Author Topic: Pundit & Noway - BBI will pass without dot or comma - despite Ruto bribing ODM  (Read 15166 times)

Offline Nefertiti

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Any such clauses 1)need 2/3 of both MPs and senate. 2)must be in a separate bill as a bill cannot be both popular and parliamentary. Ergo referendum is a must for ENTIRE bill. Duhh
I actually agree with Speaker. I don't know why you think I don't. Parliament role is to simply short-circuit referendum by approving people's constitutional changes when it doesn't touch the protected clauses.

If BBI is not a popular initiative how exactly do you agree with Muturi? :o Of course it is a popular initiative - your confusion lies in when does a process kick in? Aukot sat in his bedroom with his wife and drafted PMI; Haji wazee drafted BBI - so long as 1M signatures plus MCAs assented both are popular initiatives.

There is nothing weighty about the Ndii & Kivutha cases in high court - they are all quite frivolous. There is no referendum law to be violated. Ati "public money will be wasted" and such arguments :) You are very legally inept.
But there are other problems that BBI faces - as captured by 8 court cases at the high court. BBI is not popular initiative. Everyone knows it. It's misuse of power.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Uhuru will decide if referendum is a must or not. Read the constitution. My understanding is that clauses that do not touch on protected clause are as good as amended if parliament okay it.

Now BBI 90% is on safe clauses - logical think to do is to remove those clauses - 10% that affect the constitution and subject them to a referendum.

You cannot throw away the bath water with baby.

There in lies Uhuru and Kihara next role.

Heck Uhuru can even decide that BBI doesn't touch any protected clause :) and constitution will become huge mess in next 7 days- what will you do :)

The only SURE PROOF way to get referendum or Uhuru commitment to one is therefore for Senate to reject - if Raila is smart - and for parliament to pass (for optics - that BBI is not unpopular) - and 70 constitutuency is good excuse.

I see that gameplan.

Any such clauses 1)need 2/3 of both MPs and senate. 2)must be in a separate bill as a bill cannot be both popular and parliamentary. Ergo referendum is a must for ENTIRE bill. Duhh
I actually agree with Speaker. I don't know why you think I don't. Parliament role is to simply short-circuit referendum by approving people's constitutional changes when it doesn't touch the protected clauses.

If BBI is not a popular initiative how exactly do you agree with Muturi? :o Of course it is a popular initiative - your confusion lies in when does a process kick in? Aukot sat in his bedroom with his wife and drafted PMI; Haji wazee drafted BBI - so long as 1M signatures plus MCAs assented both are popular initiatives.

There is nothing weighty about the Ndii & Kivutha cases in high court - they are all quite frivolous. There is no referendum law to be violated. Ati "public money will be wasted" and such arguments :) You are very legally inept.
But there are other problems that BBI faces - as captured by 8 court cases at the high court. BBI is not popular initiative. Everyone knows it. It's misuse of power.

Offline Nefertiti

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Good laugh about Ruto understand Uhuru thinking. Like really :) I doubt even Mama Ngina does. Go slow on hubris.

Ruto vs Raila - who wants BBI to pass in parliament?
Obviously Raila needs BBI matchup to beat Ruto. BBI splits the animal so that he can string along NASA plus Gema. If new MPs and 1M1S pass in parliament, Gema-Uhuru would not need Raila. So Raila wants referendum on entire BBI. But Ruto would benefit if Gema goodies don't need referendum. Now Ruto must face Gema and explain why he is opposing their payday... 1M1V1S. Or he can join Yes - and last vestiges of hustler narrative die. Or well he can remain watermelon  :) - damned if he does, damned if he does not.

Why is BBI 2022 combo?
Because you can see all the mark-timing. All the sweet time to hold Bomas, validation, counties, referendum law. It deliberate then they can claim to save 14B for youth-women and make it 2022 combo. Chebukati is mere chairman and will be overruled by commissioners if he bring nyoko-nyoko about 7-ballot election. Of course it rich for people demanding 40Q multiple choice to cry about mere single extra Yes-No ballot.

Why would Ruto want BBI to pass in parliament. To hand Uhuru more power?

Ruto people will vote NO. Ruto understand Uhuru gameplan INSIDE OUT. He has counter-intelligence. He understand Uhuru thinking.

Raila will decide....if he get lied (very likely going by push and pull) - then he will vote YES (like the moron he is) - unless senators/MPS of ODM go rouge.

It appear Orengo and his better trained strategist are going NO. They can see the trap Uhuru is setting up.

While Raila's Robina TYPE FOOLS (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET TYPE LIE TO ME 1000 time) have swalloed Uhuru lie, HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

As soon as parliament passes BBI - why would Uhuru need Raila?

All he need is Kihara to remove 1 or 2 useless things like Ombusdman - for referendum - and as of next week - BBI will be LAW.

Muturi already gave the roadmap. Kihara will split that BBI into Uhuru BBI - and Raila's BBI. Uhuru will ammend the Katiba now. Raila will be given his BBI and told to engage Chebukati :) for referendum.

Chebukati will say he's too busy with 6 elections. Meanwhile Uhuru's BBI will start action before end of may. While you wait for BBI as 2022 COMBO :) :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Ruto has refuse your binary - yes or no - brain - and added option C - NOT INTERESTED - NOT A PRIORITY - I CANNOT ANSWER - I DON' T KNOW - NOT APPLICABLE.

Ruto remember is playing a tough game of APPEASING GEMA AND NON_GEMA. Nobody has done this before. He has to do WIN-WIN. YES-YES NON-NO - but generally he is asking kenya to skipe YES/ NO - answer  NOT a Priority - SKIP to Question 2 (BOTTOM UP HUSTLER NATION).

That is what you've missed from day one.

Ruto is very tactical and strategic - that is why Uhuru despite the enormous power - is still sweating as we speak - and gorging himself with food.

Raila has sacrified NON_GEMA - for the GEMA - but are looking his desperation - with even more contempt :) :)

Good laugh about Ruto understand Uhuru thinking. Like really :) I doubt even Mama Ngina does. Go slow on hubris.

Ruto vs Raila - who wants BBI to pass in parliament?
Obviously Raila needs BBI matchup to beat Ruto. BBI splits the animal so that he can string along NASA plus Gema. If new MPs and 1M1S pass in parliament, Gema-Uhuru would not need Raila. So Raila wants referendum on entire BBI. But Ruto would benefit if Gema goodies don't need referendum. Now Ruto must face Gema and explain why he is opposing their payday... 1M1V1S. Or he can join Yes - and last vestiges of hustler narrative die. Or well he can remain watermelon  :) - damned if he does, damned if he does not.

Why is BBI 2022 combo?
Because you can see all the mark-timing. All the sweet time to hold Bomas, validation, counties, referendum law. It deliberate then they can claim to save 14B for youth-women and make it 2022 combo. Chebukati is mere chairman and will be overruled by commissioners if he bring nyoko-nyoko about 7-ballot election. Of course it rich for people demanding 40Q multiple choice to cry about mere single extra Yes-No ballot.

Why would Ruto want BBI to pass in parliament. To hand Uhuru more power?

Ruto people will vote NO. Ruto understand Uhuru gameplan INSIDE OUT. He has counter-intelligence. He understand Uhuru thinking.

Raila will decide....if he get lied (very likely going by push and pull) - then he will vote YES (like the moron he is) - unless senators/MPS of ODM go rouge.

It appear Orengo and his better trained strategist are going NO. They can see the trap Uhuru is setting up.

While Raila's Robina TYPE FOOLS (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET TYPE LIE TO ME 1000 time) have swalloed Uhuru lie, HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

As soon as parliament passes BBI - why would Uhuru need Raila?

All he need is Kihara to remove 1 or 2 useless things like Ombusdman - for referendum - and as of next week - BBI will be LAW.

Muturi already gave the roadmap. Kihara will split that BBI into Uhuru BBI - and Raila's BBI. Uhuru will ammend the Katiba now. Raila will be given his BBI and told to engage Chebukati :) for referendum.

Chebukati will say he's too busy with 6 elections. Meanwhile Uhuru's BBI will start action before end of may. While you wait for BBI as 2022 COMBO :) :)

Offline Nefertiti

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Ruto worships money - stealing, looting massive wealth. Not so much Raila. I think that explain Raila seeing no urgency to form GNU and loot. Some Luo and ODM MPs hate him for it.

Raila wants real power to fulfill his ideals:- social democracy, liberalism-equality, etc. Of course to you he wants revenge. Perspectives and principles.

The madness. I am talking now. And you're talking the future (wishes). And yet you attribute my thoughts as wishes.
If the world ends today - what will Raila says the handshake has delivered to him? Forget about BBI and 2022 - for now - that is the future - A WISH.

Now what we know Uhuru is promising the future to Raila but he is running gov alone - appointing as he wishes - mostly GEMA friends - and pushing development to his region. That is now.

Now - both Raila and Ruto - are out of power. Ruto has backdoor to power through the patronage network he created in Jubilee 1.0. Raila power comes from "closeness" to Uhuru. It's NOT REAL power like 1/4 Raila had in NARA. It's probably 0.1% of power. Ruto of course had 60% of power in Jubilee 1.0 and made it count.

Now tell me who is wishful...someone who has figured out all the BBI maze - declared it 2022 manifesto.

Or someone like me - who is watching reality - of the politics and judiciary - as the days go!

You're a nut case like Kenya Plato.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Why can't he ask Uhuru to give him 1/4 of power to get some social democracy at least started. Nothing stop Raila now from starting some of those nice things if Uhuru is genuinely interested. BUT WELL WAIT FOR BBI - KILA kitu. You're naive. This cut throat game that Raila is not prepared for.
Ruto worships money - stealing, looting massive wealth. Not so much Raila. I think that explain Raila seeing no urgency to form GNU and loot. Some Luo and ODM MPs hate him for it.

Raila wants real power to fulfill his ideals:- social democracy, liberalism-equality, etc. Of course to you he wants revenge. Perspectives and principles.

The madness. I am talking now. And you're talking the future (wishes). And yet you attribute my thoughts as wishes.
If the world ends today - what will Raila says the handshake has delivered to him? Forget about BBI and 2022 - for now - that is the future - A WISH.

Now what we know Uhuru is promising the future to Raila but he is running gov alone - appointing as he wishes - mostly GEMA friends - and pushing development to his region. That is now.

Now - both Raila and Ruto - are out of power. Ruto has backdoor to power through the patronage network he created in Jubilee 1.0. Raila power comes from "closeness" to Uhuru. It's NOT REAL power like 1/4 Raila had in NARA. It's probably 0.1% of power. Ruto of course had 60% of power in Jubilee 1.0 and made it count.

Now tell me who is wishful...someone who has figured out all the BBI maze - declared it 2022 manifesto.

Or someone like me - who is watching reality - of the politics and judiciary - as the days go!

You're a nut case like Kenya Plato.

Offline Nefertiti

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I am actually okay with the 3 options - yes, no, watermelon. How does the watermelon lineup look like? Indulge us - ASSUME BBI is Aug 2022 combo... you have YES camp Raila-One Kenya lineup Robina the Oracle already revealed to you: Raila PORK-Kalonzo VP-PKenneth PM-Mdvd DPM-Matiangí DPM.

How does Ruto's lineup look while he is "not interested" in BBI?

Ruto has refuse your binary - yes or no - brain - and added option C - NOT INTERESTED - NOT A PRIORITY - I CANNOT ANSWER - I DON' T KNOW - NOT APPLICABLE.

That is what you've missed from day one.

Ruto is very tactical and strategic - that is why Uhuru despite the enormous power - is still sweating as we speak - and gorging himself with food.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Raila non-Gema strategy is One Kenya who have run circles around Ruto. Hustler narrative effectively died in Machakos... this Prof Ndungú Njuguna ponzi scheme is just more abracadbra that already got knocked out by tribe in round one.

BBI lineup is NARC... Ruto UDA is 2002 Kanu of Kalenjin-NEP-few Kikuyu if any survive like say Kihika.

You need to accept Raila has Uhuru support as far as we know. Laughing off his "naivety" or deluding yourself that Ruto knows Uhuru inside out... is too much conjecture. The news will tell us when there is a serious fallout or makeover, for now work with known facts.

ODM-One Kenya-Uhuru... Ruto is so toast.

Ruto has refuse your binary - yes or no - brain - and added option C - NOT INTERESTED - NOT A PRIORITY - I CANNOT ANSWER - I DON' T KNOW - NOT APPLICABLE.

Ruto remember is playing a tough game of APPEASING GEMA AND NON_GEMA. Nobody has done this before. He has to do WIN-WIN. YES-YES NON-NO - but generally he is asking kenya to skipe YES/ NO - answer  NOT a Priority - SKIP to Question 2 (BOTTOM UP HUSTLER NATION).

That is what you've missed from day one.

Ruto is very tactical and strategic - that is why Uhuru despite the enormous power - is still sweating as we speak - and gorging himself with food.

Raila has sacrified NON_GEMA and GEMA are looking his desperation - with even more contempt :) :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Power with or without BBI can be shared. How did Ruto and Uhuru do it in 2013/2017? You make it sound like BBI is only way to win elections? Ruto will have his team - and their MOU.

Ruto will have his team. He will tell them if BBI passes - you become PM - if not you become Leader of Majority - or well in opposition leader of Minority.

Ruto first is very interested in GEMA - and then flower girls!

I mean seriously how many votes does Gideon or MaDVD or Weta bring?

Ruto is keen to do 50-50 with GEMA. The rest will be promised even HEAVEN ON EARTH PRIME MINISTER OF PRIME MINSTERS>

I am actually okay with the 3 options - yes, no, watermelon. How does the watermelon lineup look like? Indulge us - ASSUME BBI is Aug 2022 combo... you have YES camp Raila-One Kenya lineup Robina the Oracle already revealed to you: Raila PORK-Kalonzo VP-PKenneth PM-Mdvd DPM-Matiangí DPM.

How does Ruto's lineup look while he is "not interested" in BBI?

Ruto has refuse your binary - yes or no - brain - and added option C - NOT INTERESTED - NOT A PRIORITY - I CANNOT ANSWER - I DON' T KNOW - NOT APPLICABLE.

That is what you've missed from day one.

Ruto is very tactical and strategic - that is why Uhuru despite the enormous power - is still sweating as we speak - and gorging himself with food.

Offline RV Pundit

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If  GEMA can trust Raila - then he wins :) But they won't and I know from my 30yrs of punditry.
Raila non-Gema strategy is One Kenya who have run circles around Ruto. Hustler narrative effectively died in Machakos... this Prof Ndungú Njuguna ponzi scheme is just more abracadbra that already got knocked out by tribe in round one.

BBI lineup is NARC... Ruto UDA is 2002 Kanu of Kalenjin-NEP-few Kikuyu if any survive like say Kihika.

You need to accept Raila has Uhuru support as far as we know. Laughing off his "naivety" or deluding yourself that Ruto knows Uhuru inside out... is too much conjecture. The news will tell us when there is a serious fallout or makeover, for now work with known facts.

ODM-One Kenya-Uhuru... Ruto is so toast.

Ruto has refuse your binary - yes or no - brain - and added option C - NOT INTERESTED - NOT A PRIORITY - I CANNOT ANSWER - I DON' T KNOW - NOT APPLICABLE.

Ruto remember is playing a tough game of APPEASING GEMA AND NON_GEMA. Nobody has done this before. He has to do WIN-WIN. YES-YES NON-NO - but generally he is asking kenya to skipe YES/ NO - answer  NOT a Priority - SKIP to Question 2 (BOTTOM UP HUSTLER NATION).

That is what you've missed from day one.

Ruto is very tactical and strategic - that is why Uhuru despite the enormous power - is still sweating as we speak - and gorging himself with food.

Raila has sacrified NON_GEMA and GEMA are looking his desperation - with even more contempt :) :)

Offline Nefertiti

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Pundit what is new about hustler that got so clobbered in Kamba, Luhya, Gusii? What is Prof Njuguna doing that Prof Ndii could not? You think a new powerpoint will resurrect the UDA mzoga.  :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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UDA is busy with registration and party structures - and coming up with manifesto- their own BBI.

Now let tell you BBI will NOT INCREASE POWER in Kenya. THE POWER which you can call - kenya budget of 30B dollars annual - will increase with our economy.

Ruto is now DP - but he has no power.

In Jubilee 1.0 he was DP - and had power due to 50-50 deal - he a mere VP but was appointing ministers, and name it. That power did NOT COME FROM DEPUTY PRESIDENT office. It came from Uhuru and political reality of Uhuru needing to be re-elected.

BBI is nonsense on steroid for small kids.

What if I make you a PM - and proceed to ignore you like Ruto? You cannot fire or hire minister. You'll be calling meeting like Matiangi and ministers will send junior level PS :) :). After a few months - you'll get busy - somehow :)

Or the president can go ahead and issues EXECUTIVE ORDER OF 2023 - that declares RV Pundit the coordinator of gov ;) :) What will you do as prime minister ?
Heck Raila in NARA - versus Muthaura. Which PNU minister would attend Raila meeting - NONE. Muthaura everyone knew was real gov supervisor and coordinator.

What is important for Ruto is to get GEMA to commit  new partneship agreement based on 50-50 like Jubilee 1.0 and to treat Uhuru aberration as 'urogi'.

Once Ruto has renewed the partneship with GEMA - and has not dropped the ball - despite massive propaganda - it GAME (GEMA) SHOT! The NON_GEMA provide rigging proof margins...

Pundit what is new about hustler that got so clobbered in Kamba, Luhya, Gusii? What is Prof Njuguna doing that Prof Ndii could not? You think a new powerpoint will resurrect the UDA mzoga.  :)

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Ndii is an overweight buffoon, does he really think Lootall gives a hoot about the flowery pro poor policies he is crafting if he ascends to power? He will be lucky if he is not locked up Moi style, that red eyed kid has dictatorial tendencies. Those close to power say Uhuru usually tempered his hardline stances during the first jubilee administration, dude wanted to lock up and kill everyone. I don't expect much either from Raila, Africans are experts at making good noises, all have high minded ideals on paper but they usually fizzle out once in power. Raila is also locked into an unwinnable Faustian bargain with Uhuru/uthamkistan and our major creditor - China to let him win. He has no leeway, it will be excuses galore once becomes PORK, we have to rise taxes, and what not. Don't expect solutions to come from the current political elites.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

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UDA is busy with registration and party structures - and coming up with manifesto- their own BBI.

Now let tell you BBI will NOT INCREASE POWER in Kenya. THE POWER which you can call - kenya budget of 30B dollars annual - will increase with our economy.

Ruto is now DP - but he has no power.

In Jubilee 1.0 he was DP - and had power due to 50-50 deal - he a mere VP but was appointing ministers, and name it. That power did NOT COME FROM DEPUTY PRESIDENT office. It came from Uhuru and political reality of Uhuru needing to be re-elected.

BBI is nonsense on steroid for small kids.

What if I make you a PM - and proceed to ignore you like Ruto? You cannot fire or hire minister. You'll be calling meeting like Matiangi and ministers will send junior level PS :) :). After a few months - you'll get busy - somehow :)

Or the president can go ahead and issues EXECUTIVE ORDER OF 2023 - that declares RV Pundit the coordinator of gov ;) :) What will you do as prime minister ?
Heck Raila in NARA - versus Muthaura. Which PNU minister would attend Raila meeting - NONE. Muthaura everyone knew was real gov supervisor and coordinator.

What is important for Ruto is to get GEMA to commit  new partneship agreement based on 50-50 like Jubilee 1.0 and to treat Uhuru aberration as 'urogi'.

Once Ruto has renewed the partneship with GEMA - and has not dropped the ball - despite massive propaganda - it GAME (GEMA) SHOT! The NON_GEMA provide rigging proof margins...

You speak like Ruto controls IEBC.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Kichwa

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Hehehehe-we have had this bravado predictions before.  You told us that BBI would not get the requisite 75% of the counties and it surpassed that easily.  Ruto was lied to for a long time that the presidency would be handed over to him and we now know that is not going to happen.  You also told us that Kalenjins unlike Luos cannot be betrayed-well the betrayal is almost complete and I only see surrender.  I do not think Ruto is out, but he has been cut to size considerably.  He was literally sleep walking to the presidency until the one-two-punch from handshake and BBI that stunned him. Even if he recovers now, his best bet is an alliance with RAO.  Ouru cannot compromise with him because Ruto's presidency is an existential threat to the Okuyu oligarchs headed by the presidents own brother. Just like when Ruto had to choose between RAO and Ouru in 2013, he chose Ouru because the kikuyus held the instruments of power, RAO too will choose ouru because Ouru holds the instruments of power. Its all coming back to 2013, except the tables have been turned on Ruto this time.

Why would Ruto want BBI to pass in parliament. To hand Uhuru more power?

Ruto people will vote NO. Ruto understand Uhuru gameplan INSIDE OUT. He has counter-intelligence. He understand Uhuru thinking.

Raila will decide....if he get lied (very likely going by push and pull) - then he will vote YES (like the moron he is) - unless senators/MPS of ODM go rouge.

It appear Orengo and his better trained strategist are going NO. They can see the trap Uhuru is setting up.

While Raila's Robina TYPE FOOLS (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET TYPE LIE TO ME 1000 time) have swalloed Uhuru lie, HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

As soon as parliament passes BBI - why would Uhuru need Raila?

All he need is Kihara to remove 1 or 2 useless things like Ombusdman - for referendum - and as of next week - BBI will be LAW.

Muturi already gave the roadmap. Kihara will split that BBI into Uhuru BBI - and Raila's BBI. Uhuru will ammend the Katiba now. Raila will be given his BBI and told to engage Chebukati :) for referendum.

Chebukati will say he's too busy with 6 elections. Meanwhile Uhuru's BBI will start action before end of may. While you wait for BBI as 2022 COMBO :) :)

In short AG Kihara will correct any "typographical errors" - including sneak in Uhuru pension :) Anyway I opined earlier it obvious Raila did not want BBI passed in parliament (which Ruto did) for fear Uhuru would shortchange him. This emerging setup is best for Raila:- Ruto must decide Yes or No cause Simpleton Wanjiku thinks in binary. Being Watermelon is akin to not having a manifesto.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

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Even if BBI passes, what will it benefit Raila? And I'm not retired. I parted from Raila on principle. We had Uthamaki by the balls. He let his wife negotiate a deal even satan wouldn't make & signed up for it. His offenses against citizens are many. He used his proxies to refuse compensation for the boys hurt, maimed and killed fighting for him. Raila simply thought about his stomach.

Pundit has listed the bad deals he's cut over the years. All of them were terrible. It's like he goes out of his way to please & placate an enemy he's defeated and who is kneeling down in surrender and gets him up and crowns him! I let it pass in 2008 but I'm damned to keep supporting cluelessness in this day and age. Never!

We possibly get nothing as Ruto appears on top of his game minus the Ndii nonsense. But so will Raila. Uthamaki has got a big tarimbo in the furnace fire. It's nearly red hot and they'll drive it in Raila's ass as you scream. Show me one agreement Uthamaki kept and I'll give you my bitcoin address and password
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Poor Kichwa like Raila has yet to realize that Uhuru is going home. He doesn't represent GEMA future but past. It's like going to negotiate with Kibaki for gema throne. It gonna end in tears.

As for Kalenjin betrayal - tell me one kalenjin fired - by Uhuru - and not replaced by a fellow Kalenjin. We still have all our 50-50 positions intact. It only Ruto who has been reduced to a figure head...and GEMA people are committed to Ruto.

This is what is driving you guys insane...GEMA are with Ruto..and Raila has NOT made any dent 4yrs later..but you expect somehow in 2022..Uhuru will issue executive order to GEMA nation to back Raila :).

It will end in premium tears.

Hehehehe-we have had this bravado predictions before.  You told us that BBI would not get the requisite 75% of the counties and it surpassed that easily.  Ruto was lied to for a long time that the presidency would be handed over to him and we now know that is not going to happen.  You also told us that Kalenjins unlike Luos cannot be betrayed-well the betrayal is almost complete and I only see surrender.  I do not think Ruto is out, but he has been cut to size considerably.  He was literally sleep walking to the presidency until the one-two-punch from handshake and BBI that stunned him. Even if he recovers now, his best bet is an alliance with RAO.  Ouru cannot compromise with him because Ruto's presidency is an existential threat to the Okuyu oligarchs headed by the presidents own brother. Just like when Ruto had to choose between RAO and Ouru in 2013, he chose Ouru because the kikuyus held the instruments of power, RAO too will choose ouru because Ouru holds the instruments of power. Its all coming back to 2013, except the tables have been turned on Ruto this time.

Why would Ruto want BBI to pass in parliament. To hand Uhuru more power?

Ruto people will vote NO. Ruto understand Uhuru gameplan INSIDE OUT. He has counter-intelligence. He understand Uhuru thinking.

Raila will decide....if he get lied (very likely going by push and pull) - then he will vote YES (like the moron he is) - unless senators/MPS of ODM go rouge.

It appear Orengo and his better trained strategist are going NO. They can see the trap Uhuru is setting up.

While Raila's Robina TYPE FOOLS (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET TYPE LIE TO ME 1000 time) have swalloed Uhuru lie, HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

As soon as parliament passes BBI - why would Uhuru need Raila?

All he need is Kihara to remove 1 or 2 useless things like Ombusdman - for referendum - and as of next week - BBI will be LAW.

Muturi already gave the roadmap. Kihara will split that BBI into Uhuru BBI - and Raila's BBI. Uhuru will ammend the Katiba now. Raila will be given his BBI and told to engage Chebukati :) for referendum.

Chebukati will say he's too busy with 6 elections. Meanwhile Uhuru's BBI will start action before end of may. While you wait for BBI as 2022 COMBO :) :)

In short AG Kihara will correct any "typographical errors" - including sneak in Uhuru pension :) Anyway I opined earlier it obvious Raila did not want BBI passed in parliament (which Ruto did) for fear Uhuru would shortchange him. This emerging setup is best for Raila:- Ruto must decide Yes or No cause Simpleton Wanjiku thinks in binary. Being Watermelon is akin to not having a manifesto.

Offline RV Pundit

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We still have Chirchir :). How did Kibaki win in 2002 and Raila in 2005 referendum. And how comes Raila did not win in 2013 when Oswago from Bondo was IEBC CEO, Raila was in charge of procurement and had half-goverment.

Elections in kenya at this point is very hard to rig. If you're lazying around thinking someone will rig Raila in - think again. Maina Kia rulling that polling station is the final tallying center - makes rigging so granular it's going to be very hard to manipulate 50,000 polling stations - each with max of 500 votes.

The only rigged election in recent times is 2007 because Kibaki and Raila margin were very tight it was riggable. This was predicted. Ruto himself told Raila and group about it before election. Raila cried and besieged Ruto. Kalonzo who should have been ODM candidate was going to win with same referendum margin of 58% or about. When Kalonzo bolted...with his 10%...Raila came down to close to Kibaki 43%...and Ruto told him Kibaki would easily pad numbers to bridge the gap....and he did exactly that....ending up beating Raila by 100k or so votes.

If election were rigged - how comes MOASS predict the winners with almost perfect precision :) .

The next game after appointment of IEBC commisioners is vote registration - and that is where election is half-won - if you don't register as many voters as some region do - you're starting to lose.

You speak like Ruto controls IEBC.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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We still have Chirchir :). How did Kibaki win in 2002 and Raila in 2005 referendum. And how comes Raila did not win in 2013 when Oswago from Bondo was IEBC CEO, Raila was in charge of procurement and had half-goverment.

Elections in kenya at this point is very hard to rig. If you're lazying around thinking someone will rig Raila in - think again. Maina Kia rulling that polling station is the final tallying center - makes rigging so granular it's going to be very hard to manipulate 50,000 polling stations - each with max of 500 votes.

The only rigged election in recent times is 2007 because Kibaki and Raila margin were very tight it was riggable. This was predicted. Ruto himself told Raila and group about it before election. Raila cried and besieged Ruto. Kalonzo who should have been ODM candidate was going to win with same referendum margin of 58% or about. When Kalonzo bolted...with his 10%...Raila came down to close to Kibaki 43%...and Ruto told him Kibaki would easily pad numbers to bridge the gap....and he did exactly that....ending up beating Raila by 100k or so votes.

If election were rigged - how comes MOASS predict the winners with almost perfect precision :) .

The next game after appointment of IEBC commisioners is vote registration - and that is where election is half-won - if you don't register as many voters as some region do - you're starting to lose.

We are headed for a run off.1 We can easily predict how that will go.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Yes look increasingly like a run-off scenario for the first time.
We are headed for a run off.1 We can easily predict how that will go.