so what exactly did 'president' Ruto accomplish in his 24 hours of presidency?This is some sort of circus I tell you....but that is exactly how this presidency feels to ouru...a big joke. If ouru really wanted to make a point, he should have let Ruto run for the rest of the term...then I would have thought he had some big b@lls.
My question is, since Uhuru appointed Ruto acting president, and he has returned to the country, and as far as we know, has not yet revoked that appointment, isn't Ruto still acting President as we speak?
If Uhuru wants to really be magnanimous, he ought to appoint Ruto acting President for a significant period, as you indicate.
They say he is a bit lazy, our President. Though I have to say I don't know that as a fact. He could take a holiday in State house for even a few weeks and let Ruto act. That way, he'd be genuinely giving Ruto something he has to give instead of what Ruto already has through the kanstitushen