Google, FB, Uber strength is innovation - which create all tech hard or soft. Data is standard commodity in digital economy - not a differentiator. Safaricom has gazillion exabytes of data so what stop Masoko, Little Cab, or Safcom Cloud, BIG-box TV from going ubiquitous ala Mpesa?

Cause they lack innovative ideas to beat Bolt or Google. Safcom stuff is "ubiquitous" - 90% penetration - only within Kenyan borders where MNC are held back by hard infra of masts and agents. In TZ or DRC or RSA or anywhere else Mpesa flop big against Eco-cash (Yu

) - Airtel Money - whatnot. First-to-market advantage. Any sector without hard infra barrier - streaming, cabs, housing, ecommerce - they trip over themselves and quickly get their lunch eaten. They are only good enough to beat Telkoms and KCB not Netflix or Jumia.
Now if you check closely and see that Fuliza or Mshwari shylock is just another till number - one-dimensional growth of same old Mpesa. No new product for years which leave them as sitting ducks waiting to be swallowed by FBs. FB or Google is not worth 800B usd cause of 1B customers - but innovation - which create 00's of products that net 1B customers and 100B usd revenues. I opined a while ago about the one-dimensional growth - organic - is good yet entirely sub-optimal. Cause Safcom remain vertical business offering single product - Mpesa. They need to transform into tech - platform or horizontal business - which is simple but not easy. Tusker dwarf talks good game - of going tech - but must play bigger by laying down the innovation fabric - organizational, process, manpower, budget, autonomy, xyz. The window is so narrow today.
So yes satellite is as old as mankind - but has galloped over the decades into consumer commodity here in Bay Area or Shenzhen - soon on feature phone it go ubiquitous and disrupt telco mast. Only the primed will rip from it. Safcom lacks the focus to see around such small corners until they happen. That innovation day job - ready for disruptions and nail opportunities with new products.
Now what exactly is Safcom exporting to Addis Ababa? Mpesa? Internet? If you think Safcom has no innovation problem
Infrastructure is not Tech. It's more engineering. And there isn't so much iteration you can do there. Satellite tech is older than your grand parents.
MPESA strength lies in soft aspect - BEHAVIORAL DATA - is a goldmine.
That is why they released Fuliza - and they have loaned out more money in one year that Chinese loaned Kenya gov in many years. I believe they fulizaed more than 300B - and everday now they loan our more than 1-2B kshs - you get 4% of that - alot of money.
That is innovation you don;'t see.
Fuliza will make Safaricom tonnes of free money.
Google and Facebook strength is in the behavioral data they have on everyone - that is what they sell to advertizers - and make tonnes of money.
Not tech.
I use to think you're politically incompetent but I am beginning to understand it's more than that