How do folks expect the forum to be lively and active if they don't engage ? How do we expect new members to join if all they see is stagnation. There is too much apathy. For this forum to move forward we need the movers and shakers to up their game. For a start , 10 very active members posting at least twice daily is enough to fire up the forum and attract new members. - Termie , Pundit , Parkapen, Mia, Moonki , Jakoyo , Veri, Kadame , Real Pokot, Global citizen, etc.
The forum admin ( Veritas)- get off your lazy backside and make the website more colorful and attractive.
If a member starts a thread , try act keep it live by engaging actively with any respondent to the thread. Masinde at .com uses this tactic very well to keep the debate going and manages to pull in folks to actively engage.
There is too much apathy in spite of many important issues worth debating both local and international to debate on. It is very demoralizing for a forum to have zero response to 90 % of it's threads.
So make it a new year resolution to make .org work.