He won with 50.5% - which is rounded off to 51% - after supreme court ruled invalid votes could not possibly be counted. Balala & Ngilu were flower girls - where Jubilee had 2 flowers girls - now it has 40 flowers girls - including nearly half of ukambani mps defending their ticket in Jubilee and about the same number in COAST - leave alone places like Northern kenya where it Jubilee is battling friendly parties - and NASA is basically dead except in Wajir,Garissa & Turkana.
As far as Kalenjin goes - you got jokes - Uhuru will improve his 2013 scores - In 2013 in every Kalenjin county Raila had seasoned politicians batting for him - now he has only 2 (Isaac & Zakayo) - in the entire kalenin land.
In 2013 - Gideon Moi was working with Mudavadi & Wamalwa- in AMANI coalition - Now Wamalwa and Gideon are working with Uhuru.
In 2013 - Henry Kosgey was leading Nandi brigade for Raila as ODM chairman. Dr Sally Kosgey was his sub.
In 2013 - Prof Kamar was leading Keiyo brigade against Ruto in Uasin Gishu & Keiyo.
In 2013 - Franklin Bett, Margerer and Kones window was leading Kipsigis onslaught against Ruto -
in 2013 - Pokot Murgor and Litole were leading brigade against UhuRuto.
I can go on and on...these people were not mere MPS..they were powerful ministers or ass ministers...and Raila got some votes courtsey of them.
Now you've unpopular Isaac Ruto with zero development record,Zakayo & washed Kirwa against the rest of Kalenjin
- you got Jokes my friend. It like counting Tuju as Jubilee party chairman as asset in winning votes!
In 2013 it was about water n oil not mixing - about 2007 PEV - and now Kalenjin have enjoyed five years in gov and are watching William Ruto at the precicipe of power - and you think they will throw that out - for someone so ungrateful like Raila - whose first business in 2008 was to hound Kalenjin and throw them under the bus - when Kalenjin didn't have to go to war but had gone to war to save his Luo people from being massacred - all morgues in Luo Nyanza were full in 2 days and Kalenjin reacted by blocking roads and started attacking kikuyus.And the thank you for that was to say WSR was warlord!
If Kalenjin could vote NO in 2010 - against the whole country - what make you think they will vote NASA.
Kalenjin like Kikuyu and Luos are very strategic voters! Waste your time there as much as you want but there is no panya route to it. You have to come through the main door. The main door is not Isaac or Daniel Moi or Raila ODM ministers - it William Kipchirchir Samoe Arap Ruto.
Uhuru has delivered his MOU to Kalenjin nation to the dot...some Kalenjin maybe disappointed with inflation now (Unga) but they know Uhuru has their best interest at heart. In WSR they see the return to the political glory of the yester years.
Did he? By what margin? He has lost his 2013 coalition. Balala is no longer in it and Ngilu left. So what coalition are you referring to?
The Kalenjin will not vote for him in the same numbers as 2013. Cord didn't campaign hard in RiftValley. They made symbolic visits like the one Uhuru is about to start in south Nyanza and western. He'll run broke dishing out cash to tumbocrat after another but no votes