Author Topic: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act  (Read 5217 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2022, 07:25:43 AM »

Rv unlike RVHH you are more of atypical Raila voter. I am a Ruto voter. You have even supported Raila in 2007. Your narrative is pro Raila.
You can see what you have written below is just so ODMish.
Ruto is a good man but some Rvs like you think once he is in power its their time to eat. We saw how St Mary boys did in Uhurus govt and its something we are worried about.
In real world Ruto would disown you .The way you talk scares away potential voters . It stinks ODM.

You have your own issues and seeing your own ghosts. You are yet to recover from Ndichu debacle. I have never advocated for any graft. I also dont ever recall RVHH ever doing the same. You're are just jealous because RVHH is in kitchen cabinet of Ruto being close family member - otherwise the guy has always been a man of integrity - and has never advocated for any graft.

In any case the blue corner is Raila and red corner is Ruto :) :) :) - hapo uko na shida rafiki :) - most of your hardline kikuyu diehards are probably not going to vote because power is slipping down your tribal gods hands.

Dont expect me to plead or beg your vote :) -  vote Raila if you want - we already have more than enough votes in UDA

Ruto is an honourable person but not a push over. Raila is even worse. If you wanted a poodle - try Kalonzo or maDVD.

Finally support Ruto like I do with some conviction. I believe Ruto is most qualified candidate - our kagame/museveni/meles - and I am very excited about the prospect of his PORK - he will transform kenya because he is very brilliant, very hardworking and has natural leadership abilities.

The only worry people have is the RVs taking us  back to Mois era once Ruto wins. I never had such fears but seeing how both Rvs are talking Im starting to think where as St Mary boys were doing business with Govt . RV boys will take money straight from central bank.
As for Raila he is a gone case. He is not a threat.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2022, 07:32:18 AM »
Ruto was part of ODM - the engine in ODM in 2007. I know you want to own and posses Ruto. I have never claimed to know Ruto or be an insider
 - RVHH ndio deep state . I have never seen Ruto up and close except almost at night when building near nation was burning - and I saw him and Uhuru plus some Mps walking along kimathi street to parliament. I dont need Ruto to help me in anything personal.

Rv unlike RVHH you are more of atypical Raila voter. I am a Ruto voter. You have even supported Raila in 2007. Your narrative is pro Raila.
You can see what you have written below is just so ODMish.
Ruto is a good man but some Rvs like you think once he is in power its their time to eat. We saw how St Mary boys did in Uhurus govt and its something we are worried about.
In real world Ruto would disown you .The way you talk scares away potential voters . It stinks ODM.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2022, 09:05:35 AM »

Everyone was ODM same like everyone was KANU. My point is in ODM even then there were factions . You exhibit typical ODM Railas Characteristics.
Just look at the hubris you exhibit. I dont have to own Ruto .I have all all along being on his side in 2002,2010,2013,2017 with exception of 2005 and 2007 because he was forced to be with Raila. And I will freely say if he decides to join hands with Raila for 2022 I will look for alternative . Uhuru joined hands with Raila and together we deserted him. If supporting is owning I am guilty as charged.
You can hide but not escape . You are on record defending claims that Raila was rigged in 2007 where as facts indicate he was defeated fair and square. Even Ruto has said it point blank Raila was defeated. Now tell me not you arent a Railalite ?

Ruto was part of ODM - the engine in ODM in 2007. I know you want to own and posses Ruto. I have never claimed to know Ruto or be an insider
 - RVHH ndio deep state . I have never seen Ruto up and close except almost at night when building near nation was burning - and I saw him and Uhuru plus some Mps walking along kimathi street to parliament. I dont need Ruto to help me in anything personal.

Rv unlike RVHH you are more of atypical Raila voter. I am a Ruto voter. You have even supported Raila in 2007. Your narrative is pro Raila.
You can see what you have written below is just so ODMish.
Ruto is a good man but some Rvs like you think once he is in power its their time to eat. We saw how St Mary boys did in Uhurus govt and its something we are worried about.
In real world Ruto would disown you .The way you talk scares away potential voters . It stinks ODM.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2022, 09:14:06 AM »
I have supported Kibaki from 92 to 2005 - joined ODM in 2006 or around till 2008 - then have been in camp Ruto. I started noticing Ruto as precocious political talent in 2001.

Raila and ODM have NEVER BEEN MY KIND OF GUYS - never ever. I have been kibaki/madvd/Ruto kind of guy - guys who focus on bread and butter issues. Raila is big on socialiasm and governance. I am NOT. I have been bread-n-butter issues guy plus FEDERALIST. Raila jumped onto majimbo bandwagon and he found lots of love from Kalenjin and coastarians - plus others who belive Kenya future is the recognition of it's 42 nations.

What we share with ODM folks since 2005 is the hatred for attempt to Kikuyunize Kenya  - and that is what when we parted with Kibaki. Kibaki betrayed those of us non-gema who trusted him. When Ruto win and bring Moi era Kalenjinization of kenya - you will feel similarly betrayed. God forbid Ruto will scandalize Kalenjin nation by abandoning project Kenya - we have to make a break for the better - and work for all kenyans - including Luos and ODM folks.

 This is the part that we agree with Omollo - that Kenya will never and shall never return to Jomo Kenyatta era of GEMA entitlement.

I believe GEMA have come around especially after 2007/2008 PEV to project Kenya - they supported new constitution with devolution - and are now major proponent of devolution. There are still nonsense that Uhuru 2.0 has brought up - including 1shs 1 man and related crap - but Ruto has managed to teach you manners of WIN-WIN.

I have also seen they have come round to support Ruto - and even Raila. This is big deal for you guys. This for most of you the first time ever you're actually freely voting for a non-kikuyu. Enjoy the dillemma :)

In short Indeed I have not moved much in my political philosophy.

When it come to being objective and being truthfully - I will never sacrifice that to please you. Raila was rigged in 2007. End of story.

Everyone was ODM same like everyone was KANU. My point is in ODM even then there were factions . You exhibit typical ODM Railas Characteristics.
Just look at the hubris you exhibit. I dont have to own Ruto .I have all all along being on his side in 2002,2010,2013,2017 with exception of 2005 and 2007 because he was forced to be with Raila. And I will freely say if he decides to join hands with Raila for 2022 I will look for alternative . Uhuru joined hands with Raila and together we deserted him. If supporting is owning I am guilty as charged.
You can hide but not escape . You are on record defending claims that Raila was rigged in 2007 where as facts indicate he was defeated fair and square. Even Ruto has said it point blank Raila was defeated. Now tell me not you arent a Railalite ?

Offline Pajero

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2022, 09:54:45 AM »
Am still waiting for speaker cheboi,s directon on 25th January pundito.Thats where we left it

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2022, 10:13:17 AM »
Heckling as usual.
What exactly is inimical to UDA or Ruto in this bill that warrant celebration?
I don't see it?
The bill has been passed in parliament - we go to the senate - it goes to the comittee - it taken for 3 weeks for public participation.
So it will be back at Lusaka desk in February. The senators will do their thing - and it will get to Uhuru - if we dont like it - we go to court. That sounds like March :) - Too Late to Apply for 2022 - already by then IEBC and parties will be busy with nomination.
Clearly you have lost the self imposed six month deadline that was intended to force OKA to back Azimio.
The rest of ammendment are okay - sharing parties fund great.
UDA is interested in getting bonga points - otherwise there is nothing that UDA cannot use.
I know desperado from ODM were thinking UDA will not go for coalition :)
And therefore Azimio benefits alone :)
Joke on you - Ruto gameplan is to nail coalition once UDA party primaries are done.
Once we have herded Nowayaha and his reluctant gema crew into UDA - then UDA will transform to Hustler Nation Coalition - and will do Azimio like thing - and invite parties.
Am still waiting for speaker cheboi,s directon on 25th January pundito.Thats where we left it

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2022, 11:27:46 AM »
How does one debate a fellow  already labeled by @Pundit as one of low IQ?
Nowayhaha has ony one purpose in his miserable life. Looking around for some politician to worship at the expense of demonizing another. How does that help this country?
A wise man will tell you, don't ever believe that a politician by default is a leader. Politicians are only concerned with the next election. The only purpose in their lives is to stay in power, to keep their position; to win the next election so that they can keep stealing from 'Govt or Central bank' to use words from Nowayhaha.
Leaders are different. A leader is concerned about the next generation. A statesman is a leader by definition. Have you heard Nowayhaha post on or about matters that would affect his children or his children's children? Maybe he has never sired. Pole bro if your issue is that of firing blanks!  Nowayhaha, what is your vision for your children? I won't hold my breath for an answer ...

The only worry people have is the RVs taking us  back to Mois era once Ruto wins. I never had such fears but seeing how both Rvs are talking Im starting to think where as St Mary boys were doing business with Govt . RV boys will take money straight from central bank.
As for Raila he is a gone case. He is not a threat.

It is slowly dawning on you that RAO could be the 5th. Now because you dont have a candidate for 2022 who can beat him in an election, you are left with one option - that somehow RAO not be on the ballot. Are you listening to yourself @Nowayhaha? You must be a very sorry sight right now!

Raila led a campaign against Mt Kenya, in so doing he unified Mt Kenya, Mt Kenya has been punishing him for the same in all subsequent elections.
If Raila was smart he would sit out in the 2022 ele tions

There will be no PEV between Kalenjins and Luos if RAO wins.  RAO will start reaching out to Kales once the reality sinks to enough of them that RAO is the 5th.  That will happen somewhere between April and June. Of course Kale's will be disappointed when the reality hit them that Ruto cannot win, but like most Kenyans they are practical  people and will realize that Kenya is  bigger than Ruto and Kalenjins.  Attacking luos just because a luo is president would be foolhardy.  Luos have shared borders with Kales for years and have fought when necessary. There is a lot of respect and inter-dependance. Kenya had a Kalenjin president for 28 years.  Why can't Kalenjins accept a luo president? Kwani  Kalenjins are more  special than others.  We cannot have a two tribe presidential system.  Kikuyus have accepted a luo presidency, kalenjins need to follow suit and stop threatening folks with war.  We are all vulnerable.

What is certain their will be a PEV between Luos and Kalenjins.Kikuyu wouldn't be in the picture. I saw the fight in bunge and oooh my the hatred was raw,Gatheca has bouyed Luos soo much that they are now eager to take fight i to kalenjin land. I think its a foregone thing to them that baba will be pork they are just counting the days. Is gatheca aware of what he is doing?
Total garbage. There is nowhere that says the presidency needs to oscillate between tribes. Suppose we have a qualified and capable candidate from a tribe that has produced the presidency. In that case, is it okay to settle for a substandard senile candidate from a tribe that has not produced a president? Hell no, we can even have a Kikuyu or a Kalenjin president for 50 years as long as they are capable and can win fairly at the ballot. Raila is old, has no ideas, sick, and not engineered for today's global marketplace where integrity, brain, and strategy are ingredients. DP is the only person who has shown ready for the Job. Forget Moi's 24 years, another 10, and if it were up to my vote, Kimani Ichung'wah is another capable candidate that deserves 10 years after DP's tenure.

Its not written anywhere, it's just happening.  You can blame it on the laws of averages. It just happens that  if one tries hard enough several times without giving up, one may just get it.   It just happens that RAO this time around, has the wind on his back and Ruto does not.  Accept and move on. Another Kale will come along, hopefully  in our life time. Kwani iko nini?
That is not scientific. I think he had the wind on his back in 2007, and yes, partly because of DP Ruto. In all his tries, I think this is worse, and yes, partly again because he is competing with someone who has people behind his back. Ruto is a stallion, while 'baba' is a wounded donkey after 5 failed bouts.

Offline RV Pundit

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2022, 09:51:03 AM »
After all the hue and cry - Azimio is hoping to merge with these nonenties - PNU, DAP, PAA and MDG - these are some of most moribund parties if you can call them. Maybe the now dying Jubilee, the dead KANU and Wiper would join AZIMIO if they really try.

Bottomline of these changes: Raila doesnt want to run the usual orange of ODM (he knows it bad brand in Mt kenya) -but in blue Azimio and want to retain ODM.

But will Mt Kenya buy Raila in blue suit :) :) :) - It a good start but he need to do more.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #49 on: January 07, 2022, 10:56:46 AM »
After all the hue and cry - Azimio is hoping to merge with these nonenties - PNU, DAP, PAA and MDG - these are some of most moribund parties if you can call them. Maybe the now dying Jubilee, the dead KANU and Wiper would join AZIMIO if they really try.
Shouldn't you be happy that your competition is moribund and are "nonentities"? Mbona inakuuma???

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2022, 11:56:40 AM »
What make you think so? I am going to Mau tomorrow to add 10 acres - Raila has no path to victory.
Shouldn't you be happy that your competition is moribund and are "nonentities"? Mbona inakuuma???

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2022, 12:09:05 PM »
These are the kind of posts and statements, I am archiving right now as a reminder on August 10th. But it is generally known on this Veritas blog that you have been abusing your power as a moderator to delete posts that don't go down well with you. So it is very likely that this post for example, won't be found in a search.

Cc: @KenyanPlato
What make you think so? I am going to Mau tomorrow to add 10 acres - Raila has no path to victory.
Shouldn't you be happy that your competition is moribund and are "nonentities"? Mbona inakuuma???

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #52 on: January 07, 2022, 12:49:02 PM »
Look at the MOASS thread - on why Raila win is improbable if not impossible. Now with MaDVD+Weta looking likely to join Ruto - it OVER.

These are the kind of posts and statements, I am archiving right now as a reminder on August 10th. But it is generally known on this Veritas blog that you have been abusing your power as a moderator to delete posts that don't go down well with you. So it is very likely that this post for example, won't be found in a search.

Cc: @KenyanPlato

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #53 on: January 07, 2022, 12:49:40 PM »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Fate working against UhuRao attempt to change political parties act
« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2022, 11:21:16 AM »

Raila was the reason 2007/8  P.E.V. happened entrusting same person with my childrens future is reckless. Luckily he will never become president unfortunately as he did with Moi Kibaki and Uhuru he will sell his soul and go for a cooperation, agreement or handshake with Ruto. This is based on experience .
Once He does that and Ruto accepts expect 2027 elections to be competitive .2022 is a done deal Ruto is the President.

How does one debate a fellow  already labeled by @Pundit as one of low IQ?
Nowayhaha has ony one purpose in his miserable life. Looking around for some politician to worship at the expense of demonizing another. How does that help this country?
A wise man will tell you, don't ever believe that a politician by default is a leader. Politicians are only concerned with the next election. The only purpose in their lives is to stay in power, to keep their position; to win the next election so that they can keep stealing from 'Govt or Central bank' to use words from Nowayhaha.
Leaders are different. A leader is concerned about the next generation. A statesman is a leader by definition. Have you heard Nowayhaha post on or about matters that would affect his children or his children's children? Maybe he has never sired. Pole bro if your issue is that of firing blanks!  Nowayhaha, what is your vision for your children? I won't hold my breath for an answer ...

The only worry people have is the RVs taking us  back to Mois era once Ruto wins. I never had such fears but seeing how both Rvs are talking Im starting to think where as St Mary boys were doing business with Govt . RV boys will take money straight from central bank.
As for Raila he is a gone case. He is not a threat.

It is slowly dawning on you that RAO could be the 5th. Now because you dont have a candidate for 2022 who can beat him in an election, you are left with one option - that somehow RAO not be on the ballot. Are you listening to yourself @Nowayhaha? You must be a very sorry sight right now!

Raila led a campaign against Mt Kenya, in so doing he unified Mt Kenya, Mt Kenya has been punishing him for the same in all subsequent elections.
If Raila was smart he would sit out in the 2022 ele tions

There will be no PEV between Kalenjins and Luos if RAO wins.  RAO will start reaching out to Kales once the reality sinks to enough of them that RAO is the 5th.  That will happen somewhere between April and June. Of course Kale's will be disappointed when the reality hit them that Ruto cannot win, but like most Kenyans they are practical  people and will realize that Kenya is  bigger than Ruto and Kalenjins.  Attacking luos just because a luo is president would be foolhardy.  Luos have shared borders with Kales for years and have fought when necessary. There is a lot of respect and inter-dependance. Kenya had a Kalenjin president for 28 years.  Why can't Kalenjins accept a luo president? Kwani  Kalenjins are more  special than others.  We cannot have a two tribe presidential system.  Kikuyus have accepted a luo presidency, kalenjins need to follow suit and stop threatening folks with war.  We are all vulnerable.

What is certain their will be a PEV between Luos and Kalenjins.Kikuyu wouldn't be in the picture. I saw the fight in bunge and oooh my the hatred was raw,Gatheca has bouyed Luos soo much that they are now eager to take fight i to kalenjin land. I think its a foregone thing to them that baba will be pork they are just counting the days. Is gatheca aware of what he is doing?
Total garbage. There is nowhere that says the presidency needs to oscillate between tribes. Suppose we have a qualified and capable candidate from a tribe that has produced the presidency. In that case, is it okay to settle for a substandard senile candidate from a tribe that has not produced a president? Hell no, we can even have a Kikuyu or a Kalenjin president for 50 years as long as they are capable and can win fairly at the ballot. Raila is old, has no ideas, sick, and not engineered for today's global marketplace where integrity, brain, and strategy are ingredients. DP is the only person who has shown ready for the Job. Forget Moi's 24 years, another 10, and if it were up to my vote, Kimani Ichung'wah is another capable candidate that deserves 10 years after DP's tenure.

Its not written anywhere, it's just happening.  You can blame it on the laws of averages. It just happens that  if one tries hard enough several times without giving up, one may just get it.   It just happens that RAO this time around, has the wind on his back and Ruto does not.  Accept and move on. Another Kale will come along, hopefully  in our life time. Kwani iko nini?
That is not scientific. I think he had the wind on his back in 2007, and yes, partly because of DP Ruto. In all his tries, I think this is worse, and yes, partly again because he is competing with someone who has people behind his back. Ruto is a stallion, while 'baba' is a wounded donkey after 5 failed bouts.