You need to read this post backwards. There is no need to restart the debate. In summary I think George Bush or Bill Clinton did more for Africa than Obama. Obama is starting to crawl out of his egg shell just about now.
I think Obama has done well for US , he is doing great in Cuba, he has failed as far as Guantanamo bay, Isreal and middle east goes, he has spectacularly failed as far as Africa and 3rd world goes (see what China is doing there with less money than US).
And he has failed as far as Kogelo and his family goes. I don't need to interview the family. Malik has said it. What hasn't been said is manifested in Kogelo. All development in there have either be done by Kenya gov or well Saudis who built Sarah Obama hse for being a muslim.
What exactly has Obama done for his family, Kogelo, Luo Nyanza, Kenya and Africa. WHAT? I expect more from somebody who understood with first hand experience what kind of problems those guys face. But he has done NOTHING. ZERO. ZILCH. NADA.
Actually he has not done nothing..he has spend his time in power ashamed of his roots and running away from them. He sneaks his family through the back door and did not even bother to attend the Aunt burial (an aunt he knew first hand) and choose to play golf.
Malik Obama calls him a big fraud. I couldn't agree more. A fraud is going to visit kenya for his own selfish reason as his regimes come to it's dying moments.
Your earlier posts argued that Obama didn't care for Africa - a patent untruth - and now you've shifted to this falsehood that he does not love his Kenyan family. Well, have you ever posed that question either to Dani Sarah or Auma Obama?
So in your estimate, what should Obama be doing for Africa and Kenya in particular, that he hasn't yet done? Has he decreased the financial disbursement or aid assistance to Africa since he ascended to office in 2009? Look, Obama's tenure has been a continuation of his predecessors policies; every US president inherits policies from their predecessor and it's upon them to pursue or dispense with policies as they see fit -- the budget allowing or in the US national interest. Sometimes you don't have to reinvent the wheel, so they say.
I hope you and others will join us today as we celebrate the reopening of embassies between Havana and Washington. And if all goes well, next week, we might just see the signing of an historic nuclear accord between the US and Iran.
Yeah, and Obama will be in Kenya this month.