Author Topic: Kalenjin should tomorrow show solidarity to Mt kenya underclass by feasting Moi  (Read 1870 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Cows and properties. Even if symbolically. This need to be done to keep fire burning on dynasties.

This should be good warning.

In 2007 people ate Moi cattle.

As it likely a curse for most kalenjin to attack another kalenjin - such wealth should be slaughtered and wasted on the scene.

In Kalenjin proper - you only prosper from enemy loot - never from your own - so normally such need to be wasted - on the scene.

Kalenjin culture is wierd thieving culture that think wealth stolen from enemies is most likely to bless you :) most likely to multiply; and anything even earned from fellow kalenin likely to destroy you; so normally earning from most stuff done with fellow kalenjin is suppose to be wasted and never to get home - certainly never to be mixed with your other investments. Ni pesa ya kuharibu.

If only Kalenjin could lay their hands on kenyatta doper sheep - those would be kept as most prized possession that are expected to mutilply and bless the family. Nobody would sell such cheaply. People will look back years lately proudly declaring these are my hardwork - I raided and I got blessed.

Kalenjin slogan for success is SET KOBOR - RAID AND SUCCEED - Steal from enemy(raid) and be blessed.

Kibor (like old dude) - kibar - bar - is KILL - so it like KILL/RAID and BE BLESSED. If you kill severally - you name changes - and start from BAR - killer xyz. BarNgetuny - Killer of lion. Barmasai - killer of Masai - Bartai - barno.

Offline RV Pundit

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I would be BarKenyatta. Normally Bar would be someone so exceptional in raids. They were commander and field marshals.

Kalenjin prefix Bar name;

~ Bar means great one.Male were named after heroes based on what they did in battles or Raids:

1. Barkutwo {brought crown from raid},
2. Barchilei {brought metallic part call chileiywot from raid},
3. Barchok {snatched sword from enemy},
4. Bartonjo {enemy destroyer},
5. Barmaasai {brought valuables from Maasai},
6. Barmoi {brought calf from raid},
7. Barngetuny {lion killer},
8. Barno {brought goat from raid
9. Barsambu {brought crown from raid},
10. Bartie {who brought girl child raid},
11. Bartwol {brought bell},
12. Barkokwet {who lives several yrs},
13. Barosho {brought woman @ maasailand},
14. Barsolaja {hero who killed Maasai laibon at Solai who was architect of defeat.oon kebar solaja......}
15. Bartoret {warthog killer}
16. Barngok {killed fierce enemy dog in battle}
17. Barkochut {drag n kill the enemy},
18. Bartany {brought cow},
19. Barusei {brought light skin cows

Offline RV Pundit

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This one is more legi

Barmasai is a name that is derived from the verb 'bar' which in this case means raid and the noun 'Masai' which in this case means Maasailand. So it's given to one who did a successful raid in Maasailand. Your explanation is new to me.

Offline RV Pundit

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Definitely agree with Daniel here

Bargokwet---ke-bar = to kill; kokwet = the primary community. A man who decimated an enemy settlement.
Barta---ke-bar = to kill; ke-ta = to coil or tie around, hence taet = copper. A man returned from a raid with copper wire for women's arm and leg coils. (This happened near the end of the 19th century when metal was a new introduction. It is said that some Kipsigis men killed and mutilated Maasai

Barta---ke-bar = to kill; ke-ta = to coil or tie around, hence taet = copper. A man returned from a raid with copper wire for women's arm and leg coils. (This happened near the end of the 19th century when metal was a new introduction. It is said that some Kipsigis men killed and mutilated Maasai women to get these coils and the small pox epidemic was divine punishment for these sins.)
Bargaliet---ke-bar = to kill; kaliet = peace, a period of truce with a neighboring tribe. A name given to a man who broke the peace by killing a Maasai cattle partner. (This was the first name of a man I knew, and clearly had to be his kainet ap kurenet).
Chelule---che-lul = to adopt into the tribe; A name given to a man who returned for a raid with a captive who was then adopted.
Barng'etuny---ke-bar = to kill; ng'etuny = lion. Lion Killer.

Offline cookie1

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You would be BarPrimitivo. The ndays of cattle raiding are ova. I thought you were a serious IT nguy but you are still thinking like a cattle herder in mogotio

I would be BarKenyatta. Normally Bar would be someone so exceptional in raids. They were commander and field marshals.

Kalenjin prefix Bar name;

~ Bar means great one.Male were named after heroes based on what they did in battles or Raids:

1. Barkutwo {brought crown from raid},
2. Barchilei {brought metallic part call chileiywot from raid},
3. Barchok {snatched sword from enemy},
4. Bartonjo {enemy destroyer},
5. Barmaasai {brought valuables from Maasai},
6. Barmoi {brought calf from raid},
7. Barngetuny {lion killer},
8. Barno {brought goat from raid
9. Barsambu {brought crown from raid},
10. Bartie {who brought girl child raid},
11. Bartwol {brought bell},
12. Barkokwet {who lives several yrs},
13. Barosho {brought woman @ maasailand},
14. Barsolaja {hero who killed Maasai laibon at Solai who was architect of defeat.oon kebar solaja......}
15. Bartoret {warthog killer}
16. Barngok {killed fierce enemy dog in battle}
17. Barkochut {drag n kill the enemy},
18. Bartany {brought cow},
19. Barusei {brought light skin cows

Offline RV Pundit

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Cookie, mkamba fala, I am in  IT by accident, just because I was gifted in maths and all, my friend I held my first demo in 1986 or 1985 as 4yr old. I remember clearly - me with my two sisters - and kindgarten teachers in tree in kalenjin - doing a demonstration in 1985.

If you know kericho - highlands primary - I held my first peaceful protest - in 1986 - and went went home. I have seen held many protests.

I always have never and will never accept imputiny. I started in Kericho highlands primary then Maryin primary in deep tea estates where I saw donkeys then Londiani - soget primary - man I went to 5  primary schools. Then 3 high schools...all I remember now is  my father vw or datsun.

My father was like me - incredibly time for moi or kanu. My father and I are exceptional. If it was not for cancer..fuck father was only KIBAKI MAN since 1980s.

WE WERE ONLY PEOPLE WHO WOULD STARE AT MOI...SEIIS IN KEIYOS...Who else..fuck even kirwa was KANU...entire kipsigis was my father and some dude.

Nobody can ever intimidate me.

You would be BarPrimitivo. The ndays of cattle raiding are ova. I thought you were a serious IT nguy but you are still thinking like a cattle herder in mogotio

I would be BarKenyatta. Normally Bar would be someone so exceptional in raids. They were commander and field marshals.

Kalenjin prefix Bar name;

~ Bar means great one.Male were named after heroes based on what they did in battles or Raids:

1. Barkutwo {brought crown from raid},
2. Barchilei {brought metallic part call chileiywot from raid},
3. Barchok {snatched sword from enemy},
4. Bartonjo {enemy destroyer},
5. Barmaasai {brought valuables from Maasai},
6. Barmoi {brought calf from raid},
7. Barngetuny {lion killer},
8. Barno {brought goat from raid
9. Barsambu {brought crown from raid},
10. Bartie {who brought girl child raid},
11. Bartwol {brought bell},
12. Barkokwet {who lives several yrs},
13. Barosho {brought woman @ maasailand},
14. Barsolaja {hero who killed Maasai laibon at Solai who was architect of defeat.oon kebar solaja......}
15. Bartoret {warthog killer}
16. Barngok {killed fierce enemy dog in battle}
17. Barkochut {drag n kill the enemy},
18. Bartany {brought cow},
19. Barusei {brought light skin cows

Offline RV Heavy Hitter!

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It looks like the names evolved with time. Those were common names in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s when raiding was the currency. My dad, in the 1950s, was nicknamed "Samoei" because visitors would always see nice-looking bulls on his farm. He was the top raider of Maasai bulls with my uncles until Uasin Gishu Maasai decided to head to Narok flat broke. They, according to him, brought the raiding culture to "Shamba," as it is known, after Raiding Kisiis in the Kericho areas! It was always an African culture to raid other communities of their animals and marry their women as 2nd or 3rd wives. Supposedly, many Kalenjin men moved to areas with plenty of cows (not their cows). Pokot and Tugen sadly seem still doing the 1950s thing in 2023!
The future belongs to those who have a quarter of the character and integrity of RV Heavy Hitter!

Offline RV Pundit

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It looks like the names evolved with time. Those were common names in the 1940s, 50s, and 60s when raiding was the currency. My dad, in the 1950s, was nicknamed "Samoei" because visitors would always see nice-looking bulls on his farm. He was the top raider of Maasai bulls with my uncles until Uasin Gishu Maasai decided to head to Narok flat broke. They, according to him, brought the raiding culture to "Shamba," as it is known, after Raiding Kisiis in the Kericho areas! It was always an African culture to raid other communities of their animals and marry their women as 2nd or 3rd wives. Supposedly, many Kalenjin men moved to areas with plenty of cows (not their cows). Pokot and Tugen sadly seem still doing the 1950s thing in 2023! grand father was only son so didn't do my great grandfather. Cattle remain big business.10 cows is a million..a 1000 cows is 100million so its still lucrative business

Offline gout

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Yes. Capitulation of these bigger than Kenya monsters cannot be nice except in the minds of those who think they are benefitting and the middle crass worried of short time stability.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline gout

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Not bad for those who took dorper from Njiru. Once ghettolised or reverted to original use of expanding Nairobi the name Northlands should never be heard again.

That land is perfect for decongesting Kanairo and affordable housing. Let ufool refund the mzungus who had bought into it.
I would be BarKenyatta. Normally Bar would be someone so exceptional in raids. They were commander and field marshals.

Kalenjin prefix Bar name;

~ Bar means great one.Male were named after heroes based on what they did in battles or Raids:

1. Barkutwo {brought crown from raid},
2. Barchilei {brought metallic part call chileiywot from raid},
3. Barchok {snatched sword from enemy},
4. Bartonjo {enemy destroyer},
5. Barmaasai {brought valuables from Maasai},
6. Barmoi {brought calf from raid},
7. Barngetuny {lion killer},
8. Barno {brought goat from raid
9. Barsambu {brought crown from raid},
10. Bartie {who brought girl child raid},
11. Bartwol {brought bell},
12. Barkokwet {who lives several yrs},
13. Barosho {brought woman @ maasailand},
14. Barsolaja {hero who killed Maasai laibon at Solai who was architect of defeat.oon kebar solaja......}
15. Bartoret {warthog killer}
16. Barngok {killed fierce enemy dog in battle}
17. Barkochut {drag n kill the enemy},
18. Bartany {brought cow},
19. Barusei {brought light skin cows
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline RV Pundit

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only way is for slums to occupy it illegally - destroy the fence from mwhihoko or what is name - allow people to slowly encroach. It too expensive to be bought legally.I saw narok one - fence was almost gone - the 75,000 acres.

Let squattors invade all these stolen lands...and resist eviction.

In utawala-Njiru - they invaded the old tycoon due who was in meat business - forgot his name - now it taken over

Not bad for those who took dorper from Njiru. Once ghettolised or reverted to original use of expanding Nairobi the name Northlands should never be heard again.

That land is perfect for decongesting Kanairo and affordable housing. Let ufool refund the mzungus who had bought into it.
I would be BarKenyatta. Normally Bar would be someone so exceptional in raids. They were commander and field marshals.

Kalenjin prefix Bar name;

~ Bar means great one.Male were named after heroes based on what they did in battles or Raids:

1. Barkutwo {brought crown from raid},
2. Barchilei {brought metallic part call chileiywot from raid},
3. Barchok {snatched sword from enemy},
4. Bartonjo {enemy destroyer},
5. Barmaasai {brought valuables from Maasai},
6. Barmoi {brought calf from raid},
7. Barngetuny {lion killer},
8. Barno {brought goat from raid
9. Barsambu {brought crown from raid},
10. Bartie {who brought girl child raid},
11. Bartwol {brought bell},
12. Barkokwet {who lives several yrs},
13. Barosho {brought woman @ maasailand},
14. Barsolaja {hero who killed Maasai laibon at Solai who was architect of defeat.oon kebar solaja......}
15. Bartoret {warthog killer}
16. Barngok {killed fierce enemy dog in battle}
17. Barkochut {drag n kill the enemy},
18. Bartany {brought cow},
19. Barusei {brought light skin cows

Offline gout

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Kirima playbook and that Waitiki in Likoni.

only way is for slums to occupy it illegally - destroy the fence from mwhihoko or what is name - allow people to slowly encroach. It too expensive to be bought legally.I saw narok one - fence was almost gone - the 75,000 acres.

Let squattors invade all these stolen lands...and resist eviction.

In utawala-Njiru - they invaded the old tycoon due who was in meat business - forgot his name - now it taken over

Not bad for those who took dorper from Njiru. Once ghettolised or reverted to original use of expanding Nairobi the name Northlands should never be heard again.

That land is perfect for decongesting Kanairo and affordable housing. Let ufool refund the mzungus who had bought into it.

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline RV Pundit

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Yes - that only solution. They are responsible for creating poverty - and cannot hoard resources - while people in Mathare are living 50,000 people per square kilometre.
Kirima playbook and that Waitiki in Likoni.

only way is for slums to occupy it illegally - destroy the fence from mwhihoko or what is name - allow people to slowly encroach. It too expensive to be bought legally.I saw narok one - fence was almost gone - the 75,000 acres.

Let squattors invade all these stolen lands...and resist eviction.

In utawala-Njiru - they invaded the old tycoon due who was in meat business - forgot his name - now it taken over

Not bad for those who took dorper from Njiru. Once ghettolised or reverted to original use of expanding Nairobi the name Northlands should never be heard again.

That land is perfect for decongesting Kanairo and affordable housing. Let ufool refund the mzungus who had bought into it.

Offline sitting bull

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Yes - that only solution. They are responsible for creating poverty - and cannot hoard resources - while people in Mathare are living 50,000 people per square kilometre.
Kirima playbook and that Waitiki in Likoni.

only way is for slums to occupy it illegally - destroy the fence from mwhihoko or what is name - allow people to slowly encroach. It too expensive to be bought legally.I saw narok one - fence was almost gone - the 75,000 acres.

Let squattors invade all these stolen lands...and resist eviction.

In utawala-Njiru - they invaded the old tycoon due who was in meat business - forgot his name - now it taken over

Not bad for those who took dorper from Njiru. Once ghettolised or reverted to original use of expanding Nairobi the name Northlands should never be heard again.

That land is perfect for decongesting Kanairo and affordable housing. Let ufool refund the mzungus who had bought into it.

Why didn't you have such good ideas or suggestions back in 2014 or thereabout Messrs pundit?

Offline RV Pundit

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Sitting bull - opportunity comes - we seize the opportunity.
Kenyatta had it good - all they needed to do was respect Ruto MOU and honour the deal.
They would have gotten away like they have done since independence.

Then mlevi  started playing reckless move - either Raila or Ruto - Kenyattas were going to be finish them anyway after hurting both.

So mlevi will regret the day he decided to take stupid war to Ruto - Ruto would be kneeling now before Kenyattas and they would be Muthamakis. Gachagua might have lost his re-election bid as Mathira Mp.

Kenyatta & Moi escaped in 2002 in Narc due to fallout btw LDP and NAK.

This time round I dont see any escape.

We finish them Dos Santos style.