In the first place NASWA should have had their copies - and would use IEBC form to verify. The claim that their agents were kicked out of Central & RV will be easily dismantled because NASA gave IEBC list of agent before hand. This is party that was given a dog beating and is trying to sell nonsense nobody sane can buy.
I cannot wait for supreme court to examine evidence.
I mean all observers gave the election clean bill of health.
ELOG guys who sampled good number of polling stations and tallied their results agreed with IEBC.
IEBC had 3-4 systems - complete with biometrics - how the hell do you rig?
Then you hear computer generated nonsense - when NASA manufactured SQL Server Log on Win 7 VM machine
while IEBC ran state - of-the-art Oracle systems.
This party that not only lost election but lost their senses in the process.
Totally shameless.