I had rather the locals steal local land..than have a situation like lamu where foreigners can alienate [in cahoots with NLC in Nairobi] 0.5M acres in Lamu and go round looking for that land using map coordinates.
I also like devolved corruption..because at least it our very own growing rich...not somebody thousands miles away.
CORD have indicated this will be part of the referendum question..and it ought to be supported.
NLC are presidential appointees....and like the former Land Commissioner...all PORK need is to put 5 out of 9 members who will do his bidding..and they can steal land everywhere.
National Land Commission should managed NATIONAL public land. They have no business managing county land...whether it a forest or a wet land or desert or a lake.
If National gov think certain forest is so important for national interest...then they need to compulsory acquire it from counties...take Mau for example..most of it is a trust land owned by counties of Narok,Bomet,Kericho and Nakuru...now everyone make so much noise of it....it seem it's a forest of international interest...therefore the gov and international partners..should simply acquire compulsorily by paying off the current owners....
If not..those counties should hold the land as trust land and alienate it anytime anyhow...as long as a resolution by county assemblies has been passed.
Devolved land grabbing
and protection for beneficiaries of past land grabbing