Kalenjin got angry and basically mad. We simply lost our mind. Somewhere in June-Sept of 2007. Otherwise Kalonzo was our man until very late. Kibaki just kept doing stupid things - Kalenjin thought perfect anti-dote was Raila. Raila was very angry. Kalenjin mission became to punish Kibaki and his gema people. Raila was best man for the job.
I was in home in april of 2007 - extensively - and people wanted Kalonzo - the reason they were distrustful - of Raila maturity to lead. Most kalenjin would laugh if you suggested Raila -
- saying that was an idiot who cannot lead anybody.
By september crazy things happened,
Ruto was the last to join team Raila. He found Kalenjin had gone ahead of him. He tried to stop the madness - it was too late. He run ahead and pretended to lead the troops.
I still wonder why - but I blame Kass FM - diaspora Kalenjin - in those days Kass fm was everything. Kalenjin diaspora had merged with Luo diaspora and were pushing for Raila...for Change...and strange concept - by Sept - tide had change - Raila was in - Sijui Nilotic nationalism pushed by Diaspora Kalenjin. Kalonzo didnt help - he was basically doing nothing - just looking at opinion polls.
And you voted for Raila in 2007 and claim he won. Usitubebe ufala.