Like I said based on the past abductions;
It appears the mission is torture and drop them off.
It not like Moi era torture to get confession - sign a statement - and get jailed.
Court has disallowed such police statements of self-confesions.
So I can imagine if its kalenjin led operation like is very likely - they will be thinking this is MENJO training school - considering they are abducting 20-24yr old GENZs
Objective - would appear - to be case of teaching the kids some discipline.
Are the abducted youths Kalejin? Why take a Meru or Luo kid through Kalejin rituals? He will never even find any attachment to the Kalejin culture.
The abductions go against the constituition of Kenya and hence illegal. This is a crime and hopefully someone one day will be held accoutable for these crimes against humanity.