Author Topic: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo  (Read 1885 times)

Offline patel

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Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« on: May 04, 2017, 08:17:11 AM »
Kalonzo should not give back the money kenyatta family willingly donated to Kalonzo foundation.  Willing donor, willing foundation.  Seem like Nyenze was the broker to the whole transaction. Kudos to Kalonzo for playing jubileeidiots,  he should not stop there, he should out them so KRA can audit them as well as the foreign accounts where the money was transferred from investigated.

Offline Empedocles

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Re: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2017, 10:01:49 AM »
Kalonzo should not give back the money kenyatta family willingly donated to Kalonzo foundation.  Willing donor, willing foundation.  Seem like Nyenze was the broker to the whole transaction. Kudos to Kalonzo for playing jubileeidiots,  he should not stop there, he should out them so KRA can audit them as well as the foreign accounts where the money was transferred from investigated.

Unless the money given to Kalonzo was today's equivalent of 30 pieces of silver.

With Kalonzo, I'd believe anything.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2017, 10:32:17 AM »
I don't know about the money however the NIS blackmailed Kalonzo over a number of land cases. One of these is a long standing dispute over some land near Mavoko that has been a subject of years of litigation. They threatened to have it reopened if he did not play ball.

They also went to Mudavadi who I was surprised appears to have eaten through his Goldenberg windfall as well as the Pre-Anglo-Leasing deals and is on the last bit of the 2013 payout from Mama Ngina. They threatened to bring him on Obure- like charges.

Kalonzo got advice from Orengo and others and basically prepared to call it bluff. He however made them believe he would shortchange Raila at the last minute. He had them siting on the edge of their sofas as he unleashed a propaganda campaign : No Kalonzo No NASA.

Unknown to the Jubilee bigots, Kalonzo had already agreed to the 2013 lineup aware that anything less would reduce their 2013 vote in areas like Turkana, Marsabit, Coast and NEP where Raila has fanatical following.

But it was the NIS that overdid themselves thus ruining their game. They started pushing for Mudavadi to be the flagbearer with the same slogan: No Mudavadi, No NASA and even sponsored a demonstration of Kikuyus transported from Nairobi and heavily guarded as they waliked a few meters around the Provincial offices of Kakamega for The Ethnic Rag Media to take still photos for propaganda.

It changed the mood in Wiper and suddenly the leadership saw the danger of losing the number two slot or even having Mudavadi as the flagbearer with Kalonzo deputizing. The idea of Raila handing over the ticket to Mudavadi suddenly made the number two slot under Raila attractive again.

Details of NIS-Mudavadi deal emerged and he was confronted. I can't go in to that now however it was resolved that he tame his party and freeze out the NIS elements. A wise decision was made by the principals having identified who within their circles was reporting to the NIS. They were kept out of the loop when the decision was made. Nyenze was genuinely surprised when he heard the news at Uhuru park.

Uhuru left state house in a rage to go home to mama stopping in Githurai to haul the usual drunken matusi.

The actions you see with the ODPP under pressure to bring out charges against Kalonzo and Joho and a renewed attempt to alter the law to allow the IEBC to cook up results at Bomas is a direct result of realizing they were played when they thought they were playing.

NASA will run away with this thing. Tale it to a foreign owned bank - most of the Uhuru banks will collapse as he is pulling out cash faster than people can bank it.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline MOON Ki

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Re: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2017, 02:03:17 PM »
Unless the money given to Kalonzo was today's equivalent of 30 pieces of silver.

With Kalonzo, I'd believe anything.

Man's a slimy piece of work.  Post-PEV = Opportunity. Still, to be fair to him, it's not as though today's "leading" politicians in Kenya are much better.    All of the "principals", on either side, come with a lot of baggage ... except, perhaps for Isaac Ruro, who has not yet had "enough opportunities".   
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Offline Kichwa

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Re: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2017, 03:36:03 PM »
Kalonzo must have really  annoyed them.  They went after him with fury.  This is why Nyenze is so mad at Kalonzo. He is the big loser.  They should have seen this coming after what Ouruto did to Kalonzo in 2013.  They really humiliated the guy.  Revenge is sweat.

I don't know about the money however the NIS blackmailed Kalonzo over a number of land cases. One of these is a long standing dispute over some land near Mavoko that has been a subject of years of litigation. They threatened to have it reopened if he did not play ball.

They also went to Mudavadi who I was surprised appears to have eaten through his Goldenberg windfall as well as the Pre-Anglo-Leasing deals and is on the last bit of the 2013 payout from Mama Ngina. They threatened to bring him on Obure- like charges.

Kalonzo got advice from Orengo and others and basically prepared to call it bluff. He however made them believe he would shortchange Raila at the last minute. He had them siting on the edge of their sofas as he unleashed a propaganda campaign : No Kalonzo No NASA.

Unknown to the Jubilee bigots, Kalonzo had already agreed to the 2013 lineup aware that anything less would reduce their 2013 vote in areas like Turkana, Marsabit, Coast and NEP where Raila has fanatical following.

But it was the NIS that overdid themselves thus ruining their game. They started pushing for Mudavadi to be the flagbearer with the same slogan: No Mudavadi, No NASA and even sponsored a demonstration of Kikuyus transported from Nairobi and heavily guarded as they waliked a few meters around the Provincial offices of Kakamega for The Ethnic Rag Media to take still photos for propaganda.

It changed the mood in Wiper and suddenly the leadership saw the danger of losing the number two slot or even having Mudavadi as the flagbearer with Kalonzo deputizing. The idea of Raila handing over the ticket to Mudavadi suddenly made the number two slot under Raila attractive again.

Details of NIS-Mudavadi deal emerged and he was confronted. I can't go in to that now however it was resolved that he tame his party and freeze out the NIS elements. A wise decision was made by the principals having identified who within their circles was reporting to the NIS. They were kept out of the loop when the decision was made. Nyenze was genuinely surprised when he heard the news at Uhuru park.

Uhuru left state house in a rage to go home to mama stopping in Githurai to haul the usual drunken matusi.

The actions you see with the ODPP under pressure to bring out charges against Kalonzo and Joho and a renewed attempt to alter the law to allow the IEBC to cook up results at Bomas is a direct result of realizing they were played when they thought they were playing.

NASA will run away with this thing. Tale it to a foreign owned bank - most of the Uhuru banks will collapse as he is pulling out cash faster than people can bank it.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Omollo

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Re: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2017, 03:57:40 PM »

Writing on these pads is such a punishment. I noticed lots of typos created by the little edifice trying to correct me!

This election is for NASA to lose. There have been threats and rumors of threats. The latest is some woman from state house hiring a woman close to Raila to feed him poison. It could be true or not but to me it is a measure of desperation when one thinks of taking measures that would ruin the country and even cement the defeat of Uhuru. A dead Raila is more dangerous to the Kenyatta Dynasty than a living one.

The frustration in Jubilee is immense. Nothing seems to be working. Most annoying is the simmering rebellion in their own backyards exactly when they had believed the backyrards were sealed and they could simply go out there to buy politicians who woukld then tell their minions who to vote for.

They bought politicians alright some for a while others for a little longer. In Kisii their seeds fell on rocks and then there was drought. The youth have rebelled and forced many of the politicians to rethink their defections. People like Obure made it clear he can't go to prison he is too old. So he bid farewell to ODM and went kujisalimisha to Jubilee. He is running the laziest campaign I have ever seen.

Mung'aro is investing in more land and prostitutes.
Nyenze is an old Uhuru man. It was widely known in NASA circles that he was the muldvarp
Kalonzo must have really  annoyed them.  They went after him with fury.  This is why Nyenze is so mad at Kalonzo. He is the big loser.  They should have seen this coming after what Ouruto did to Kalonzo in 2013.  They really humiliated the guy.  Revenge is sweat.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Kichwa

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"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Omollo

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Re: Mama Ngina want her money back from Kalonzo
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2017, 06:01:11 PM »
The earth is shaking in Central.

Uhuru will soon learn what Moi learned: It does not matter how much you frighten people but if you oppress them they soon fear the enemy you created for them less than you.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread