I have been in the same situation once. The boy will be alright because of this exposure. Obviously, school fees are still a problem for many Kenyans decades later. Kindergarten to grade 12 should be free to give Kenyans time to save for college. The tax code needs to be changed so that tax dollars from the neighborhood can go to local schools. Such cases remind me of the day my dad took me to Arnesen's Boys form one, and Before we entered the gates, we sat under the tree so that my dad could count the money for the last time. Minutes later, my dad was in tears because one thousand note went missing because it was lodged in the torn inner pocket. My dad literally shed tears, hollering, "What am I gonna do, God." He found it a few minutes later, and we celebrated with eerie laughter. I swore never to mess up in life from that day. Been leading a perfect life ever since! Kibet Chepkata will be okay!