SADC have in diplomatic language dropped Tsekedi
He didn't even attend.
We have big victory because the Nilo Cushitic alliance of Ruto, Kagame and Museveni - will roll over the Swahili lady- Suluhu
Tsikedi is finished.
Trump said he has more important things to worry about cannibalistic negros who are eating even pets in USA.
And Ruto is helping to reduce cannibalism of Haitis.
So what next Njuri.
Kagame has three options if Tsikedi listen - allow RPF to go and arrest all the Hutus cannabalist - bring them to Rwanda - and give them heavy prison terms. DRC does that with Uganda on ADF. Then listen M23 - given them South and North Kivu to run them as part of federal majimbo
Option 2 - match to Kinshasa and take over DRC gov and colonized entire 100M bantus.
Option 3 - form a KIVU republic.
I am in favour of Option 3.
And know we have not entered the conflict - as Kalenjin-Maasai alliance - and given them huge boost.
As more DNA is tested - Kalenjin-Maa will be going to Congo - that land is to die for.
Do you understand diplomacy? Actions speak louder than words,cannibalistic Bantu wont rest until eating up the Tutsi-Kalenjin 
How will SADC vote for Raila for AU after all this??