Ruto says 2 million acres - 1 million for squators - 1 million for public projects and investors .
Coast of acquisition?
Centum bought 11,000 acres from Rea Vipingo for 2.1B.
So 100,000 acres will be 20B.
So 1,000,000 acres will be 200B.
So 2 million acres will be 400B.
Ruto says every year he will reserves 20B for land 100K every year....he might have to do 40B annually to do this in 5yrs.
But REA is prime near the coast and mombasa.
So deep inside Taita or Kwale or Kilifi an acre will be way cheaper. Ruto will give Kenyatta family 1b take or leave Taita Taveta 100k...and as he considering the offer...squattors would already be settled.