Kalenjin dont like vitu ya aibu - kupeleka watu kortini eti for sleeping with your daughter - even murder case they get resolved at home - for kalenjin village harmony is more important than personal justice and all that. Policeman in kalenjin is basically idle - almost all case get withdrewn - and get settled at home - normally it enough for someone to say "I am sorry".
Kalenjin love their families, clans, and their village mate. There is almost no where we can have you Njamba as villagemate - labda mwenda wazimu. Kalenjin even before christianity - 1st rule was always love your neighebrhour - rich or poor - there is a lot of harmony in kalenjin villages -in some places in Bomet - people still live communaly - I use to go visit - and we eat lunch here - move to the next house - poor family give you whatever - rich family whatever - everything is equal.
Kalenjin watu wanapenda sana. Bakule system basically mean poor and rich kids are brothers and sister as long as they went to same circumscion hut....your bakule is like your own bro.
Bakule is kalenjin deep state...
https://www.facebook.com/BroboxCreatives/videos/497043501308956if Kalenjin culture is so regimented how comes it is not being able to contain this? kikuyus poor have this problem but I know the church, schools and community work very hard to deal with it.