I read that editorial commentary within the story.
Jubilee gets a narrative and then keeps pushing it. At some point their opponents ignore it only to realize too late that they should never have ignored!
Last time it was the spreading of the narrative that Raila always loses elections and that he is violent.
This time it is Jubilee has made inroads in CORD areas while keeping its constituency intact. The whole thing is a blatant lie with the contrary of it the truth-
Jubilee made inroads at the Coast? Where? They lost a by election in Kilifi and cannot even hold primaries there because there are no people who are interested apart from Mung'aro and his eating teams. The cash from Uhuru lands is shared and plots developed etc. I wonder why their NIS never reports back to them about the game by those Mung'aro MPs.
Kwale? Let me again explain slowly for Pundit:
Mvurya is a Duruma. ODM had negotiated democracy to allow a member of such a minority of minorities to get the governorship. Boy Juma Boy - a Digo took the senate. The MPs were shared according to who were the majority.
Woman Rep went to a Digo again to allow smaller groups to have Governor etc.
Outside this arrangement Mvurya cannot manage a thing.
The only man who usually gets some support to the government - Mwakwere - has defected to opposition. That unifies the two opposing groups in to one force to sweep everything. The man who could have assisted them - Likoni MP - is kinda senile or is it alzheimer's- sijui.
Mombasa? Taita-Taveta? Tana River?
Shah Baal will get no votes. Wiper will get some votes and some for Joho but both will bring votes to NASA. End of story.
Taveta- Shabani will not steal the seat again. Tumejua mchezo wake and will stop it this time. Her power is reduced since she stopped being somebody's mistress - replaced by Waiguru.
Tana River: The Swahili and Somali over there will as usual break the tie between us and we shall carry the Governorship, Senate and Woman rep plus some seats on our side. The Orma and Pokomo can never vote on one side this millennium.
Now what about Isaac Ruto? Is that no inroad? His influence will continue to grow. The kalenjin respect courage and he is showing a lot of it. What is more he has a special role which I shall not disclose now.
How about Turkana where after his shetani thing, NASA support has risen. The distribution of guns to one side has brought more Pokots in to NASA even if their eating chiefs remain at Uhuru's Eurobond table?
The narrative is to minimize NASA gains and amplify non existent Jubilee "inroads".
There is a difference between where Jubilee desires votes and feels it must get and whether those votes are actually there. They decided they must have votes in Kisii so Uhuru jumps across the 24 County requirement. So they declared it a battleground County. Just like Hilary may have known she wont get West Virginia but continued to call it "battleground". Ni #ushenziTupu
Wet dreams. Disregards Jubilee inroads into CORD areas which is significant. Whereas NASA has made no inroads into Jubilee base.