They Tutsi-Hima lost their language but refused to dilute their genes with Bantu cannabilist voodo witchcraft loving kneegrows
Why did they lose their language - they entered a symbiotic relationship with Bantu farmers.
Farmers clear the forest - chase away tsetsefly and mosquito - the Nilo Cushitic herders take the land.
Herders give Bantus farmers milk and loan cows - and proceed to clear more forested lands.
The brave herders naturally became their leaders for centuries.
From TZ to South Africa - Cattle aristocracy exist in all these countries.
Bantu farmers are happy to be subservient to noble Nilo Cushitic cattle keepers.
Thay are also happy to be ruled even by pure Nilotes like Luos - Babito dynasty of Uganda - and way baluhya are happy to worship Luos.
People were happy - Maasai in Kenya run the shows - sometimes Kalenjin - Bantus were happy to farm.
Problem happened in 1950s - just like in Kenya - Europeans declared they will hand over to DEMOCRATIC elected gov - ignoring the ethnicity and cries of minorities like Maa and Kalenjin regarding their land.
Popolous Bantus like Kikuyus and Hutus suddenly got power - Maasai and Kalenjin and Tutsis and Hima who had run the show had no numbers.
Bantus now had power for first time and they misused it.
Kikuyus proceed to use democratic institution to steal Kalenjin and Maasai land. Bantus gov in Nairobi sends 1million of their savages to take over rift valley - from Baluhya, Gusii and Kikuyus - the Kalenjin and Maa watched in disbelief as their ancestral land was grabbed - in a willing seller willing buyer kenya is democracy anyone can live anywhere.
The Hutus used it to steal Tutsi land and kill them - in 1959 and later in 1994 - and they still do in congo.
Naturally Niloc cushitic responded - Moi takes power in 1970s- Hima-Tutsi - - Hima took power in Uganda in 80s - Tutsi took power in 90s - and of course kalenjin-maa have attempted to recover some of the lost land - causing lots killings and eviction of bantus.
Bantu cannibalistic savage are stealing hunting and eating Tutsi in DRC - and this where we have a BIG PROBLEM NOW.
European have understood that African democracy cannot be like European. Its imperfect. It tribal.
One man one vote cannot work
We need one warrior one gun one vote first otherwise it will be coups, genocide and counter coups.
Moi was to stay for lifetime then we have Maasai - hivyo hivyo - the 1990s - European and American again said democracy democracy - again multiparty came - Bantus savages again unite to oust the God-ordained leadership of Nilo Cushitic over kenya

- kikuyus are back to power after a decade - and killing started in 92 - 2007 - and now we have restored power.
Now Ruto to keep it in right place for 100yrs hivi - hata kama ni vita wacha iwe vita

Museveni to hand over to another Hima 100yrs hivi
Rwanda become Tutsi control for another 500yrs hivi
Tutsi need to take over Burundi and carve out DRC
We work on Tanzania next
Mambo ni kala kala.
First answer my question why "tall and handsome brave nilo-cushitic Tutsi " speak a Bantu language then we can follow on the rest. 
How if they were that brave they were bantunized. 
How if they can fight did they face the Hutu machete that reduced them by 1M.
Pundit,do you want a Genocide 2.0 by Bantu Hutu on Nilo-Cushitic Tusti-Kalenjin