It not about arrows - weapons can be easily upgraded - it a system that kicks in - it's an entire war infrastructure. I don't think even after 30yrs you've come to understand how effective the Kalenjin war infrastructure really is...despite it kicking out 300K people in 92..and 600K people in 2007 in 3 days.
You dismiss it - then come crying Ruto is warlord
That it was network sijui with command.
The system goes like thing. A war cry is sounded...nearly every kalenjin goes into a war mode...nearly a million warrior force is raised - dressed, armed and assembled - they all have rudimentary training in warfar - in a blink of a second - the rest goes into supporting role.
Now imagine pitting 1m against KDF of 25,000 - imagine if you could arm them. Kenya will be GONE in a blink of an eye - at least it would be impossible to govern kalenjin land.
You want to compare that with getting a few dare-devils boys in kibra and kondele to face bullets...
B-bu-but they can make poison tipped arrows and are in listening mode for a war cry