Njuri how comes there are Merus in ISiolo north. I saw you had Mp there in old times. I see Mombasa real estate Mwenda Thuranira is running there?
I would have imagine the South but Isiolo north? or how is divided? I see there is funny strip all the way down
Reading the comments - look like that area will see lots of death - Borana/Somalis are claiming it as their grazing area.
Appears Kiraitu has hit the final nail in Munyas political carrer,he managed to get arms from government for KPR,Linturinand Mwangaza are now in tight spot,Tigania will start leaning towards Kiraitu
To start with Borana and somali are external enemies,they are constantly killing each other in isiolo-garisaa/wajir border and in marsabit its a genocide between Borana and Gabra. However when it comes to Merus they are all instantly united against them.
Back to some history that funny strip there that part of isiolo North is where most Merus are all the way to the isiolo town. The town itself is where most population use to reside but things have changed has the warias and borana population grew in the other remote areas of the county just like how warias have recently surprised local kabilas by their population.
So Merus used to rule Isiolo till 1988 when they started losing seats and now only manage MCA as all other kabilas gang up against Merus to vote.
Economically Merus are single dominant force in Isiolo they control business and own land with a chokehold followed by Somalis.
I would understand what warias are saying northern part of Meru is kinda similar to Laikipia which has its own share of conflict as pokots,samburu etc claim it was a grazing zone. However we need to go to history on this,Central Isiolo or Isiolo was part of samburu land but oromo borana managed to kick them out and take it,this area stretched to Northern Meru of today. Before Borana could defeat Samburus, Merus had already defeated them in the late 1800s to kick them out on modern day northern Meru,Merus had even defeated cushitic groups that had tried to venture there too and some that Merus already found there, that's why some place names are borana and somali and as usual Merus lacked the sufficient numbers to properly Man the area and again Merus weren't pastrolalist the area was suitable just for grazing and not farming. So warias etc were able to venture during the dry season and graze their camels and cattle and retreat back to Isiolo,wajir and garissa during rainy season there. Merus didn't mind this as they were paid a kind of tax by them and the relationship grew over the centuries. .
But now with population pressure Merus started moving into the areas that they didn't regard as fertile before and slowly but surely they established themselves into villages,so when warias etc could come dry season conflicts started arising as Merus had now settled and were farming. The warias couldn't understand this and saw it as a form of betrayal they still paid tax to Meru villages but now the grazing was shorter and limited. So the culmination of this is whats happening now. Warias also had settled on border area with Merus as they now formed more permanent locations instead of moving to and from long distances.
The situation is just a part of the rise of population and pressure on resources,Warias most likely will loose this as Merus aren't type to run from their areas, once merus make a settlement its permanent you can kill 5,10,20 Merus but tomorrow morning you still find survivors tilling the soil as if nothing happened, further more since land is scarce the big fish want to grab that land their for themselves so eventually you will find ranches like the ones in Laikipia but also New mushrooming towns will appear in the Meru north.
Also worth remembering is Isiolo.town was part of Nyambene but the colonialist moved it to Isiolo county just before independence and this was a lease to end in year 2000,Merus demaded Moi hand it back but never did,this is a sticking issues to Merus and many still demand it be taken back to Meru county,so its a tricky mess Meru word for Isiolo.is actually Thiuru