You see the problem is that you're like my daughter who goes to international schools - she learn about Vikings, the history of scotland, wales, name anywhere BUt KENYA.
You really struggle - genuinuely - unlike Kichwa. At least Kichwa doesn't care as long as it advance Raila political career. You actually believe the nonsense your wrie.
We started well - British left us a working judiciary, devolution/majimbo, parliamentary system with prime ministers, name it - brilliant constitution negotiated for many years in Lancaster
The judiciary was manned by Wazungu and indians - later Ghanians - until mid 90s.
Gov slowly eroded judicial independence until it reaches a time - Moi would call a judge and order judgement this way or that.
Heck Benard Ochunga - the guy who had no law or any degree - became even the Chief Justice of Kenya.
Benard Ochunga main speciality - was to summon judges and order them to do as he wanted. Eventually Moi said - okay Ochunga no need to summon them - just do it.
That is how 3 Luos Moi had deployed really worked to send many Luos and Kikuyus to prison and exile - including Raila.
1) Kalam Madoung - Oyugi- would order someone arrested. He was Matiangi-Kibicho combined. The man from Oyugi was typical nilote or Luo (big headed) - like Amin - you'd salute before receiving his telephone call

or you'd meet KALAM Madoung (THE BIG PEN - to fire you)
2) The chief torturer Opiyo would descend on the Kichwa Mbayas for at least two week in Nyayo house.
3) He would present them to Benard Ochunga the Gov Prosecutor when they were almost dead - but with signed confession statement admitting to all sort of crimes - and swearing to forever abide by Nyayo philosophy of PEACE, LOVE AND UNITY
4) Benard Ochunga would order a judge or magistrate to report at night at the court - so press could not see the half-dead pleading guilty. There was one notorious one from tugen - Justice Tutooek or something like that.
5) The judge would admit their self-confession and find them guilty.
6) They would be taken to prison - where I bet another bad-arse Luo waited for them.
7) If you died there was Luo Chief Pathologist ready to declare you committed suicide (forget his name).
It was so bad - Kiraitu had to do RADICAL SURGERY - that didn't go well.
This is VERY CRITICA HISTORY that you miss. That is why BBI was thrown out by judges who experienced first hand in 90s what that mostly Luo gang was doing for MOI.
Its a wild dream to imagine kenya will go back to that period....not until most of us die ...and we have your type with zero experience of the torture. The quickest way to lose political support is to act like Matiangi.