Pundit the system doesn't work that way,when I called for 10,000 hustlers to fill these medium and top level jobs I meant something like this woud need to be dealt by people who were never there in first place. To be able even to nail Kinoti you would need at least doing away with over 100 officers in DCI and several others in mainstream government,first bit is they will cover up as much as they can, by the time you get to Kinoti is maybe 2027, if even that ever happens then multiply the years by four for each kibicho,matiangi etc by the time you get to gatheca is 2050, that's how system protects itself.
Like I said you would have to put minimum 10,000 hustlers and purge the dynasty mercilessly otherwise all this is sarakasi.new hustlers in DCI woud move the wheel much faster and nail these people maybe in 2 years.