Ruto needs to encourage more Waititu antics in Kiambaa. These kikuyu hustlers are doing it out of knowledge or belief in hustlership. The Kenyattas, Mois and Odingas are underestimating kikuyus hustlers spirit. They are hurting more of the fake war on corruption after the horse has bolted in these tight economic conditions.
Small timers like Echesas, Nyoros, Wairias, Waititus are making Uhuru and Raila get so pissed off over local matters; can they go on a suicide mission by openly taking on Ruto?
Flower girl Raila followers are still in denial waiting for anything to show that baba got a bone from the handshake.
This 'looming reshuffle', arrests of Ruto men, kidogo kidgo ndoto za Ruto impeachment, are straws that will be held for quite long by the desperate baba orphans- when they wake up it will be another handshake with Ruto.