Jubilee has contnued to make a tactical mistake by boxing itself into IEBC corner. IEBC committed illegalities and Jubilee continues to act as if IEBC is a servants quarters in Ichaweri. It is NASA that went to court and proved its allegations that Jubilee stole through IEBC. Jubilee is guilty of handling stolen property and collusionto commit a crime. Uhuru's lawyers thought that siding with IEBC allows them to bully the SCOK. The trick fell on its face. As things stand, it is not IEBC/Ichaweri to make demands. A convicted thief has no moral authority to demand conjugal rights and five course meals. NASA is best placed to reject IEBC/Jubilee demands and issue its own.
Another mistake Uhuru made was to persecute NGOs and kill protesters even before dust settled on the thievery. Where Omollo comes from there is a saying about the bravado of a man who farts in the middle of a congregation. When fingers point at him he immediately resorts to violence.