Author Topic: Pundit & Noway - BBI will pass without dot or comma - despite Ruto bribing ODM  (Read 13795 times)

Offline Omollo

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No Wits Haha

How long did the Oligarchs wield their control over Putin? How long did Yeltsin's daughter control her "stooge"?

You may add or subtract details of Putin's rise to power as you will - am least concerned with that. In fact I deliberately shortened it because the message I was communicating and which I'm unsurprised simply passed through your orifices is no president can remain a stooge of anybody for any length of time while holding such awesome powers.

Tshisekedi just jettisoned Kabila effortlessly. Kabila mistook the recalcitrance of his greedy MPs for support when in fact they were negotiating their golden handshake to dump Kabila. They got paid and promptly went quiet and supported Felix.

Let me be clear - since it looks like some people are competing with the Equatorial Forest for thickness: Uhuru's plan B is to get a stooge and using the 70 MPs run government as PM. It simply won't work. He may not even get appointed PM. His BBI grants the president the leeway to appoint virtually anybody. Even if he became PM he can't control the president who could fire him without ceremony.

So the stooge plan is Dead tumboni. Will never be born.

Now go ahead with your Putin story and show your expertise in all matters Russia

Ma bsradhuli wengine!
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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I may not always agree with Pundit but the guy's intelligence is unquestionable. He unlike No Wits has understood my point and offered the example of Moi and his would-be stooge master Njonjo.

The power one wields today might easily confuse him to imagine of the future with the those same powers. Njonjo drew his power from Kenyatta and him being Kikuyu. A timid Moi appeared just the weakling he needed to ascend to power. Moi agreed. But once he got power and no longer needed Njonjo to access intelligence and even shut him out and when he saw the generals salute him not Njonjo and when he fired people and saw it happen and appoint new ones and saw them become what he said.... he got rid of Njonjo too .. you can almost imagine a kid with a gun asking if he can kill a bird and is told yes you can kill anything with that and the kid gets ideas... can it shoot my daddy who is beating my mama... and there's consternation as the kid goes looking for his daddy.

No way anybody can remain a stooge.

As for Raila I don't think he has any useful ideas remaining. He wasn't part of the pre-handshake negotiations. It's his wife and Nani's mom who arranged the whole thing. Old lesson: only real enemies can make lasting peace. Nani has got 4 years of peace. For the price of a motorcade, helicopter rides and briefcases of government cash. Raila was after all just cheap. Reminded me of the movies you watch where some supposed super brainy thug is holding a big banking corporation hostage and they think he wants to wreck the country. It dawns on them that he is just a thief. He was never after great things. He just wanted money. Money he eventually fails to use as they recover everything to the last coin.

Uhuru had no clue what to do with the power mom got him. He still remains clueless
Omollo, I have to agree with your sentiments. Even Baba Moi with his primary education could not be controlled. Njonjo learnt the hardway.

Anyway the biggest threat to kenya democracy and progress right now is Raila vengeance. He is like a wrecking ball. BBI is giant wreck ball to rollback all the constitutional progress made since 80s. He could support anything now just to spite at Kenyans for not making him PORK.

Therefore I think it's important that Raila is encouraged to run and run hard.

He may become a wreck ball in a 2nd round contest.

The handshake btw the screwball and wreckball has kenya in such peril...Kenyans have to be smarter.

Raila should find a different way to ascend to power than BBI.  And Uhuru should know that a president - even a stupid one- can't be dictated to by anybody even a former powerful president.

Putin became prime minister. Yeltsin's daughter met the oligarchs to complain that the father was drinking too much and the blackouts were too frequent. The oligarchs were sure they could control Putin. Yeltsin tendered resignation

Putin set about consolidating power. He realized he's nothing with the oligarchs controlling all money. He invited them to the Kremlin. Live TV but he lied to them it wasn't live. No phones so nobody could warn them.

In short he had them all arrested. He ordered it on TV. People cheered.

Yeltsin died. State funeral. The daughter couldn't pass through the Kremlin gate.

Whether it's Raila or Ruto or hapless Wetangula the story will play out the same way.

As for President Raila... guy should know when to quit. Covid19 has seriously weakened him and now his age shows. It is sad. If he had kept the values that many of us supported him for I'd understand. But he has become a ruthless but brainless mercenary for Uhuru and that for us is not just a red line we can't cross; it is a deep bottomless Valley!
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Nowayhaha

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Omollo , you are years late , read my posts about Uhuru,BBI and Oligarchy,

Here I quote  before you came giving a wrong anology of Putin

And what you say is what Ndii is trying to sensitize you guys .  Uhuru trying to safeguard Kenyatas expanded Ill gotten wealth since he became Finance Minister all through Presidency has decided to change the constitution so as he can have a say even during retirement , so that oligarchy can control the next president and inturn the president can control judiciary .  What Ndii is doing is activism , warning and trying to prevent this from happening. The next President is Ruto as you correctly say and he will be so powerful with a senate and parliamentary rubberstamp and controlling Judiciary through Ombudsman .
Well Uhuru is being aided by none other than Raila and Odingaism in mutilating the constitution . Instead of looking at his message you are attacking him for merely attacking Odingaism . Now thats what he is saying its the true definition of odingaism " a form of Most toxic ethnic mobilization"   

He has lost the plot, I was perplexed when he started toying with supporting Ruto considering his aversion to corruption. I stopped visiting his twitter page, siasa and insults are order of the day, gone are the days of dispassionate and sober economic analysis, he is a political hack now. Inflated ego, he let the public intellectual adulation his being showered with get to his head.
Excatly..he is bitter. A situation like the one we are in can lead someone like him to go mad. The best way for a egomaniac like him to deal with such a situation is to disengage and wait the storm out. It is pathetic that the state has been captured completely by two ethnic groups. With raila decision not fight the state anymore we can say that nothing much will change for another 20 years. Ruto presidency is upon us. Kikuyus are going to make him president to spite uhuru and the rest of kenyans. The political power yeilded by kikuyus and kalenjins is too much and it ought to be checked even by a non state actor

What is stopping ruto with his movement from campaigning to stop BBI? You are so deluded to think a rich family like Kenyatta one needs a constitution to safeguard their interests. The Kenyattas will be having say in Kenya for a longtime to come. One thing you have to realize is that the Kenyatta enterprise does not need Uhuru to exist or to survive. It just needs Kenya to exist. Uhuru the way he is looking will be lucky to live 10 years after retirement. He seems like someone with a serious gastric problem so he may not be living for a longtime.  As for Raila he is looking for power not to be a Constitutional expert. If it means he will have to shred the constitution to get to power then he will. All politicians want is power. They do not seek office for altruistic reasons.

Anyway there is nothing in all the camps for the peasants. What Raila did with handshake is just end his fight for power using opposition. He joined the state. The slot for opposition is still open and it seems no one wants to take it. The Civil society that Ndii used to be a member is moribund and Ruto is still clinging on his dear life to stay in the State camp. This is an interesting time. Even in post 1997 we had Ngilu and Kibaki holding fort for the opposition. Now there is no opposition.  Kenyan succession elections are usually decided 6 to 9 months before GE. Next year at around February we will know for sure what will happen as for now anything can happen.

As for Odingas political dominance in Luo Nyanza, this is the last 5 years before Raila is out of the scene for good. He is one stroke or pneumonia from being a cabbage and it is over for him. You can see now he is walking with a wobble. Age is finally catching up with him. Given that his dad lived to 85, I give Raila another 5 years and he will be senile like Jaramogi and spend another decade just being used as a prop.

You simply do not know how oilgarchy operates.  Kenyata Family became and Oligarchy under  Jommo regime ,with Ndegwas , Njonjos, Githunguris , , M01 family became Oligarchy under  Toroitichs regime. Usually the family has a political wing and a business wing. There is a reason why Moi chose Uhuru as his successor and there is a reason why Uhuru is restless as we speak. Just like Yelstin oligarchy in 2000 had to look for Putin and make him a President , Kenyas oligarchy have a preference to whom they can handover power . They have a line up  they have Option one, option two and option  three. In 2002 Kenyas then oligarchy preference was Uhuru a fellow oligarchy, They were comfortable if Kibaki bagged it too.
In 2013 the preferred option was Mudavadi and more than happy if Uhuru bagged it.

 Now coming back to  2022, Uhurus BBI strategy is driven by safeguarding the wealth Kinyatta family and cronies have created , Name a Ministry which they are not a big player - In Finance - They have NCBA, In Transport KQ and SGR , In tourist lots of hotels, in Health the leases which county governments are still paying the leases, In Minining he also have interests , In Export big players the family have negotiated exclusive rights as the only Kenyan companies with licenses to export horticulutre and brrf to middle east and Asia. In lands it well documented , The list can go on and on

Seems Uhurus oligarchy think the best option  is to be a player in 2022. He wants to have leverage in parliament and senate  where he will use the same tactic as he is using to have a say hence his push to have more MPs particularly in Kiambu, Nairobi and Nakuru  In his mind he thinks his party Jubilee will bag the current 50 constituencies in Mt Kenya and add on top of that around 30 additional from  Mt Kenya and its  diaspora  In senate he assumes around 24 seats will go with his party Jubilee. He will just whip Mps and senators to enter into negotiations and or advance his interests .Mainly appointees the Judiciary ombudsman and DCI and prosecutor Ministers and Deputy ministers posts  Seems he has also settled to put his puppet as PM and DPM.

Ruto is not interested in leading the No campaign simply because it does not add any value in his quest to be a president to play into his opponents hands and go for a contest and secondly as the president designate he is being handed more instruments/weapons  which is welcome to him.

In railas political calculation a contest is required to keep his quest for Presidency alive and he also though he would be able to divide GEMA and thus give him a chance against Ruto sadly he realizes this was miscalculation as the strategy not only was able to galvanize Mt Kenya under Ruto but also in so doing he lost a big chunk of Anti GEMA nation the coast provicne, Western Kissii etc.

Now back to Uhuru, if his BBI strategy fails either through courts , or in referendum by a loss or a boycot . He will default back to Ruto and negotiate an exit.

Number One, Uhuru just wants to control Parliament through proxy , same as Moi strategy when he wanted to cling as the Chairman of KANU after exit in 2002 , he wont attempt to remove 2 terms limit
 Secondly  Uhuru believes they have captured Judiciary  through 1- They control JSC through Presidential Nominees , Judicial activists and LSK reps, 2 Majority of Judges have Dirty Linen , they are scared as hell of ombudsman and any judge who will go against BBI will be thrown under the bus. 3 . Holds majority of the judges by their balls by refusing to approve their appointment . The next CJ might recall the names and decide to forward names of Judges implicated by NIS to JSC for investigation.

 However it might take only one brave Judge and BBI will be in disarray .  Back in 2001 It took one brave Somali Lawyer to call out corrupt Judges and within a year or so he spearheaded the Judiciary radical surgery.   

At the beginning Uhuru was not for a referendum but with time through advice of his cronies he saw it as an opportunity to safeguard their wealth. Initially the plan was to silence Raila amass wealth and rule without much noise . 

But why would he miss to plan for Okiya Omtatah.I am not convinced. WHEN MUSEVENI wanted to remove 70yrs limit he did it 5yrs before.Uhuru is aware that judiciary and political process need time..he would have done BBI the first year or 2nd

Offline Omollo

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 No Wits

I've read your lame defense.

1st like I said before knock yourself out detailing how Putin came to power. You'll find that I shan't argue or contest any detail you provide. Why? Because it is and will be immaterial to my position.

What's my position? It's not possible to run the presidency of Kenya through a stooge. It simply can't happen. Even if you impose one of the most stupid politicians alive today - MaDvD- he will effortlessly take off the chains and apply them on you.

I read further and apart from contradictions where you say one thing then say the opposite without reference to the earlier position, I found a shocker that confirms to me your Uthamaki credentials (i have said it before that you are a diehard uthamakistani & i stand by that and time will bear me out): that Uhuru is not or will not seek to remove term limits!

Now you are either a propagandist sent to mislead people here or are indeed minus a single functioning brain cell. No offense intended just facts saying that.

Any baboon (even Njamlik) need not look at that BBI twice to see a multiplicity of frivolous proposed amendments. Why so many that solve no problem?

The answer lies in Orengo vs Moi where the court of appeal by rejecting Orengo's case simultaneously set the criteria for when an existing constitution can be considered "new". It stated that extensive amendments amount to a new constitution.

I  stated that a stooge is a dead idea..I didnt add that I doubted Uhuru Kenyatta had that as plan A or B. It's probably plan Q. Even Kabila tried the entire alphabet before he realized he couldn't stay. He extended his tenure which is Uhuru's plan D; he delayed elections - plan E ; he provoked and fought wars in DRCs regions; Exiled opponents- it all failed.

Uhuru's one and only plan A is a 3rd term and maybe a 4th term. Raila will be shafted bila vaseline and anyway he's ruined his own support confining himself to Siaya. He's lost RV (Mau) and lost marginalized areas recently etc. He won't pose a threat.

Now to you Mr. Uthamakistani: The reason you and others are pretending to support Ruto is not dissimilar to why I dropped Raila. You are opposed to Uhuru detente with Raila.  I am totally opposed to making peace with Uhuru Kenyatta. So as you can see we have something in common after all😂😂😂🤣🤣

Have you watched a silvestre Stallone Vietnam feel good movie? He gets tortured, he gets shot and all the time we are getting angry at those vietcongs.  We lose all sympathy for them and wish someone would blow them all to kingdom come. And that is when Stallone - who we and the Vietcong thought dead - opens one eye much to our cheering. He gets up and sickly tiptoes behind the guard. We all hold our breath lest the guard discovers before our hero is close enough. When he slices his throat we celebrate. Then he starts to release prisoners and some women get orgasms where they are sitting! Then he starts blowing up.things and we are with him all the way. We gasp at any setback and cheer every killing.

You Mr. Uthamakistani will cheer when Uhuru turns on Raila. You will all line up behind Muthamaki.

You will revert to the old arguments of there being no other viable candidate

We've seen your tricks before and they simply don't change

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Nowayhaha

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Omollo,If read the post about Putin ,I was just correcting some few things, about arresting Oligarch on Tv is not correct, I just deatailed how Putin came to power and his immediate action after ascending to power. How you concluded I was refuting you is beyond anybodys imagination, you always look for Ghosts everywhere.
Good youve realised it and concluded we are on the same page.

Offline Nefertiti

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I don't think Uhuru wants to "control" the next president anymore than Obama controls Biden. If it were upto Uhuru Gideon would be next, but he knows better. Old Baba has a right to make deals and seek power even if some of us do not appreciate his new ideals. He is in it for himself first and foremost before Kenya and the rest of us.

The latest stooge to slay the master is Felix Tshisekedi. Took a mere 2 months to send Kabila to retirement.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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You corrected nothing.

Putin had the oligarchs arrested. The cameras went off on cue. He ordered them arrested. The details and the arrests were later shown because though the live transmission seemingly ended without arrests some journalists did videotape the actual arrests.

They were locked up. Putin then allowed them to go on condition they give back state property. Those clever enough fled Russia that very day. Those who stayed some rotted in jails. Putin wasn't done: he hunted the fugitives killing one after another until western governments eventually figured out that the high mortality among seemingly healthy Russian emigres was murder.

I would bother digging up videos and such in the past. No more. I live in a country where it was headline news. At least one of the oligarchs came to the city where I live and narrated his ordeal on a Saturday TV show the days I used to watch TV

Please don't waste my time on frivolities. But as I said knock yourself out. The point is no person can remain a stooge while wielding such awesome powers as president! None!

The example often cited of Medvedev is erroneous. Putin simply pretended to step aside. Before that he transferred key portfolios to the PM position. He controlled the party which in Russia means a lot from the communist era.
Quote from: Nowayhaha
link=topic=9924.msg89902#msg89902 date=1620044807
Omollo,If read the post about Putin ,I was just correcting some few things, about arresting Oligarch on Tv is not correct, I just deatailed how Putin came to power and his immediate action after ascending to power. How you concluded I was refuting you is beyond anybodys imagination, you always look for Ghosts everywhere.
Good youve realised it and concluded we are on the same page.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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I agree that his plan A is 3rd & 4th term. But stooge is also a plan. Ofcourse the best stooge in his opinion is Gideon.  True or false Gideon displays a kind of rare idiocy. But again so did the father.

People who knew Moi including my late father told us that he's a master of deception. He would stammer and look mistaken in public only to sit behind his desk barking clear and earth shattering orders without reference to notes or any display of memory lapse. I was a kid then when my father told those who had gathered in our living room to watch TV. Years later I could see a bit of that "schizophrenia" while at university.

I then started treating Moi as the greatest trickster in Kenya and once I did that I realized I had decoded him fully. So if his son has any of that we are in trouble should anybody think he can be controlled.

Robina BBI is a disaster. Raila has earned his upkeep by supporting Uhuru and he can simply demand his payout without BBI. He can then battle it out with Ruto go to the second round which the IEBC has always stiffed Kenyans of. I cant and wont vote for either.
I don't think Uhuru wants to "control" the next president anymore than Obama controls Biden. If it were upto Uhuru Gideon would be next, but he knows better. Old Baba has a right to make deals and seek power even if some of us do not appreciate his new ideals. He is in it for himself first and foremost before Kenya and the rest of us.

The latest stooge to slay the master is Felix Tshisekedi. Took a mere 2 months to send Kabila to retirement.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Probably already addressed so I'll just add: if it is passed in parliament by a simple majority Consigliere Kihara Kariuki will immediately peel off some sections and have Uhuru sign them into law. It's essential that the bill fails in parliament then goes to the people

Nothing is required to pass BBI popular initiative. They can oppose 100% and still go to referendum. Uhuru-Raila only need Muturi and Lusaka to overrule O'Mogeni nonsense. Then Ruto will be exposed for watermelon or well surrender to Raila and create BBI lineup. This going to be 2022 combo.

And which judiciary will kill BBI? The one lead by Koome? There is enough time to toss out the cases few months to elections. Like anti-CJ JSC case by Prof Mutua. It bad strategy to count on judges you don't control.

Of course they will pass it. They require simple majority.

But judiciary has it's own interest at stake here - so don't expect them to allow BBI.

BBI is dead as dodo.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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The latest is in DRC Congo where Kabila thought he had a watertight plan :) Until Tshiekendi told him who is the daddy? And he had to say Tshiekendi. His parliamentary majority gone. His ministers fired. Within six months - the Tshiekiend he rigged in as weakling to control...has consolidated power.

Politics and power is cut weakness...your neck is gone.

You corrected nothing.

Putin had the oligarchs arrested. The cameras went off on cue. He ordered them arrested. The details and the arrests were later shown because though the live transmission seemingly ended without arrests some journalists did videotape the actual arrests.

They were locked up. Putin then allowed them to go on condition they give back state property. Those clever enough fled Russia that very day. Those who stayed some rotted in jails. Putin wasn't done: he hunted the fugitives killing one after another until western governments eventually figured out that the high mortality among seemingly healthy Russian emigres was murder.

I would bother digging up videos and such in the past. No more. I live in a country where it was headline news. At least one of the oligarchs came to the city where I live and narrated his ordeal on a Saturday TV show the days I used to watch TV

Please don't waste my time on frivolities. But as I said knock yourself out. The point is no person can remain a stooge while wielding such awesome powers as president! None!

The example often cited of Medvedev is erroneous. Putin simply pretended to step aside. Before that he transferred key portfolios to the PM position. He controlled the party which in Russia means a lot from the communist era.
Quote from: Nowayhaha
link=topic=9924.msg89902#msg89902 date=1620044807
Omollo,If read the post about Putin ,I was just correcting some few things, about arresting Oligarch on Tv is not correct, I just deatailed how Putin came to power and his immediate action after ascending to power. How you concluded I was refuting you is beyond anybodys imagination, you always look for Ghosts everywhere.
Good youve realised it and concluded we are on the same page.

Offline RV Pundit

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That precisely the gameplan here. It upto Uhuru to decide what constitute a protected clauses - and then send those to IEBC - no need subjecting kenyans to referendam on issues that do not require one. Kihara will offer his legal argument. Those opposed will have the chance to go challenge in court - and have the rulling delivered in 2024 - when BBI would already have become part of our law anyway :) - gov will be given 1Yr to revert back :) at best case scenario.
Probably already addressed so I'll just add: if it is passed in parliament by a simple majority Consigliere Kihara Kariuki will immediately peel off some sections and have Uhuru sign them into law. It's essential that the bill fails in parliament then goes to the people

Offline Kichwa

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Handshake and BBI saved Kenya from Ruto dictatorship.  Mike Tyson used to say, "you have a plan until you are hit".  Ruto had a plan which he thought was full proof until he was hit with a left and a right (handshake and then BBI).  Ruto was arrogantly sleep walking to the presidency and then handshake happened then before he could recover, BBI exposed him.  Even with the handshake, Ruto was still doing well in Mt. Kenya and was still calling RAO Mganga, after Mt. Kenya figured out that they stood to gain a lot with BBI, they abandoned Ruto quickly.  RAO on the other hand was on the outside but he squeezed himself "katikati ya ouru na WSR", using handshake and BBI.  Now both Ouru and WSR, need RAO to retain power.  As far as I am concerned, BBI has done its job and even it it is killed by the court, it will not change the new political reality-both sides need RAO to retain or get power. If Ouru betrays RAO, RAO can always put together a deal with Ruto that would shake the Mt. Kenya hegemony for good.  RAO can also team up with Ouru and the cerelac kids to vanguish WSR presidential dreams.  BBI has been good for RAO but its not necessary henceforth.

Raila should find a different way to ascend to power than BBI.  And Uhuru should know that a president - even a stupid one- can't be dictated to by anybody even a former powerful president.

Putin became prime minister. Yeltsin's daughter met the oligarchs to complain that the father was drinking too much and the blackouts were too frequent. The oligarchs were sure they could control Putin. Yeltsin tendered resignation

Putin set about consolidating power. He realized he's nothing with the oligarchs controlling all money. He invited them to the Kremlin. Live TV but he lied to them it wasn't live. No phones so nobody could warn them.

In short he had them all arrested. He ordered it on TV. People cheered.

Yeltsin died. State funeral. The daughter couldn't pass through the Kremlin gate.

Whether it's Raila or Ruto or hapless Wetangula the story will play out the same way.

As for President Raila... guy should know when to quit. Covid19 has seriously weakened him and now his age shows. It is sad. If he had kept the values that many of us supported him for I'd understand. But he has become a ruthless but brainless mercenary for Uhuru and that for us is not just a red line we can't cross; it is a deep bottomless Valley!
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

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You're cashing the future. The same mistake. Raila should have made handshake pay - now and then. But he was promised BBI heaven. It's insanity 101. Ruto doesn't feel any anger with Uhuru because he made Jubilee 1.0  count when he had a chance. In politics and business - window of opportunities open up and closes as quickly.

Now imagine if Ruto and Uhuru were to reconcile? What will Raila go home with? Apart from the Prados?

Raila mid last year had window of opportunity to demand a gov of national unity - and get many of his guys cabinet and gov position of influence - where he can make some changes - of his ODM manifesto.

This possibly the worst - with Moi he got something and started making money - Kibaki the same - with Uhuru he got fake promises :)

Now as we approach 2022 - Raila is broke - he has lost NASA - he is losing core support by blindly supporting unpopular gov - and looks likely he won't even stand in 2022.

All this for BBI - while Uhuru continue to seperate handshake with 2022.

Handshake and BBI saved Kenya from Ruto dictatorship.  Mike Tyson used to say, "you have a plan until you are hit".  Ruto had a plan which he thought was full proof until he was hit with a left and a right (handshake and then BBI).  Ruto was arrogantly sleep walking to the presidency and then handshake happened then before he could recover, BBI exposed him.  Even with the handshake, Ruto was still doing well in Mt. Kenya and was still calling RAO Mganga, after Mt. Kenya figured out that they stood to gain a lot with BBI, they abandoned Ruto quickly.  RAO on the other hand was on the outside but he squeezed himself "katikati ya ouru na WSR", using handshake and BBI.  Now both Ouru and WSR, need RAO to retain power.  As far as I am concerned, BBI has done its job and even it it is killed by the court, it will not change the new political reality-both sides need RAO to retain or get power. If Ouru betrays RAO, RAO can always put together a deal with Ruto that would shake the Mt. Kenya hegemony for good.  RAO can also team up with Ouru and the cerelac kids to vanguish WSR presidential dreams.  BBI has been good for RAO but its not necessary henceforth.

Raila should find a different way to ascend to power than BBI.  And Uhuru should know that a president - even a stupid one- can't be dictated to by anybody even a former powerful president.

Putin became prime minister. Yeltsin's daughter met the oligarchs to complain that the father was drinking too much and the blackouts were too frequent. The oligarchs were sure they could control Putin. Yeltsin tendered resignation

Putin set about consolidating power. He realized he's nothing with the oligarchs controlling all money. He invited them to the Kremlin. Live TV but he lied to them it wasn't live. No phones so nobody could warn them.

In short he had them all arrested. He ordered it on TV. People cheered.

Yeltsin died. State funeral. The daughter couldn't pass through the Kremlin gate.

Whether it's Raila or Ruto or hapless Wetangula the story will play out the same way.

As for President Raila... guy should know when to quit. Covid19 has seriously weakened him and now his age shows. It is sad. If he had kept the values that many of us supported him for I'd understand. But he has become a ruthless but brainless mercenary for Uhuru and that for us is not just a red line we can't cross; it is a deep bottomless Valley!

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"Everyone has a plan till they are punched in the mouth."

There! no more subquoting good old Mike.

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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As usual you conflate your wishes with your punditry. BBI is 2022 combo - there are no numbers to pre-pass any clauses as Omollo and Pundit opine. It is also necessary to have a Yes-Raila vs Ruto-No lineup to beat Ruto. Kichwa seems to think Ruto is long vanquished but he is woefully off. Omollo the abominable groom is retired in Switzerland.

You're cashing the future. The same mistake. Raila should have made handshake pay - now and then. But he was promised BBI heaven. It's insanity 101. Ruto doesn't feel any anger with Uhuru because he made Jubilee 1.0  count when he had a chance. In politics and business - window of opportunities open up and closes as quickly.

Now imagine if Ruto and Uhuru were to reconcile? What will Raila go home with? Apart from the Prados?

Raila mid last year had window of opportunity to demand a gov of national unity - and get many of his guys cabinet and gov position of influence - where he can make some changes - of his ODM manifesto.

This possibly the worst - with Moi he got something and started making money - Kibaki the same - with Uhuru he got fake promises :)

Now as we approach 2022 - Raila is broke - he has lost NASA - he is losing core support by blindly supporting unpopular gov - and looks likely he won't even stand in 2022.

All this for BBI - while Uhuru continue to seperate handshake with 2022.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Pundit your legal incoherence continue to shine

Speaker Muturi rules MPs cannot amend BBI Bill
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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In Summary
• Speaker said any amendment shall negate the popular will of the people in directly amending the Constitution.

• Muturi said alterations to the text of such a bill may only be allowed to correct errors of form or typographical errors before submission for assent.

In short AG Kihara will correct any "typographical errors" - including sneak in Uhuru pension :) Anyway I opined earlier it obvious Raila did not want BBI passed in parliament (which Ruto did) for fear Uhuru would shortchange him. This emerging setup is best for Raila:- Ruto must decide Yes or No cause Simpleton Wanjiku thinks in binary. Being watermelon is akin to not having a manifesto.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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The madness. I am talking now. And you're talking the future (wishes). And yet you attribute my thoughts as wishes.
If the world ends today - what will Raila says the handshake has delivered to him? Forget about BBI and 2022 - for now - that is the future - A WISH.

Now what we know Uhuru is promising the future to Raila but he is running gov alone - appointing as he wishes - mostly GEMA friends - and pushing development to his region. That is now.

Now - both Raila and Ruto - are out of power. Ruto has backdoor to power through the patronage network he created in Jubilee 1.0. Raila power comes from "closeness" to Uhuru. It's NOT REAL power like 1/4 Raila had in NARA. It's probably 0.1% of power. Ruto of course had 60% of power in Jubilee 1.0 and made it count.

Now tell me who is wishful...someone who has figured out all the BBI maze - declared it 2022 manifesto.

Or someone like me - who is watching reality - of the politics and judiciary - as the days go!

You're a nut case like Kenya Plato.

As usual you conflate your wishes with your punditry. BBI is 2022 combo - there are no numbers to pre-pass any clauses as Omollo and Pundit opine. It is also necessary to have a Yes-Raila vs Ruto-No lineup to beat Ruto. Kichwa seems to think Ruto is long vanquished but he is woefully off. Omollo the abominable groom is retired in Switzerland.

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I actually agree with Speaker. I don't know why you think I don't. Parliament role is to simply short-circuit referendum by approving people's constitutional changes when it doesn't touch the protected clauses.

But there are other problems that BBI faces - as captured by 8 court cases at the high court. BBI is not popular initiative. Everyone knows it. It's misuse of power.

Pundit your legal incoherence continue to shine

Speaker Muturi rules MPs cannot amend BBI Bill

Offline RV Pundit

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Why would Ruto want BBI to pass in parliament. To hand Uhuru more power?

Ruto people will vote NO. Ruto understand Uhuru gameplan INSIDE OUT. He has counter-intelligence. He understand Uhuru thinking.

Raila will decide....if he get lied (very likely going by push and pull) - then he will vote YES (like the moron he is) - unless senators/MPS of ODM go rouge.

It appear Orengo and his better trained strategist are going NO. They can see the trap Uhuru is setting up.

While Raila's Robina TYPE FOOLS (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET TYPE LIE TO ME 1000 time) have swalloed Uhuru lie, HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

As soon as parliament passes BBI - why would Uhuru need Raila?

All he need is Kihara to remove 1 or 2 useless things like Ombusdman - for referendum - and as of next week - BBI will be LAW.

Muturi already gave the roadmap. Kihara will split that BBI into Uhuru BBI - and Raila's BBI. Uhuru will ammend the Katiba now. Raila will be given his BBI and told to engage Chebukati :) for referendum.

Chebukati will say he's too busy with 6 elections. Meanwhile Uhuru's BBI will start action before end of may. While you wait for BBI as 2022 COMBO :) :)

In short AG Kihara will correct any "typographical errors" - including sneak in Uhuru pension :) Anyway I opined earlier it obvious Raila did not want BBI passed in parliament (which Ruto did) for fear Uhuru would shortchange him. This emerging setup is best for Raila:- Ruto must decide Yes or No cause Simpleton Wanjiku thinks in binary. Being Watermelon is akin to not having a manifesto.