More likey another regional war, foreign armies will be involved directly, more worrying for kagame as you don't know how war will turn out war might just end up in Kigali. Kagame has calculated he that UK and other European countries like france will either stay neutral or support.him but this is very complex we have to wait and see but my gut tells me another regional war.who will agree to go DRC after embarrassing defeat of south Africans n all the forces there. Zim n Angola learnt their lessons and declined to enter It's over for DRC. I see formation of kivu republic. Those drc Bantus just can't... aligning yourselves with them is going embarrass you. South Africans have no face now. They are surrendering en masse. Ruto definitely will support kagame n museveni. These cousins of ours beating your cowardly Bantus like isukuti drums
I say a regional war simply because Rwandan army has invaded DRC they are the ones that took over Goma M23 is just a cover up everyone knows this to say they have defeated south africa is more of an over statement, at the moment is wait and see but with a very mbig capacity to end up in Kigali and kagame facing an Assad like exit, DRC is very complex, many nations have interests we will see who emerges victorious,last regional war ended up in almost defeat for rwanda and uganda. Angola and South africa are still more powerful but this war is usually very complex even uganada and rwanda turned on each other and fought mercilessly its all about greed but my gut tells me Kagame is one in a precarious position.More likey another regional war, foreign armies will be involved directly, more worrying for kagame as you don't know how war will turn out war might just end up in Kigali. Kagame has calculated he that UK and other European countries like france will either stay neutral or support.him but this is very complex we have to wait and see but my gut tells me another regional war.who will agree to go DRC after embarrassing defeat of south Africans n all the forces there. Zim n Angola learnt their lessons and declined to enter It's over for DRC. I see formation of kivu republic. Those drc Bantus just can't... aligning yourselves with them is going embarrass you. South Africans have no face now. They are surrendering en masse. Ruto definitely will support kagame n museveni. These cousins of ours beating your cowardly Bantus like isukuti drums
I say a regional war simply because Rwandan army has invaded DRC they are the ones that took over Goma M23 is just a cover up everyone knows this to say they have defeated south africa is more of an over statement, at the moment is wait and see but with a very mbig capacity to end up in Kigali and kagame facing an Assad like exit, DRC is very complex, many nations have interests we will see who emerges victorious,last regional war ended up in almost defeat for rwanda and uganda. Angola and South africa are still more powerful but this war is usually very complex even uganada and rwanda turned on each other and fought mercilessly its all about greed but my gut tells me Kagame is one in a precarious position.
The people in Eastern DRC speak Swahili with Kenyan accent. Kenya should get involved, but seems Kinyarwanda of UG and Rwanda have invested too much!
Yes they deserve to be in EAC.How is Kenya involved? last time I checked KDF constituting of colonial soldiers;Drivers(luhyas) cooks(Kalenjins)and carrier corps(Kambas) were chased out of residents
Kenya has to be involved. DRC are claiming kenya is involved. But I believe Kenya has generally be involved intelligence wise. Not really with foot soldiers. There is small MONUSCO team.
The people in Eastern DRC speak Swahili with Kenyan accent. Kenya should get involved, but seems Kinyarwanda of UG and Rwanda have invested too much!
The next course is for M23 to capture Bukavu.No one cares about DRC other nations care about there interest and if Rwanda is conflicting them expect war to end in Kigali
Declaration of Kivu Independent Nation - to cover North and South Kivu provinces.
And then DRC will cry and cry - but nobody will respond.
SADC has learnt the lesson. EAC has no time for Baby Tshiekedi.
Who will rescue DRC when everyone knows Kagame and Museveni armies are very adept in those forests and highlands.
And Kivu will start exporting minerals as stable nation.
USA and China just want the minerals - and Kagame is more reliable partner.I say a regional war simply because Rwandan army has invaded DRC they are the ones that took over Goma M23 is just a cover up everyone knows this to say they have defeated south africa is more of an over statement, at the moment is wait and see but with a very mbig capacity to end up in Kigali and kagame facing an Assad like exit, DRC is very complex, many nations have interests we will see who emerges victorious,last regional war ended up in almost defeat for rwanda and uganda. Angola and South africa are still more powerful but this war is usually very complex even uganada and rwanda turned on each other and fought mercilessly its all about greed but my gut tells me Kagame is one in a precarious position.
Which port are they using to import weapons and smuggle minerals?
Who is buying the weapons?
Which bank is authorizing transactions?
No one cares about DRC other nations care about there interest and if Rwanda is conflicting them expect war to end in Kigali
Start of the end of Kagames regime, SADC armies will be involved . This will be a 5 year civil war and just like Mobutu was overthrown it will end up with Kagame being removed from power . A reverse of how be came to power .
Kagame after 30 years still has a peanut economy. Noone will miss him.
Compare and contrast with BurundiPundit we will see how long kagame will survive as of now he is at peak of his power,but I dont give him very long at the top,too many enemies from within and without, Bantus always win.
Burundi remain world poorest Nation.
Rwanda has been growing at 7%.
And should soon be lower middle income economy.Kagame after 30 years still has a peanut economy. Noone will miss him.
Bantu never won against Nilotic n cushitic. Only Khoisan n central Africa pygmies. It's why you avoided horn of Africa. Merus are some North most Bantus n you have sufferedCompare and contrast with BurundiPundit we will see how long kagame will survive as of now he is at peak of his power,but I dont give him very long at the top,too many enemies from within and without, Bantus always win.
Burundi remain world poorest Nation.
Rwanda has been growing at 7%.
And should soon be lower middle income economy.Kagame after 30 years still has a peanut economy. Noone will miss him.
Really then explain the Bantu expansion, which is one of the worlds greates ever????Bantu colonized and bantunized many cushites and nilotes that's why tutsi speak a bantu language, Bantus reign supreme same level with Han Chinese. Kagame is a bantu unfortunately .Bantu never won against Nilotic n cushitic. Only Khoisan n central Africa pygmies. It's why you avoided horn of Africa. Merus are some North most Bantus n you have sufferedCompare and contrast with BurundiPundit we will see how long kagame will survive as of now he is at peak of his power,but I dont give him very long at the top,too many enemies from within and without, Bantus always win.
Burundi remain world poorest Nation.
Rwanda has been growing at 7%.
And should soon be lower middle income economy.Kagame after 30 years still has a peanut economy. Noone will miss him.
Really then explain the Bantu expansion, which is one of the worlds greates ever????Bantu colonized and bantunized many cushites and nilotes that's why tutsi speak a bantu language, Bantus reign supreme same level with Han Chinese. Kagame is a bantu unfortunately .
Nope.First answer my question why "tall and handsome brave nilo-cushitic Tutsi " speak a Bantu language then we can follow on the rest. :D
Real history will tell you Nilo Cushitic & cushitic are responsible for Africa civilisation.
Negro Bantu and cousin of west Africa are hopeless.
Cant fight.
Tutsi-Hima are nilo cushitic - DNA close to Kalenjin and Maasai.
That is why they are brave, tall,althetic, agile, love them cattle & milk and can fight.
Your hopeless Bantus should sue for peace.
And allow them to run the country - and same here in Kenya.
And you will enjoy peace - but leadership/War - leave itReally then explain the Bantu expansion, which is one of the worlds greates ever????Bantu colonized and bantunized many cushites and nilotes that's why tutsi speak a bantu language, Bantus reign supreme same level with Han Chinese. Kagame is a bantu unfortunately .
First answer my question why "tall and handsome brave nilo-cushitic Tutsi " speak a Bantu language then we can follow on the rest. :D
How if they were that brave they were bantunized. :D
How if they can fight did they face the Hutu machete that reduced them by 1M.
Pundit,do you want a Genocide 2.0 by Bantu Hutu on Nilo-Cushitic Tusti-Kalenjin :D :D
Pundit how come other nilotes are not concerned about their "cousin" the Tusti?? Uganda Nilotes are quiet so do those in Kenya except you,maybe you need South Sudan full of hot blooded Nilotes to intervene for them? At the moment Bantu countries like South Africa and others surrounding the Congo are helping the Congo Bantu, why cant Nilotes help each other??Ni vile Bantus spread propaganda that Tutsi came from Ethiopia. It doesn't make sense. Now we have established they broke of southern nilotes mixed with southern cushitic. The more DNA is done the more it will establish they are just kalenjin maasai people who went further south. You see DRC are very smart. They run to SADC n EAC n sign peace pact promising leaders minerals because they can't fight. Now EAC has invited Somalia,South Sudan n Soon Ethiopian so if war happens Rwanda has allies beyond Uganda. Kenya already signed military pact with Rwanda. We are obligated to defend Rwanda. To stop Bantu cannabilist like Njuri ncheke used to eating monkeys from eating us we must expand EAC to Ethiopia. Then we can be balance. DRC bring South Africa n Angola. Nilotes n Cushites respond in sub Saharan world war
Meanwhile further proof your brave,tall,leader Tutsi is a full blooded Bantu, at this rate you need to fall back on your other cousin the ZoomaliThey have about 20 to 30% bantus. About same Nilotic n slightly higher cushitic. They cluster with kalenjin n maasai who also have bantu. Remove bantu they cluster with Datoga of Tanzania... who are kalenjin cousin but nearly cushitic. Then not far from Iraqws
Tutsi Dna
DRC attack kenya embassayOops seems like i told you a regional war looming,worse for screwball Ruto congolese are taking us same way sudanese have in sudan Screwball Ruto friend Hemedi has lost, sad days if Rwanda is defeated expect repercussions for Kenya,equity bank etc all Kenya interests will be destroyed.
Ugandan, Rwandan, Kenyan, Japanese, US, and French embassies in Kinshasa were attacked.
I asked a colleague at RTNC (Congo’s National Radio and TV) why Security forces aren't stopping this. “Security forces are the ones supporting chaos in Kinshasa,” he said.
Oops seems like i told you a regional war looming,worse for screwball Ruto congolese are taking us same way sudanese have in sudan Screwball Ruto friend Hemedi has lost, sad days if Rwanda is defeated expect repercussions for Kenya,equity bank etc all Kenya interests will be destroyed.
Meanwhile so Goma has not fallen I still gear heavy battles congolese hace taken up arms its a bitter war if M23 and Rwandam army suffer heavy losses of manpower and weaponry then its a matter of time before Rwanda is overun itself, Drc Has endless manpower for war. Kigali should be very careful otherwise he doesn't have that manpower DRC has.
Also Kagame calculates Trump wont respond so lets see ...
Pundit please go to Rwanda and back your cousins
DRC attack kenya embassay
Ugandan, Rwandan, Kenyan, Japanese, US, and French embassies in Kinshasa were attacked.
I asked a colleague at RTNC (Congo’s National Radio and TV) why Security forces aren't stopping this. “Security forces are the ones supporting chaos in Kinshasa,” he said.
Why Kenya Embassy. We are safi kama pamba when it comes to DRC affairs. Or did our guy mess things since he seems to have no clue on foreign affairs?
I keep reading that Kenya is fighting alongside Rwanda from DRC.Oops seems Ruto is always on losing side since he became PORK is he jinxed?
This is pure lies of courses.
If Ruto is offering support to Rwanda - it likely under the radar - intelligences - mostly.Why Kenya Embassy. We are safi kama pamba when it comes to DRC affairs. Or did our guy mess things since he seems to have no clue on foreign affairs?
Why Kenya Embassy. We are safi kama pamba when it comes to DRC affairs. Or did our guy mess things since he seems to have no clue on foreign affairs?Ruto is clueless when it comes to foreign affairs,look at Sudan it is a disaster Ruto boy routed and on run from sudanese government, Did Ruto not know chickens will come to roost,in these conflict a weakling like Kenya needs to stay neutral we are too weak to support any side. KDF is aarmy of clowns.DRC attack kenya embassay
Ugandan, Rwandan, Kenyan, Japanese, US, and French embassies in Kinshasa were attacked.
I asked a colleague at RTNC (Congo’s National Radio and TV) why Security forces aren't stopping this. “Security forces are the ones supporting chaos in Kinshasa,” he said.
Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
Congo has been using the Hutsus in their internal war making them stronger. Kagame thinks fighting them now will prolong his regime stay.
A miscalculation , was in Rwanda recently the way Tustsi overload Hutsu is not sustainable in the long term . Once Kagame is out there will be a big civil war 94 was baby ……Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
What conflict have these colonial deadwoods solved in our lifetime? Kenya was very stupid to take Kismayu and have no game plan because of these colonial dead woods. Wiry man should march forward otherwise they are kaput.
Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
Why can't ICC add the little fucker to the Kony, Bashir and Hemedi list of wanted criminals? So he can stick his stammering brown teeth in Kigali as investors evaporate. He's more a warlord than a state leader.
If Trump the Bully has not spoken about it, it useless noise. UNSC unlike to even pass resolution. Kagame has UN on its balls because MONUSCO the largest UN base has basically been imprisoned in Rwanda - and their goodies taken.Nyeusi is too lowly for Trump to talk about thats him to delegate to his juniors, you have to understand, Right now like i said before US ambassadors in Africa will be super powerful wait for the ones coming to Kenya to dictate to Ruto,Kagame is a nobody in greater equation you can see he tried to reply to Trump but he was addressed by Rubio whonis Trump in africa.
Kinshasa has not helped things by attacking whites and their embassies yesterday while M23 are behaving very civilized in Goma with very minimal causalities.
Propaganda wise - Kagame is doing great. So far only German has announced sanctions. In 2013 - all of them rushed to sanction Kagame.
Now big boy Trump doesn't care abut Congo and little African wars. His big agenda is to expel Africans back to congo to fight and cannibalize each other.Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
Eastern Congo has been Uganda and Rwanda playground - taking minerals, the timber and anything they want - only the western looters like US/China are competing.Really lets see if they can do that as you say meanwhile prepare for Hutu Panga season 2 :D
Kinshasa are happily dancing to Rhumba and bleaching their skins to care - just like their cousins in Nigeria.
Kagame will hand over to another Tutsi. Museveni will hand over to another Hima. They have built military and intelligences societies that intimidate the majority with readiness to kill.
Congo has been using the Hutsus in their internal war making them stronger. Kagame thinks fighting them now will prolong his regime stay.
A miscalculation , was in Rwanda recently the way Tustsi overload Hutsu is not sustainable in the long term . Once Kagame is out there will be a big civil war 94 was baby ……Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
Really lets see if they can do that as you say meanwhile prepare for Hutu Panga season 2 :D
If Trump the Bully has not spoken about it, it useless noise. UNSC unlike to even pass resolution. Kagame has UN on its balls because MONUSCO the largest UN base has basically been imprisoned in Rwanda - and their goodies taken.Nyeusi is too lowly for Trump to talk about thats him to delegate to his juniors, you have to understand, Right now like i said before US ambassadors in Africa will be super powerful wait for the ones coming to Kenya to dictate to Ruto,Kagame is a nobody in greater equation you can see he tried to reply to Trump but he was addressed by Rubio whonis Trump in africa.
Kinshasa has not helped things by attacking whites and their embassies yesterday while M23 are behaving very civilized in Goma with very minimal causalities.
Propaganda wise - Kagame is doing great. So far only German has announced sanctions. In 2013 - all of them rushed to sanction Kagame.
Now big boy Trump doesn't care abut Congo and little African wars. His big agenda is to expel Africans back to congo to fight and cannibalize each other.Seems Skinny Kagame has miscalculated, US,UK,France,UN are breathing hard on his neck, Rwanda is a tiny country and really irrelevant and those countries wont dare back her.
Give it up for kagame for trying though.
You see to Trump we are all shithole negroes :D
Stay tuned pundit
Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Why are Bantus killing fellow bantus. You moron they are Nilo cushitic. Their DNA has been tested. They are close to Datooga, kalenjin n maasai. It's speculated they moved from Tanzania . Linguistic Prof Ehret speculate they split from lost southern cushitic Tate who lived in Easr of lake Victoria where kurias now lived
Pundit Tutsi are Bantu wacha panganga and Kalenjin are nilotes . Not related at all …Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Attacked by who n why. Kenya has military pavt with Rwanda. Uganda too. Burundi are scared. Drc scared. So far only Angola seem ready for anything. South Africa are looking for excuse to quit ...South Africa are saying TZ,Malawi n Burundi let them down. Pale you know ni land of thousands hills...ngumu.. Afghanistan. The field is level because I go top of mountain n I hit you. There are 1000 hillsWhat pact you really expect KDF to intervene for Rwanda if Ruto ordered KDF for that trust me it would end up in overthrow of Ruto Gen Z Would also seize that opportunity, Ruto wont dare he is not that foolish yet.
Kagame vs Ramaphosa online war escalate. Rwanda dares the bantu cowards of SADC to try him. South Africa without the Boers in army are useless. If Bantus hiding under SADC attempt to genocide our people...Ruto n Museveni should move inI agree without boers South Africa is not that lethal,however rwanda needs just a little shake like am saying and 85%Hutu from within go in cannibalistic frenzy and eat up the Tustsi.
Modern-day genetic studies of the Y-chromosome generally indicate that the Tutsi, like the Hutu, are largely of Bantu extraction (60% E1b1a, 20% B, 4% E-P2(xE1b1a)).
Paternal genetic influences associated with the Horn of Africa and North Africa are few (under 3% E1b1b-M35), and are ascribed to much earlier inhabitants who were assimilated
Why are Bantus killing fellow bantus. You moron they are Nilo cushitic. Their DNA has been tested. They are close to Datooga, kalenjin n maasai. It's speculated they moved from Tanzania . Linguistic Prof Ehret speculate they split from lost southern cushitic Tate who lived in Easr of lake Victoria where kurias now lived
Pundit Tutsi are Bantu wacha panganga and Kalenjin are nilotes . Not related at all …Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Noway, Pundit just got a Tusti mpango wa kando she has literally brainwashed him. Pundit of today is totally a different one from the past.
Pundit Tutsi are Bantu wacha panganga and Kalenjin are nilotes . Not related at all …Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Intra bantu war has always been there since time memorial , even in Kenya you can see Kamba kikuyu rivarly . Reason of going to war against each other a numerous take example now in Ukraine vs Russia war these are slavs brothers actually fighting against each other , before Ukraine was fighting their felow Slavs Poles . But its okay this is the same logic you use to say Ruto will rule forever meaning no iota of fact .Boss bantu phenotypes n genotypes is well known. The Tutsi are being killed for looking different. Kenya Bantus like kikuyus are not original have injected lost of nilo cushitic genes. DNA evidence I have posted
As for DNA done and tested they are Bantu as is no amount of twisting anything will change this factQuoteModern-day genetic studies of the Y-chromosome generally indicate that the Tutsi, like the Hutu, are largely of Bantu extraction (60% E1b1a, 20% B, 4% E-P2(xE1b1a)).
Paternal genetic influences associated with the Horn of Africa and North Africa are few (under 3% E1b1b-M35), and are ascribed to much earlier inhabitants who were assimilatedWhy are Bantus killing fellow bantus. You moron they are Nilo cushitic. Their DNA has been tested. They are close to Datooga, kalenjin n maasai. It's speculated they moved from Tanzania . Linguistic Prof Ehret speculate they split from lost southern cushitic Tate who lived in Easr of lake Victoria where kurias now lived
Pundit Tutsi are Bantu wacha panganga and Kalenjin are nilotes . Not related at all …Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Intra bantu war has always been there since time memorial , even in Kenya you can see Kamba kikuyu rivarly . Reason of going to war against each other a numerous take example now in Ukraine vs Russia war these are slavs brothers actually fighting against each other , before Ukraine was fighting their felow Slavs Poles . But its okay this is the same logic you use to say Ruto will rule forever meaning no iota of fact .Perfectly put,even between Merus used to see fights between the sub groups,Somalia is one tribe but they genocided each other example numerous dont understand why Pundit is sticking to a very flimsy line. Kalenjin have massacred each other in rift valley,pokots,marakwets,elgeyo etc all the time, arabs the same.
As for DNA done and tested they are Bantu as is no amount of twisting anything will change this factQuoteModern-day genetic studies of the Y-chromosome generally indicate that the Tutsi, like the Hutu, are largely of Bantu extraction (60% E1b1a, 20% B, 4% E-P2(xE1b1a)).
Paternal genetic influences associated with the Horn of Africa and North Africa are few (under 3% E1b1b-M35), and are ascribed to much earlier inhabitants who were assimilatedWhy are Bantus killing fellow bantus. You moron they are Nilo cushitic. Their DNA has been tested. They are close to Datooga, kalenjin n maasai. It's speculated they moved from Tanzania . Linguistic Prof Ehret speculate they split from lost southern cushitic Tate who lived in Easr of lake Victoria where kurias now lived
Pundit Tutsi are Bantu wacha panganga and Kalenjin are nilotes . Not related at all …Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
I use to think they are just bantus beating other bantus. I have seen known they are our lost kin. They call their cow ente...south Nilotic the or tany...their DNA matches kalenjin n maaNoway, Pundit just got a Tusti mpango wa kando she has literally brainwashed him. Pundit of today is totally a different one from the past.
Pundit Tutsi are Bantu wacha panganga and Kalenjin are nilotes . Not related at all …Bukavu will be easily taken. As always Burundi Tutsi dominated army will never fight fellow Tutsi. They are likely to defect to M23. Angola n South Africa should be aiming at Kinshasa...they will few weeks headstart to dig up the drenches around Kinshasa n prevent kagame from taking it. They managed last time to kagame in outskirts of kinshasaSorry Pundit from what am seeing in the blog, Rwanda risks being attacked directly then more scenario of Hutu rising against Nilo-cushitic Kalenjin "Tutsi" and we same the same deja vu all over, but time will tell,as Njuri the sage said Kagame owns the greatest risk.
Njuri, We know historical Bantus in kdf don't fight so relax you'll stay there cooking food. Mzungu knew who fight kalenjin,Maa n Somalis. The jaluo n Bantus like kamba were useless in combat. They run when hear fire being returned n can't move forward. So relax. Kdf Iko na wanaume. Kenya has military pact with Rwanda signed 10yrs ago. Rwanda 4000 troop has held 30000 bantu cowards. So we need to send just 2000 pastoralists heavy special forces..5% of kdf
Fits your logic , MAU MAU according to you originated from Rift Valley and were Kalenjins . You even dont acknowledge that Kalenjin are nilotes trying to create a narrative that they are cushite because you dont want to associated with Luos who are Nilotes like you .
This is narrative where you claim Rift Valley was not inhabited by Maasai but Kiambu was .
In History you cant twist facts to fit your logic.
Fact Remains Kalenjin are Nilotes like Luos and used to fight in Intra Nilotic wars . Same as Tutsi and Hutu who are Bantus but rivals . Stop self deceitNjuri, We know historical Bantus in kdf don't fight so relax you'll stay there cooking food. Mzungu knew who fight kalenjin,Maa n Somalis. The jaluo n Bantus like kamba were useless in combat. They run when hear fire being returned n can't move forward. So relax. Kdf Iko na wanaume. Kenya has military pact with Rwanda signed 10yrs ago. Rwanda 4000 troop has held 30000 bantu cowards. So we need to send just 2000 pastoralists heavy special forces..5% of kdf
Their love for milk n cows, their food taboos that eating meat n milk at same meal, there many food taboos, etc. Their phenotype n DNA clearly show they Nilo cushitic..they range from pure cushites to pure nilotes. DNA they have E m293 as their main genes. Their bravery n aggression
Those are silly studies. Tutsi are nilo cushitic.
Their DNA is Bantu their Language is Bantu actually I can understand their language 40%. You can dream all day but fact remains they are Bantu ….
Y-DNA (paternal)
Modern-day genetic studies of the Y-chromosome generally indicate that the Tutsi, like the Hutu, are largely of Bantu extraction (80% E1b1a, 10% B, 4% E3). Paternal genetic influences associated with the Horn of Africa and North Africa are few (less than 10% E1b1b)Their love for milk n cows, their food taboos that eating meat n milk at same meal, there many food taboos, etc. Their phenotype n DNA clearly show they Nilo cushitic..they range from pure cushites to pure nilotes. DNA they have E m293 as their main genes. Their bravery n aggression
SADC ask Suluhu to speak with Ruto as chairs of SADC and EAC and agree on way forward.Do you understand diplomacy? Actions speak louder than words,cannibalistic Bantu wont rest until eating up the Tutsi-Kalenjin :D
Baby Tshikedi has been dropped.
You know what EAC will say - Kagame and Tshikedi - sit down and agree.
Do you understand diplomacy? Actions speak louder than words,cannibalistic Bantu wont rest until eating up the Tutsi-Kalenjin :D
How will SADC vote for Raila for AU after all this??
Ok Pundit will they still vote for baba at AU?
They have to.
Raila is part of this mess
He is friend of Ramaphosa and Tshikedi.
He was taking KDF to fight - an idiot - KDF now would be in big mess.
He will be in good company in AU with fellow Idiots.
Diplomatically I dont see why Kenya or Ruto will suffer from mess in DRC.
This is Rwanda beef with DRC - low key Uganda -very loooooooooow key kenyaOk Pundit will they still vote for baba at AU?
Lol , So Ruto phone call with Macron which made him call for a ceasefire meeting so called EAC which was snubbed by DRC wont have an effect in Francophone countries who detest Macron and France ?
Lets wait and see …………….
Burundi Hutu president says Rwanda want to invade it.Wacha ujinga Pundit where do you see Burundi president fearing Rwanda invasion of Burundi,we torelate most of your rumbling alcoholic rants but now you going too far
It appears M23 and Burundian forces are squearing
Njuri I have researched this issue..hima Tutsi are Nilo cushitic cousin of kalenjin n maasai. The Bantus in those countries knows that. That is why they massacred them. These cattle keeping people who call cow southern Nilotic ente, they love milk, blood n meat. They don't eat grain or veggies. They don't eat meat n drink milk on same day. They don't eat chicken or fish. You look for few videos. Start with hair, height, etc. They have long legs like kalenjin n maaasai. DNA have been tested. ...look for it. They clearly have Nilotic n cushitic blood likevSamburu. These people lived in Tanzania all way to DRC. Next were Datooga kalenjin then cushitic iraqws then Maasai Now Tutsi likely to take DRC n Burundi the entire east Africa won't have bantu president to DRC. This was bound to happen. It's been this way njuri. We are brave warrior. You're cowardly farming savages who enjoys human flesh. After Suluhu maybe we overthrow Tanzania n put Maasai or Kalenjin hapo pia....Burundi Hutu president says Rwanda want to invade it.Wacha ujinga Pundit where do you see Burundi president fearing Rwanda invasion of Burundi,we torelate most of your rumbling alcoholic rants but now you going too far
It appears M23 and Burundian forces are squearing
Who in his right mind can claim Banyankole and Tustsi are nilotes.
You're becoming senile,even in uganda Banyankole of museveni identiffy strictly as Bantus inclusing himas et all
M23 itself as never represented an alternative origin.
Burundi like Rwanda is 85 % Hutu, Cannibal Hutu rules
Njuri will soon release the 10 HUTU COMMANDMENTS
:D :D 88)
Watching opinion shapers and pan Africanists in the west and most are with Congo and against Kagame. Kagame and Rwanda image has been tainted and now is seen as Kaburu of South Africa. It is hard to make it when panafricanist media in the west are not on your side. I think SADC and EAC are quitly siding with Tshekedi! Being called 'Israel' of Africa is not good. Kagame will need western mercenaries in the long term, or Kagali may fall. Western nations don't care if Rwanda of DRC fall, all they care is contnous chaos, so multinational companies contninue to loot resources. When Tshikedi sued aple for using smuggled minerals a year I go, I knew the war will come. Tshikedi and Kagame should burry hatchet instead of getting dragged to war that will last 10 years and devastate the region!kagame can only be defeated if museveni disagree otherwise in those hilly terrain of eastern congo n Rwanda you can't. The big boys are US n maybe China who are interested in the minerals. They trust Kagame to do better job
battle is now almost 200kms in Bukavu...the battle is 40kms from Bukavu...150kms from goma. These Tutsi move at lightening speed
Trump has basically told Ramaphosa to prepare for bigger war n leave little Rwanda. The bully n has got a real bully as he tried to exterminate our poor Tutsi. Inshallah Kivu republic is bornTrump is listening to Elon Musk the boer, he told him blacks were massacring whites uko, Trump believes everything Musk told him, basically Musk told Trump Ramaphosa must stop first massacring whites before even nyeusi problems in congo can be looked at :D
Trump is listening to Elon Musk the boer, he told him blacks were massacring whites uko, Trump believes everything Musk told him, basically Musk told Trump Ramaphosa must stop first massacring whites before even nyeusi problems in congo can be looked at :D
But US only gives south africa 400Million its not like they are dependent on it, South africa actually will more likely invade Rwanda alone, preparations are still ongoing.
Look like US is convinced Kagame could go to KinshasaBeen following tweets in Congo and I can tell you that's a Tutsi propagandist just like itumbi is for Ruto,
Kagame will first have to go south to capture Bukavu before heading west, once he defeats the Hutus defending there then Kinshahsa would be in sight but that will be a tall order like I say it's a matter of time before attacks begin inside little rwanda and all hell breaks loose and kagame long legs will rescue him.
If kagame moves west without capturing Bukavu then Hutus go east into Rwanda sinple military strategy.
Battle will end up in Kigali.
Bantu cope. You will need lot of it. In Bukavu they run away like cowards. Uganda hopefully will enter Ituri and create Ituri/Kisangani country.Now Kagame is fully stretched he has to defend areas captured in eastern congo and Rwanda itself now stay stuned as the obvious unravells.Battle will end up in Kigali.
Now Kagame is fully stretched he has to defend areas captured in eastern congo and Rwanda itself now stay stuned as the obvious unravells.
If Uganda moves inside Ituri Kisangani better still,lead ro collapse of those 2 despot Kagame and Museveni at same time.
“During the last two weeks, Congolese forces and supporting fighters resisted further advances by the M23 and RDF, briefly regaining several areas of the RN2 southward road corridor from Sake to Kalehe. Since the fall of Goma, Congolese troops have received additional support from Burundian and SADC forces. Further support has come from Ugandan military forces — newly deployed against the M23 — a controversial move given the prior allegations of Ugandan support for the M23. However, these additional forces were unable to curb the advance of the M23-RDF offensive, which likely signals imminent clashes in Bukavu.”
Quote“During the last two weeks, Congolese forces and supporting fighters resisted further advances by the M23 and RDF, briefly regaining several areas of the RN2 southward road corridor from Sake to Kalehe. Since the fall of Goma, Congolese troops have received additional support from Burundian and SADC forces. Further support has come from Ugandan military forces — newly deployed against the M23 — a controversial move given the prior allegations of Ugandan support for the M23. However, these additional forces were unable to curb the advance of the M23-RDF offensive, which likely signals imminent clashes in Bukavu.”
KDF laughauble they will be chewed up in a few days cry babies like Museveni said they are career soldiers, If Rwanada and Uganda despise KDF what about SADC with far more advanced armies??
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 15, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>We are on the way to Bunia, the people are welcoming us as liberators.
— Muhoozi Kainerugaba (@mkainerugaba) February 15, 2025
This is soo sweet finally Bantu Meru/Hutu takes over those 2 shithole.countries, Tusti kalenjins will be vaporized.
?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 17, 2025</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>😳😳😳Translation: South Kivu -
— Charles Onyango-Obbo (@cobbo3) February 17, 2025
Muzee Misumbazi: the person in charge of witchcraft and mystical and spiritual ammunition of the wazalendo in the Ruzizi plain! He calls on the population to no longer flee the M23. He claims that they will bring peace! In this video he shows his…
Wacha Bhangi.Pundit bibi yako anakupiga kama burukenge when you come home drunk, hauwezi mambo ingine
Be thankful our people the UMBA/Lumbwa - and lately Samburu - gave you good genes - and some height too.
You'd be as hopeless as Hutu and Conglese.
Without Nilo Cushitic genes in few Merus - nyinyi ni bure
My advice - lete hiyo Bibi yako I give you one good brave gene :) that will face Somalis in next few decade of desertificationThis is soo sweet finally Bantu Meru/Hutu takes over those 2 shithole.countries, Tusti kalenjins will be vaporized.
Former president Joseph Kabila has been in Nairobi and is meeting his brokers with Kinshasa accusing him of supporting M23.
Interesting.Wacha Mursik
Seem the is pause in the offensive.
M23 consolidating the areas under control.
This time they dont seem to be in hurry
They want to dig in for the long time
And definitely seccesion looks on cardFormer president Joseph Kabila has been in Nairobi and is meeting his brokers with Kinshasa accusing him of supporting M23.
Bantu negro blast a public rally. He is Mia in battle field. M23 are winning the minds n hearts of Eastern Swahili congo. The EU bilateral sanctions are nonsense compared to the minerals Kigali will be shippingare you already drunk?????shipping to whom when the sanctions imposed on rwanda exactly have to do with revenue collection from.congo, Already US banned that rwandan foreign minister because he is the main source of M23 finace???
Njuri, you're nuts, Chinese will buy those minerals n give Rwanda more forex that he loses in aid. Eastern DRC republic is going to happenWacha bhangi Chinese are pro DRC including Russia,Rwanda is isolated you think those countries dont know the strategic value of going with the big guy? They are looking way ahead, in a scenario tiny Rwanda is vaporized which will definetly happen. As for now Rwanda has to continue invading deeper in DRC from a military perspective and countinously engage war, any respite will mean DRC rebuild army and strikes deep inside Rwanda.
Germany, Canada, UK, US have frozen aid or imposed sanctions. I hope the ICC swoops in soon to indict the lawless thug.Add Belgium, Tanzania not involved only Kenya. Rwanda will economically cripple by end of the year if these sanctions not remived add to the already diminishing tourism.
Why can't Ruto and Suluhu block Rwanda-bound transit goods? The small land-locked moron ought to respect his neighbors.
Kagame learnt his lesson in 2013 when aids n sanctions forced him to move out of Goma.This time no traction because Rwanda has built it's revenue collectionTo last how long? Wait till inflation sets in then utajua iyo reserve is useless,with a GDP of Mere 13B and a population of 14 Million i would easily assume it will dry in 6-9months
Pundit ni kama Trump want eastern DRC for himself, Kagame stirred a honet nest. Apparently talks are very advanced to supply Tshikedi with tactical support for them minerals.
SADC bantus ends their ill fated mission and leave fatso to his own device.If Kagame has what it takes to fight mighty US for the minerals then please he can go ahead ...
If Kagame has what it takes to fight mighty US for the minerals then please he can go ahead ...
Pundit btw why are you so not enthusiastic about your south sudan dinka nuer nilotic kinsmen.