Author Topic: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.  (Read 3360 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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You see the problem is that you're like my daughter who goes to international schools - she learn about Vikings, the history of scotland, wales, name anywhere BUt KENYA.

You really struggle - genuinuely - unlike Kichwa. At least Kichwa doesn't care as long as it advance Raila political career. You actually believe the nonsense your wrie.

We started well - British left us a working judiciary, devolution/majimbo, parliamentary system with prime ministers, name it - brilliant constitution negotiated for many years in Lancaster

The judiciary was manned by Wazungu and indians - later Ghanians - until mid 90s.
Gov slowly eroded judicial independence until it reaches a time - Moi would call a judge and order judgement this way or that.

Heck Benard Ochunga - the guy who had no law or any degree - became even the Chief Justice of Kenya.

Benard Ochunga main speciality - was to summon judges and order them to do as he wanted. Eventually Moi said - okay Ochunga no need to summon them - just do it.

That is how 3 Luos Moi had deployed really worked to send many Luos and Kikuyus to prison and exile - including Raila.

1) Kalam Madoung - Oyugi- would order someone arrested. He was Matiangi-Kibicho combined. The man from Oyugi was typical nilote or Luo (big headed) - like Amin - you'd salute before receiving his telephone call :) or you'd meet KALAM Madoung (THE BIG PEN - to fire you)

2) The chief torturer Opiyo would descend on the Kichwa Mbayas for at least two week in Nyayo house.

3) He would present them to Benard Ochunga the Gov Prosecutor when they were almost dead - but with signed confession statement admitting to all sort of crimes - and swearing to forever abide by Nyayo philosophy of PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY

4) Benard Ochunga would order a judge or magistrate to report at night at the court - so press could not see the half-dead pleading guilty. There was one notorious one from tugen - Justice Tutooek or something like that.

5) The judge would admit their self-confession and find them guilty.

6) They would be taken to prison - where I bet another bad-arse Luo waited for them.

7) If you died there was Luo Chief Pathologist ready to declare you committed suicide (forget his name).

It was so bad - Kiraitu had to do RADICAL SURGERY - that didn't go well.

This is VERY CRITICA HISTORY that you miss. That is why BBI was thrown out by judges who experienced first hand in 90s what that mostly Luo gang was doing for MOI.

Its a wild dream to imagine kenya will go back to that period....not until most of us die ...and we have your type with zero experience of the torture. The quickest way to lose political support is to act like Matiangi.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Robina - you biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2021, 06:16:28 PM »
Nice speech. Uhuru seem determined not to let Ruto into SH - that what the fight is really about. He is succeeding - he just need to get BBI going - and SCORK seems poised to bring it back. Even Mumbi Ngugi - new CoA judge - might easily bring it back.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Robina - you biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2021, 06:18:41 PM »
By the way your newfound love for judicial, police, etc institutional independence is almost admirable - if only it wasn't so hypocritical.  :) Only a stranger in Jerusalem can believe you.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina - you biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2021, 06:23:11 PM »
Again this where you go wrong. There is politics. and there are things that Kenya will not go back to - just to stop Ruto. Kenya will NOT ACCEPT the return of dictatorship.

Ruto can be stopped without BBI or bringing back the imperial president.

If Uhuru wants to stop Ruto - it easy - he needs to smile more, visit mt Kenya and sweat talk his people.  The battle can be won right there in Mt Kenya. He need to do what Ruto does - spin a tale, sell it everywhere, threw catchy punch-lines, be consistent, throw in some money for harambees and such - show he cares, humble and name it. DO NOT GO ROUND ABUSING, THREATENING, LASHING, FORCING AND NAME -that Uhuru, matiangis, kibicho and likes do - or deploy Atwoli or Murathe to tell people they are DEEP STATE WHO DECIDE and REST OF YOU ARE USELESS. This why Matiangi couldnt even make in his own community. Who wants a dictator?

Ruto is just now a raia - you want BBI - yet you have whole PORK apparatus - but cannot even use it. You misuse it. Moi had his luo gang doing nasty stuff but wont miss his church, was always super humble and spoke nicely - about PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY.

Most people were convinced all evil things Moi gov did - Moi was innocent. He rarely was angry, he was church going christianity and seem to genuinely love kids, and name it.

That is how you keep power for 24yrs! HUMILITY - the river-lake Nilote cannot hack that long. He is just too PROUD.

Nice speech. Uhuru seem determined not to let Ruto into SH - that what the fight is really about. He is succeeding - he just need to get BBI going - and SCORK seems poised to bring it back. Even Mumbi Ngugi - new CoA judge - might easily bring it back.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina - you biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2021, 06:25:10 PM »
New found? I have been online for ages - since 2001 - in RCB - find a single day that I did not support some of the issues. I may oppose a decision by a court - like Mumbi - but I will not oppose the insititution of judiciary - because I understand what democracy is.

Ruto is not more important than Kenya's democracy. I grew up opposing MOi who was a Kalenjin.

By the way your newfound love for judicial, police, etc institutional independence is almost admirable - if only it wasn't so hypocritical.  :) Only a stranger in Jerusalem can believe you.

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2021, 08:23:40 AM »
Pundit with your near-perfect recollection of Luo under Moi government, do you mind doing the same on Kalenjin facilitators of Moi dictatorship? Kindly don't forget your man's role as well.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2021, 08:44:29 AM »
You see the problem is that you're like my daughter who goes to international schools - she learn about Vikings, the history of scotland, wales, name anywhere BUt KENYA.

You really struggle - genuinuely - unlike Kichwa. At least Kichwa doesn't care as long as it advance Raila political career. You actually believe the nonsense your wrie.

We started well - British left us a working judiciary, devolution/majimbo, parliamentary system with prime ministers, name it - brilliant constitution negotiated for many years in Lancaster

The judiciary was manned by Wazungu and indians - later Ghanians - until mid 90s.
Gov slowly eroded judicial independence until it reaches a time - Moi would call a judge and order judgement this way or that.

Heck Benard Ochunga - the guy who had no law or any degree - became even the Chief Justice of Kenya.

Benard Ochunga main speciality - was to summon judges and order them to do as he wanted. Eventually Moi said - okay Ochunga no need to summon them - just do it.

That is how 3 Luos Moi had deployed really worked to send many Luos and Kikuyus to prison and exile - including Raila.

1) Kalam Madoung - Oyugi- would order someone arrested. He was Matiangi-Kibicho combined. The man from Oyugi was typical nilote or Luo (big headed) - like Amin - you'd salute before receiving his telephone call :) or you'd meet KALAM Madoung (THE BIG PEN - to fire you)

2) The chief torturer Opiyo would descend on the Kichwa Mbayas for at least two week in Nyayo house.

3) He would present them to Benard Ochunga the Gov Prosecutor when they were almost dead - but with signed confession statement admitting to all sort of crimes - and swearing to forever abide by Nyayo philosophy of PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY

4) Benard Ochunga would order a judge or magistrate to report at night at the court - so press could not see the half-dead pleading guilty. There was one notorious one from tugen - Justice Tutooek or something like that.

5) The judge would admit their self-confession and find them guilty.

6) They would be taken to prison - where I bet another bad-arse Luo waited for them.

7) If you died there was Luo Chief Pathologist ready to declare you committed suicide (forget his name).

It was so bad - Kiraitu had to do RADICAL SURGERY - that didn't go well.

This is VERY CRITICA HISTORY that you miss. That is why BBI was thrown out by judges who experienced first hand in 90s what that mostly Luo gang was doing for MOI.

Its a wild dream to imagine kenya will go back to that period....not until most of us die ...and we have your type with zero experience of the torture. The quickest way to lose political support is to act like Matiangi.
:D :D :D I didn't know you this funny bana this stuff is crazy,reminds me of Stalinist Russia.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2021, 10:16:25 AM »
It was not a joke. Imagine Ochunga being CJ - and he only had high school education. The biggest court application was not these Amicus Curae - it was something Orengo or Khaminiwa or Kiraitu use to file -Habeas corpus. If it was basically to either confirm you were indeed a corpus or you would get small time out from Opiyo either at Nyayo or Nyati house.

Kenya has come along way from detention without trial, to allowing police procured confession, to have someone a layman like Ochunga as the Chief Justice.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2021, 12:01:06 PM »
It was not a joke. Imagine Ochunga being CJ - and he only had high school education. The biggest court application was not these Amicus Curae - it was something Orengo or Khaminiwa or Kiraitu use to file -Habeas corpus. If it was basically to either confirm you were indeed a corpus or you would get small time out from Opiyo either at Nyayo or Nyati house.

Kenya has come along way from detention without trial, to allowing police procured confession, to have someone a layman like Ochunga as the Chief Justice.
Well CJ will strictly abide by law judges nowadays are independent and Uhuru antics have helped cement this No way CJ can act rogue everyone has his ownmind. Robina is hoping for a return to Nyayo era not even remotely possible,those are in the dustbin of history Maraga ruling in 2017 permanently buried them.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2021, 01:50:05 PM »
No by 1999 - Moi dictatorship had all been dismantled - what remained was the constitution. Otherwise many things by 2002 - Moi could not do - and watched almost helpless as KANU lost power. The imperial presidency was dismantled slowly but surely in the 90s.Cok2010 was the crowning moment.

As for Uhuru - he grew up in a statehouse when his father was powerful - before being adopted by Moi - and is frustrated that nobody gives a damn about PORK anymore. That mere judge can call him Mr Kihiii.

Well CJ will strictly abide by law judges nowadays are independent and Uhuru antics have helped cement this No way CJ can act rogue everyone has his ownmind. Robina is hoping for a return to Nyayo era not even remotely possible,those are in the dustbin of history Maraga ruling in 2017 permanently buried them.

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2021, 02:50:00 PM »
Keep on dreaming. You see how the new CJ is pleading with Uhuru to sign for the rest 6 judges to be appointed. It shows you how far the Judiciary is very far from being independent. The CJ should have just stated the president has to sign as per constituition. There is no negotiating here.

Well CJ will strictly abide by law judges nowadays are independent and Uhuru antics have helped cement this No way CJ can act rogue everyone has his ownmind. Robina is hoping for a return to Nyayo era not even remotely possible,those are in the dustbin of history Maraga ruling in 2017 permanently buried them.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2021, 03:09:32 PM »
The fight to control the judiciary is part and parcel of the struggle for power and therefore will never end. I have to commend the  lawyers advising Ouru to have done a wonderful job in realizing that  the plan by the activist court of Ngugi and Odunga to take away his constitutional power to "appoint" judges by trying to bamboozle and hoodwink the guidable by turning the power to appoint into a useless "rubber stamp" is like I used to convince my little sister that  10 cents was better than 50 cents because it was  bigger. There is nothing like an Independent judiciary.  It's like saying the military is independent-independent from who?. Power is never independent-power is always controlled by someone. If you do not control power then someone else controls it.  The judiciary has the  power to interpret the constitution and that is a big deal because power needs to be legitimized by the judiciary just like money needs to be legitimized by the banks.  Ouru understands that in a fledgling democracy like Kenya, the only way not to became a military dictator is to control the judiciary to legitimize your power.  The minute he loses the judiciary, then he will have to resort to brute military force to control the country.  It is therefore in our interest for Ouru to continue his grip on the judiciary so that we can maintain a semblance of democracy. It is completely irresponsible to have activists  like Ndii, Miguna and Havi, control the judiciary.  Thats why I am glad Ouru split the baby in half, and appointed responsible judges and left the coup leaders out.

You see the problem is that you're like my daughter who goes to international schools - she learn about Vikings, the history of scotland, wales, name anywhere BUt KENYA.

You really struggle - genuinuely - unlike Kichwa. At least Kichwa doesn't care as long as it advance Raila political career. You actually believe the nonsense your wrie.

We started well - British left us a working judiciary, devolution/majimbo, parliamentary system with prime ministers, name it - brilliant constitution negotiated for many years in Lancaster

The judiciary was manned by Wazungu and indians - later Ghanians - until mid 90s.
Gov slowly eroded judicial independence until it reaches a time - Moi would call a judge and order judgement this way or that.

Heck Benard Ochunga - the guy who had no law or any degree - became even the Chief Justice of Kenya.

Benard Ochunga main speciality - was to summon judges and order them to do as he wanted. Eventually Moi said - okay Ochunga no need to summon them - just do it.

That is how 3 Luos Moi had deployed really worked to send many Luos and Kikuyus to prison and exile - including Raila.

1) Kalam Madoung - Oyugi- would order someone arrested. He was Matiangi-Kibicho combined. The man from Oyugi was typical nilote or Luo (big headed) - like Amin - you'd salute before receiving his telephone call :) or you'd meet KALAM Madoung (THE BIG PEN - to fire you)

2) The chief torturer Opiyo would descend on the Kichwa Mbayas for at least two week in Nyayo house.

3) He would present them to Benard Ochunga the Gov Prosecutor when they were almost dead - but with signed confession statement admitting to all sort of crimes - and swearing to forever abide by Nyayo philosophy of PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY

4) Benard Ochunga would order a judge or magistrate to report at night at the court - so press could not see the half-dead pleading guilty. There was one notorious one from tugen - Justice Tutooek or something like that.

5) The judge would admit their self-confession and find them guilty.

6) They would be taken to prison - where I bet another bad-arse Luo waited for them.

7) If you died there was Luo Chief Pathologist ready to declare you committed suicide (forget his name).

It was so bad - Kiraitu had to do RADICAL SURGERY - that didn't go well.

This is VERY CRITICA HISTORY that you miss. That is why BBI was thrown out by judges who experienced first hand in 90s what that mostly Luo gang was doing for MOI.

Its a wild dream to imagine kenya will go back to that period....not until most of us die ...and we have your type with zero experience of the torture. The quickest way to lose political support is to act like Matiangi.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2021, 03:16:38 PM »
The dirty work was being done by mostly non-Kalenjin. Moi kept Kalenjin generally as the deputies - so he could project a national image. Coming from a small tribe - and knowing he stood no chance in real democracy - Moi was keen to always project national image. Obviously, under the radar - the civil service and most gov were being kalenjinzed. So Ruto was nationally in shadows of Jirongo in Y2k - and - later Uhuru - although he was in Moi's inner sanctum of power towards the sunset.

Moi like fools liked Kalonzo - who'd project national image - while Sally Kosgey run the ministry for example.

Pundit with your near-perfect recollection of Luo under Moi government, do you mind doing the same on Kalenjin facilitators of Moi dictatorship? Kindly don't forget your man's role as well.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2021, 03:21:47 PM »
He is very late to the party. The lameduck is fighting increasingly from a weaken position.All judiciary need to fight him is to delay cases until he is safely in Gatundu - then teach him lesson - so next PORK doesn;t fight judiciary. The best lesson would be to send him BBI bill straight to private box Gatundu - and degree all his retirements benefit from gov be deducted directly too foot the bill - if he is unable to.
The fight to control the judiciary is part and parcel of the struggle for power and therefore will never end. I have to commend the  lawyers advising Ouru to have done a wonderful job in realizing that  the plan by the activist court of Ngugi and Odunga to take away his constitutional power to "appoint" judges by trying to bamboozle and hoodwink the guidable by turning the power to appoint into a useless "rubber stamp" is like I used to convince my little sister that  10 cents was better than 50 cents because it was  bigger. There is nothing like an Independent judiciary.  It's like saying the military is independent-independent from who?. Power is never independent-power is always controlled by someone. If you do not control power then someone else controls it.  The judiciary has the  power to interpret the constitution and that is a big deal because power needs to be legitimized by the judiciary just like money needs to be legitimized by the banks.  Ouru understands that in a fledgling democracy like Kenya, the only way not to became a military dictator is to control the judiciary to legitimize your power.  The minute he loses the judiciary, then he will have to resort to brute military force to control the country.  It is therefore in our interest for Ouru to continue his grip on the judiciary so that we can maintain a semblance of democracy. It is completely irresponsible to have activists  like Ndii, Miguna and Havi, control the judiciary.  Thats why I am glad Ouru split the baby in half, and appointed responsible judges and left the coup leaders out.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2021, 03:31:26 PM »
Which part of the "fight to control the judiciary will never end" don't you understand.  The US democracy is over 200 years old and yet the fight to control the judiciary ideologically is still intense.  Ouru or any other president, will have to keep a vigilant eye on the military and the judiciary every day until they leave office voluntarily or involuntarily or by death. There is no crap like independent judiciary or independent military.  Someone or an ideology is alway controlling the judiciary and their end game is power.

He is very late to the party. The lameduck is fighting increasingly from a weaken position.All judiciary need to fight him is to delay cases until he is safely in Gatundu - then teach him lesson - so next PORK doesn;t fight judiciary. The best lesson would be to send him BBI bill straight to private box Gatundu - and degree all his retirements benefit from gov be deducted directly too foot the bill - if he is unable to.
The fight to control the judiciary is part and parcel of the struggle for power and therefore will never end. I have to commend the  lawyers advising Ouru to have done a wonderful job in realizing that  the plan by the activist court of Ngugi and Odunga to take away his constitutional power to "appoint" judges by trying to bamboozle and hoodwink the guidable by turning the power to appoint into a useless "rubber stamp" is like I used to convince my little sister that  10 cents was better than 50 cents because it was  bigger. There is nothing like an Independent judiciary.  It's like saying the military is independent-independent from who?. Power is never independent-power is always controlled by someone. If you do not control power then someone else controls it.  The judiciary has the  power to interpret the constitution and that is a big deal because power needs to be legitimized by the judiciary just like money needs to be legitimized by the banks.  Ouru understands that in a fledgling democracy like Kenya, the only way not to became a military dictator is to control the judiciary to legitimize your power.  The minute he loses the judiciary, then he will have to resort to brute military force to control the country.  It is therefore in our interest for Ouru to continue his grip on the judiciary so that we can maintain a semblance of democracy. It is completely irresponsible to have activists  like Ndii, Miguna and Havi, control the judiciary.  Thats why I am glad Ouru split the baby in half, and appointed responsible judges and left the coup leaders out.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2021, 08:17:05 PM »
Kichwa you are wrong to imagine Tangatanga care about the judiciary, police or any institution. Why can't they debate corruption (or amnesty) instead? OBVIOUSLY it is a sleight of hand to stop Uhuru-Raila from using the courts against them. Notice their shameless assault on poor Koome - is she not part of the same judiciary?

The ground game is tight and courts will be so critical towards Aug 2022. BBI, new IEBC commissioners, etc. Brats and crybabies... expect Tangatanga whining to rent the air as they suffer more losses.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2021, 08:21:58 PM »

losses you say , when is the referendumn Robina ?
Kichwa you are wrong to imagine Tangatanga care about the judiciary, police or any institution. Why can't they debate corruption (or amnesty) instead? OBVIOUSLY it is a sleight of hand to stop Uhuru-Raila from using the courts against them. Notice their shameless assault on poor Koome - is she not part of the same judiciary?

The ground game is tight and courts will be so critical towards Aug 2022. BBI, new IEBC commissioners, etc. Brats and crybabies... expect Tangatanga whining to rent the air as they suffer more losses.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2021, 09:41:26 PM »
Believe me, I know they don't, but I also know they are trying to exploit  the historical sympathy that Kenyans  have towards the judiciary.  Kenyans are yet to contemplate a rogue judiciary and it will take them a long time to understand how a rogue or activist judiciary works.  They still think the judiciary are innocent champions of justice while the executive is always the evil branch of government.  The reality is that the judiciary is responsible for almost half of the corruption in Kenya.  These are not angels we are dealing with here.

Kichwa you are wrong to imagine Tangatanga care about the judiciary, police or any institution. Why can't they debate corruption (or amnesty) instead? OBVIOUSLY it is a sleight of hand to stop Uhuru-Raila from using the courts against them. Notice their shameless assault on poor Koome - is she not part of the same judiciary?

The ground game is tight and courts will be so critical towards Aug 2022. BBI, new IEBC commissioners, etc. Brats and crybabies... expect Tangatanga whining to rent the air as they suffer more losses.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline GeeMail

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2021, 10:18:57 PM »
Kichwa you are wrong to imagine Tangatanga care about the judiciary, police or any institution. Why can't they debate corruption (or amnesty) instead? OBVIOUSLY it is a sleight of hand to stop Uhuru-Raila from using the courts against them. Notice their shameless assault on poor Koome - is she not part of the same judiciary?

The ground game is tight and courts will be so critical towards Aug 2022. BBI, new IEBC commissioners, etc. Brats and crybabies... expect Tangatanga whining to rent the air as they suffer more losses.

Good call. The reason they cannot debate corruption is obvious. They are bowing at the altar of the high priest. Today they make the judiciary safi kama pamba yet when the same judiciary nullified 2017 Uhuruto elections they were called wakoras. They want a judiciary that sings Tano tena but nothing when the high priest wins an order to stay Weston repossession. Where were they to take the high priest to court when he almost killed children protesting against petty thievery?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Robina - your biggest problem is going to International Schools.
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2021, 10:18:15 AM »
 :) :D

Pundit with your near-perfect recollection of Luo under Moi government, do you mind doing the same on Kalenjin facilitators of Moi dictatorship? Kindly don't forget your man's role as well.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels