Whats the measure you are using to establish what a win is...
To define a win in war is relative, basically the easiest way would be to say the side that surrenders and puts a signature in paper lost.
But as you know that doesn't happen nowadays and this an argument that has no ending I won't claim I can end it,so basically back to Russia ... unless Russia can force Ukraine into signing a surrender.
Did the taleban/Afghanistan defeat US again this is a relative argument but consensus is of course Taleban/Afghanistan aka the grave yard of empires won, simply because they forced America out of the country even though they never defeated America military.
@Njuri, I was watching Citizen TV. All meru contestants in the upcoming elections were in attendance at
Elsa Hotel. A Njuri Ncheke elder was also given a chance to speak on the mic. I came here hoping you would have a running commentary kumbe wewe bure kabisa armchair analyst, commenting on issues thousands of miles away yet matters local pass you by, then you will come here lecturing us about UDA???
Anyway matters history, matters Russia, you seem to understand. They are reasons I do not do ping pong on blogs. On this column, there is a market madman you are engaging who thinks
winning some battles equates to winning a war.
If it is not low IQ then the fellow totally missed out on history class:
There are no winners in any war but as you summarized what matters is the objectives being met.
Russias first objective disguised as demilitiration and denazifiation of Ukraine is basically to get back its former Novorussia lands and its people. As of Now they have 4 Provinces . It remains for them to get Kharkhiv and stretch their special operation till Odessa .....
It is good you gave the example of Afghanistan - never been conquered. First the Russians lost, and the Americans lost too just like they lost in Vietnam.
In the 90s, I was a regular visitor to UK and often carried away souvenirs like this t-shirt
to the left: (Zoom in to read the details)

Hitler's dream was to conquer the whole of Europe if not the world and he did come close. Only the British Isles and Russia stood in it way. If @Noway had visited Europe in 1943 when Hitler had met 75% of his conquests/"objectives", he would be shouting Hitler has won. But we all know all those conquests were reversed and he ended up secluded in a bunker of a few square metres in Berlin. A war is not won until the fat lady sings. An apt metaphor. This t-shirt has a good teaching lesson for my grandchildren and a fellow here who thought Putin was going to have lunch in Kyiv in February. Ukraine's objective is sovereignty over Ukraine and all its land. That is how the war will end.