It is unfortunate, but on these matters, over the long term,
I am rarely wrong :roll:
They argued with me hapa
for a full month saying America is still king in everything including, (in the famous paraphrased words of our combative blathee :lol:),
"kunyamba kwa Jerome Powell" :roll: :roll: :roll:
NA BADOThat they ain't seen NOTHING yet is an understatement.
For those still there; leave that place, that place, that place I tells ya before it is too late.
It is never too late to start making your exit plan.
I started making mine in 2007/08 when I started noticing
VERY CRAZY THINGS happening in even the top cities hapo, things that I have discussed on this forum
ad nausem - The corporate welfare (bailouts) of Goldman- Sachs et al ( a.k.a the
TOO BIG TO FAILS - remember that?) after they - the corporates - LOOTED in broad daylight and literally precipitated the 2007/08/09 financial crisis.
- The crazy numbers of MUNICIPAL BANKRUPTCIES all across the TSA that have never been resolved to date
- The rise of homeless and tent cities in every city in the Union as well as corollary rise in DRUG USE and effects, including the legalization of medical NDHOM aka CUSH aka WEEDI ritru mbit ritru mbit. Add the onset of Big Pharma becoming LEGAL DRUG DEALERS dealing in oxycontin and so on in BROAD DAYLIGHT ati "to cure pain" :lol:
- The endless printing of the TSA dollar as an economic solution rather than sound fiscal and monetary policy
- The MAINSTREAMING of the Transgender agenda. Forget gayism which went mainstream kitaambo
- The staggering collapse of the CBD areas of cities like Detroit :o
- The acceleration in the collapse of the crumbling infra there.
America is DONE, homies. FINITO.. I am getting tired of repeating this and will not do it any further :roll:
Start making your exit plans pronto, or at the minimum, invest bigly nyumbani (or elsewhere) so that when the dung hits the fan, you have a soft landing.
Those who have already left the sinking ship are the wise ones.
My predictions on what to expect between now and 2030 from Hameillikwa;
1. A recession like has never been seen that will make the Great Depression of the 1920s look like a children's game
2. Third world style power blackouts in major cities, water issues (boil water notices, no water, contaminated water etc) which has already started but will get TEN TIMES WORSE
3. Accelerated collapse of Hamellikwan cities and INFRA in particular. Potholes in the CBDs of major cities, crumbling bridges, etc etc etc
4. Increasing militarization of Hamellikwan police and increasing authoritarianism as Hamillikwans realize their gava and its media factotums have been LYING TO THEM ALL LONG about the reality of their long gone superpower tag. Gava will come down hard on dissidents, hence increasing gun control laws to curb any rebellion in advance - already happening.
5. Ultimately, as all collapsing empires do, Hamellikwa will start a war. Details below.
USA will wag the dog and blame China for all its woes. Mass media hapo will hype things up.
THE WAR MOST LIKELY WILL BE OVER TAIWAN. China will eventually invade USA like USA did Japan and countless other countries ever since (taste of its own medicine :lol: :lol: :lol:)
And George Washington's Land of the Free will be turned into
just another third world republic with urban forests, torn down homes and a subdued/chastened populace :D.
Don't believe me?
Let's compare notes in 2025 and 2030 respectively :D
Ni hayo tu.