Writing on these pads is such a punishment. I noticed lots of typos created by the little edifice trying to correct me!
This election is for NASA to lose. There have been threats and rumors of threats. The latest is some woman from state house hiring a woman close to Raila to feed him poison. It could be true or not but to me it is a measure of desperation when one thinks of taking measures that would ruin the country and even cement the defeat of Uhuru. A dead Raila is more dangerous to the Kenyatta Dynasty than a living one.
The frustration in Jubilee is immense. Nothing seems to be working. Most annoying is the simmering rebellion in their own backyards exactly when they had believed the backyrards were sealed and they could simply go out there to buy politicians who woukld then tell their minions who to vote for.
They bought politicians alright some for a while others for a little longer. In Kisii their seeds fell on rocks and then there was drought. The youth have rebelled and forced many of the politicians to rethink their defections. People like Obure made it clear he can't go to prison he is too old. So he bid farewell to ODM and went kujisalimisha to Jubilee. He is running the laziest campaign I have ever seen.
Mung'aro is investing in more land and prostitutes.
Nyenze is an old Uhuru man. It was widely known in NASA circles that he was the muldvarp
Kalonzo must have really annoyed them. They went after him with fury. This is why Nyenze is so mad at Kalonzo. He is the big loser. They should have seen this coming after what Ouruto did to Kalonzo in 2013. They really humiliated the guy. Revenge is sweat.