You're opening too many arguments in one reply.
1) Nilo Cushitic is what was called Nilo Hamitic. Post jewish genocide of 1945 this terms was dropped and Greenberg then said Kalenjin-Maa were nilotic - which is pure nonsense. Kalenjin has extensive language similarities with cushitic to be almost cushitic. It half-half nilotic and cushitic. In some countries like Uganda they distinguish btw Nilote and Nilo Hamitic.
A Luo v Maasai are not the same. A Kalenjin and Luo are not the same. They dont look the same. One is heavy burly nilotic with bantu influence (Luo). The others are nilotes with heavy cushitic.
Nilotes are 3 - Southern Nilotic kalenjin - are ones who broke off very early from nilotic - and mixed with cushitic in Ethiopia - and then kenya to TZ - this mixture is what results in likes of Hima-Tutsi.
Maa/Turkana are - Eastern Nilotes - they stayed with Luos - western nilotes - and broke off - and later also mixed with cushitic in Ethiopia - then comeback to Kenya to TZ - Maa have heavy mixtures with Cushitics than even Kalenjin. 1/4 of kalenjin have cushitic hair texture - but Maa I see in my quarry huko kajiado - it almost 70% have Somali type hair. You stay few days in Maa - you cannot deny their cushitic roots.
The closest DNA wise to Tutsi-Hima are Datooga of Tanzania - they are kalenjin cousins. Their language is very cushitic, they look very cushitic.
2) Kikuyus and Merus have lots of nilo cushitic genes - mostly from Kalenjin (all way from TZ where they came to Mt Kenya) and then some from Maasai. There are many things kikuyus will be surprised are kalenjin including names like Mwangi, Maina etc. Name of donkey, rhino, wildberbest is borrowed from Kalenjin. Kikuyus came from Cameroon to DRC to Tanzania - met Kalenjin pale- and met more in Mt Kenya (Athi, Ogiek, Kinale, Umpa, Gumba, Lumbwa,Dorobo). Mt Kenya bantus including kambas - have a lot of nilo cushitic blood - up to 30-40% - and you can tell by just looking at them they are different from real bantus like you see in DRC congo.
3) Mau Mau began in Mau forest extension - in Olenguorene. This was 1st settlement scheme given to Kikuyus by British - to compensate for land they had lost in Limuru for tea. When British later changed mind and gave that scheme to Italians POW - kikuyus started oathing - and later they were expelled back to Lari/Limuru. Hapo kwa Kenya Plato. They spread their mau mau oathing and eventually killed chief of Lari and village. Mzungu declared crackdown. This just post WW2 - 1948-1952 - then Mau Mau defeated by 1956. Italian POWs were mainly arrested in Somalia and such places - they were given Olenguoroene - beyond Molo to farm after they had served their time building roads and bridges.
4) History of Tutsi-Hima and their identity is central to this conflict. Those Bantus in the region claim they came from Ethiopia. The DNA is now common and Tutsi are now able to trace their roots properly.
Fits your logic , MAU MAU according to you originated from Rift Valley and were Kalenjins . You even dont acknowledge that Kalenjin are nilotes trying to create a narrative that they are cushite because you dont want to associated with Luos who are Nilotes like you .
This is narrative where you claim Rift Valley was not inhabited by Maasai but Kiambu was .
In History you cant twist facts to fit your logic.
Fact Remains Kalenjin are Nilotes like Luos and used to fight in Intra Nilotic wars . Same as Tutsi and Hutu who are Bantus but rivals . Stop self deceit
Njuri, We know historical Bantus in kdf don't fight so relax you'll stay there cooking food. Mzungu knew who fight kalenjin,Maa n Somalis. The jaluo n Bantus like kamba were useless in combat. They run when hear fire being returned n can't move forward. So relax. Kdf Iko na wanaume. Kenya has military pact with Rwanda signed 10yrs ago. Rwanda 4000 troop has held 30000 bantu cowards. So we need to send just 2000 pastoralists heavy special forces..5% of kdf