I would be BarKenyatta. Normally Bar would be someone so exceptional in raids. They were commander and field marshals.
Kalenjin prefix Bar name;
~ Bar means great one.Male were named after heroes based on what they did in battles or Raids:
1. Barkutwo {brought crown from raid},
2. Barchilei {brought metallic part call chileiywot from raid},
3. Barchok {snatched sword from enemy},
4. Bartonjo {enemy destroyer},
5. Barmaasai {brought valuables from Maasai},
6. Barmoi {brought calf from raid},
7. Barngetuny {lion killer},
8. Barno {brought goat from raid
9. Barsambu {brought crown from raid},
10. Bartie {who brought girl child raid},
11. Bartwol {brought bell},
12. Barkokwet {who lives several yrs},
13. Barosho {brought woman @ maasailand},
14. Barsolaja {hero who killed Maasai laibon at Solai who was architect of defeat.oon kebar solaja......}
15. Bartoret {warthog killer}
16. Barngok {killed fierce enemy dog in battle}
17. Barkochut {drag n kill the enemy},
18. Bartany {brought cow},
19. Barusei {brought light skin cows