Which results in portal do you reckon was a farce. No evidence has been adduced so far that suggest any of those figures were manipulated. There are errors - as you would expect - that IEBC staff committed - small transcription errors - but so far noboy has yet to come up with evidence showing any FORM 34 A or Text-IN Data or Form 34B were not genuine. The forms had "formatting" issues - Chiloba has explained - that staff had challenges printing the results - they had to prepare an excel & then super-imposed it to original form 34s - and they ended up damaging the original form 34Bs.
In short when anyone find evidence that shows any form 34s was manipulated - kindly share. It would just entail a few NASA agents showing us what was original signed, what was text-in and what eventually showed up as scanned image in IEBC. Not a single evidence of that has been presented.
All the form 34bs that didn't have security features - again thanks to printing mess - were signed by NASA agents - some of them very well known.
That said Omollesque turned out to be closer to the truth than any innocent explanations for the farce that we were fed on the portal. IEBC still has yet to show that the KIEMS kits actually have anything to do what we see on that portal. Maybe they need a court order for that and a few weeks for the Europeans to wake up from hibernation.
That is not my point. Even if it's debatable.
The actual point is that there is not
one record of transmission with polling station, KIEMS kitidentification, location and time stamp associated with the information on the portal that IEBC has shared. Just 1 out of 40,883. I don't know why, but the reason for that cannot be a good one.
This is information, that just by itself, would go some ways in debunking claims that these are figures entered fraudulently into the system. Without that information, you cannot even start to debunk the claim that none of that data was entered at the polling stations.