understand Kalenjin - and understand Ruto.

Kalenjin are ever ready for war. It's just a question of when. Ruto basically has to just say I am rigged and the supreme court is compromised. HIYO TU. He can take a flight to Hague and watch the scene unfold in Khan office for REAL ALIBI. Kalenjin traditional war infrastructure will be activated and the war will erupt.

Mt Elgon committed a big mistake - it was essentially civil war btw Sabaots - they as kalenjin say eating their own intestines - and therefore Kalenjin were very happy with Kibaki and KDF to deal with them.

Kalenjin really value unity - and what saves Mois & my father in PNU - was that restraint that you cannnot attack another Kalenjin - you cannot steal from another kalenjin - it consider a big sin - because kalejin have dual sin system - to kill or steal from a foreigner is not big deal - but to steal a kalenjin cow or kill a kalenjin is considered inter-generation curse that entire clan has to pay or they will suffer. So there is a lot of Kalenjin unity and harmony - and this also help in stuff like internal defense.

I am going to be the LAST PERSON to lie to people at risk of their life to stay put in 2022 august -  stay on your toes - Kalenjin will NOT start war until they know it's over - like the voting has ended completely - 1st and 2nd round - supreme court has ended - then if they feel injustice - gov had better be ready and potential victim had better be ready to quickly move away. This time round potential victim could be 1992 - not 2007.

Dont wait to be found nabbing - Kalenjin mobilize in very very short time - matters of hours - and cause destruction in matters of hours - then they go back to farming like nothing happened.

Read Akiwumi report vizuri of 1992 and then Waki report of 2007. It volcanic eruption that is quickly mobilized and de-mobilized if objective has been achieved.

Kalenjin were the only people in East Africa that settled sparsely - one or two families living in a ridge - not in manyattas or in huge villages like other tribes - because of that internal defense mechanism - that can rapidly respond to war cry!!! It also one reason kalenjin dont like urban areas...

I have seen in Nairobi and other places that someone calls for help at night or day by wailing and nobody respond - Kalenjin the moment they hear a wail - they respond with everything they have - dogs, weapons and name . It almost impossible a thief can escape. If you dont respond - you will only be asked one question - did you hear the cry for help or wailing? then why did you not respond?

I dont say this because I want war - I say this to warn 1) Uhuru and company 2) potential victims

War will start immediately Ruto raises a cry for help. He just need to wail hapo KICC that NIMEIBWO! Kalenjin will respond immediately - no sooner would the press conference be done - than first destruction will start.

That is what makes Ruto incredibly powerful...he can mobilize 7m kalenjin by just wailing.

In 2007 the ingridients of war were too much thatvit was obvious there was going to be a war. Intelligence information also leaked before hand and also Kibaki was not ready to use Military..
Months later he used them against Mt Elgon defense forces ame crashed the militant group in amatter of days.
Right now things are very different.
You're dumb. Of course such war will only happen if 1) Ruto is rigged 2) Koome is compromised. 2007 war was easy to predict because it was clearly ODM were not going to supreme court.
In 2007 I was the only one who said there is going to be war. Its on record. The war ended up being between Police forces and stone throwers in slums and Kisumu.
If there is going to be any war trust me , you will hear it first hand from me.
Ruto is not that dumb to fall into the war trap and destroy his chances of 2022 elections. Matiangi and ODM  ans dare I say you are really hoping and trying hard for a war scenario.

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #75 on: January 20, 2022, 06:42:12 PM »

Trust Me RV I know you very well. If I didnt I would just go to 2005  U.O.N IT graduates and look for Anyonas son class and match you up. Similarly I know you are an IT expert and you can fish me out.
Heck you hacked I.C.C. and still they couldnt even prove you did it.
Then again it will just kill this forum .
Im nowayhaha or Mangwata as they used to call me in Mashada.

You dont know me. Eti I am teacher at some school :).  Me and my brains being a teacher :) in primary school. Many folks know me here. My story is well known. I dont hide myself because I dont have anything to hide. If you misunderstand my punditry for my personal opinion - hiyo shida yako.
So you're the Kamale or Kamau that use to torment Luos in Jukwaa?.
If I want to expose him for real .I can  but then again for what gains. He entertains us here .

I Will tell you of a story , Back in 2012 -2014 Late OO spotted me several times at different places he had to DM me to ask if Im a Govnt agent . I calmed his nerves and later he used to refer to me as his good friend.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #76 on: January 20, 2022, 07:02:55 PM »
And you think UON Computer Science graduate can go and become teacher? Dude by 3rd year I was working - by 4th year I was already working for international org.It's crazy you think lowly of me - my own classmates are Proffesors and Phd holders teaching universities all over the world - but here I am teaching primary kids - are you crazy or what.UON comp sci - those kids had brains - :)  dont ever call us IT :) hiyo ni watu ya Kenyatta university or MKU or sijui gani.

Trust Me RV I know you very well. If I didnt I would just go to 2005  U.O.N IT graduates and look for Anyonas son class and match you up. Similarly I know you are an IT expert and you can fish me out.
Heck you hacked I.C.C. and still they couldnt even prove you did it.
Then again it will just kill this forum .

Online Nowayhaha

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #77 on: January 20, 2022, 07:17:13 PM »

And what is wrong being a Primary Teacher ? Those International School Teachers earn more than the Proffs you are praising .
Wewe shida yako ni Kiburi na unhealthy competition . Sasa what has MKU and KU done. Computer Science , IT, IS, Computer Engineering are all the same whatsup group.
You are not exceptional as you always want people to believe .

And you think UON Computer Science graduate can go and become teacher? Dude by 3rd year I was working - by 4th year I was already working for international org.It's crazy you think lowly of me - my own classmates are Proffesors and Phd holders teaching universities all over the world - but here I am teaching primary kids - are you crazy or what.UON comp sci - those kids had brains - :)  dont ever call us IT :) hiyo ni watu ya Kenyatta university or MKU or sijui gani.

Trust Me RV I know you very well. If I didnt I would just go to 2005  U.O.N IT graduates and look for Anyonas son class and match you up. Similarly I know you are an IT expert and you can fish me out.
Heck you hacked I.C.C. and still they couldnt even prove you did it.
Then again it will just kill this forum .

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #78 on: January 20, 2022, 07:23:46 PM »
I am.
You are not exceptional as you always want people to believe .

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #79 on: January 20, 2022, 07:34:39 PM »
I am.
You are not exceptional as you always want people to believe .
Pundit either you are a teacher or have some connections with an international school but most likely wewe ni mwalimu.
Be proud and cease being a know it all