You need to step out of your own propaganda and learn the truth.
Before I respond I challenge you to show me White Highlands in Nyeri or Muranga (apart from Delmonto-Kakuzi).
In Nyeri - British probably "took" only the catholic land. This was normally donated to missionaries by converted Africa and was used for public good - schools and hospitals.
Show me white highlands in Embu or Meru.
Show me white highlands in Kirinyanga or Tharaka
The only white highlands were in Kiambu.
Show me kikuyus displaced in Kiambu.
Mzungu mainly took forested land in Kiambu mostly - and the land - that they thought belonged to Maasai or Dorobo (maasai speaking aborginal or okiek)
There were few disputed land in Nairobi and Kiambu - which belong to either Maasai or Dorobo - but which Kikuyus laid claim.
Kikuyus are really very "funny" people - through some "mass" hysteria - they turned history upside down. White Highlands were never part of Kikuyuland. They were occupied by Masai nomads who agreed to turn the highlands over for settlement under two formal treaties in 1904 and 1911.
Mwafrika is a funny person.
Let me speak for Kipsigis for example.
Mzungu indeed took took 3 land
1) Kericho tea farms - most of it were mau forest - but evicted a few families on edges. Kipsigis have changed the story of course.
2) They also curve a 10 mile stretch btw Kipsigis and gusii to stop the tribal clashes btw them.
3) Later they also took some few land to seperate Kispigis from Luos - these were lated handed over to Indians to grow sugar cane. Luos claim this was their land - but of course muhoroni or chemelil are Kalenjin land.
Nandi after losing their 10-15 yr war with British - were fined heavily.
They were fined in thousands of cattle and land.
That I think is probably only African natives who lost land due to war repartation.
Many Nandis were evicted to create land - and many of them left Nandi for Luhya, Uganda, kipsigis and Tanzania. Some went to Pokot.
They basically woke up and moved with their cattle - unable to stomach losing them and their land.
Many of them didn't want to lose land and their cattle.
They Nandi also laid claim to Uasin Gishu having just beaten the Maasai there - but uasin gishu was really no man lands btw maasai, keiyos and nandis.
It was nearly empty pasture land - where you cattle would be stolen anytime.
What land did Kikuyus lose? Not much. Actually maybe NOTHING.Not much. Actually nothing if you consider the Kiambu land were disputed by Maasai and Ogiek. For example Tigoni -Limuru were disputed by Dorobo - and Kikuyus immigrants from Muranga were just leasing them.
I believe Kikuyus had reached ruiru-gatundu - as land owners - but were leasing forest edges from Dorobo - in upper kiambu (limuru-dagoretti)
What Kikuyus lose and what led to Mau.
They basically lost jobs in rift valley as Mzungu farm workers.
This started around mid 1930-1940s - there was huge displacement of Kikuyu and kalenjin farm hands from mzungu (maasai) farms
This happened after mzungu imported tractors and farm machinery.
My own great grandfather felt victim - was kicked out of now Nyamiria-Borabu with his oxen - to native reserves at edge of Borabu settlement scheme.
My own grandfather and grandmother were born in Mzungu scheme - around 1910s -1920s - right there in now Borabu.
My great grandfather brother got a job to drive a tractor in Molo around that time - and he recall Molo as huge grass thatched town of kikuyu workers
His other brother got a job in Naivasha to work for Mzungu - who eventually burnt him alive for contracting Small pox - was like Corona then.
His wife recalls - the Mzungu burning their grass thatched house with him inside. This was Mzungu way to deal with small pox.
The next displacement would happen in 1950s - after Italians POW having served their "prison" - were granted african reserves.
They had spent 5 years building roads, bridges and anything the British fancied with free labour from their skilled prisoners.
They were rewarded by creation of new lands - mostly in native or african reserves at edges of the white highlands
These italian POW were noted for their harshness...they were mostly military officers arrested in Somalia and a few germans from Tanganyika.
They kicked Africans right into their reserves....and thus began MAUMAU.
Most notably around molo and nakuru...the 1952 eviction of Kikuyus from Olenguoreno (by Italians) - and dumping them in Kiambu Lari that began MauMau (Mungiki)
This led to next wave of Kikuyus being sent back to Central.
And thus began the problem.
Otherwise Luhyas, Luos, Kambas, Kikuyus, many kenya tribes name them LOST NOT if any land
I would say 90% of the land was from Maasai - Including Delmonte - Maasai territory extended from Oldonyo Sabuk - that is Thika all the way to Machakos that we know - I mean all that Tala-Kangundo - Konza - Nairobi - embaksai - ruiru- juja - name them. Nairobi - all the way to Nakuru - Nyandarua- Naivasha - Laikipia -Timau - - all the way to Tranzoai - where last Maasai (Elgon Maasai) lived.
Once the Brits had signed the deal with Maasai. It was over.
They took over the Kenya - for Maasai owned Kenya - right from few kilometers from Mombasa to Mt elgon - from the foot of Lake Turkana to Tanzania.
The white highlands were created from the following moving aficans to reserves (read Kikuyu),Lenanas treaty which essentially gave away Lower Laikipia and Samburu lands and vast unused land (read Nakuru and Elementaita etc)