Pundit we all can't wait to see Jubilee elections. If they can't hold a mere PG. Recently they staged a comedy in Kibra. Forget ODM men in black - that would be real sarakasi.
The only "elections" Jubilee has ever held is mlolongo that caused current mayhem and torpedoed MOU. Ruto other party handiwork are NDP merger that broke Kanu in 02 after he attempt to shortchange Raila. Kanu post-Moi lasted few years. ODM post-07 Ruto was sidelined by Luos in 08 afer only 1 year with his hubris and impossible demands. UDM and ole Kamwaro comedy
. URP expired in 2 years. Now Jubilee after Sep 2016 - to March 2018. Nothing resembling a party since.
ODM - still biggest real party. Non coalition. Only Jumwa is a rebel as entire lineup - Joho, Oparanya, Sifuna - sing Raila. Ruto bicker with his Party Leader, Sec Gen, Vice Chair, CS's, cops, county commissioners, name it. Ruto need to run a steady ship for a few years. Not URP or UDM small canoe that still capsize. Before he can attempt to run the country.
Grapevine indicate Ruto has registered United Green Movement, Tanga Tanga Party, etc - as back up. Tough luck.