Author Topic: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.  (Read 4195 times)

Offline Githunguri

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2022, 11:40:43 AM »
Happen to even best brains - like prof nyongo - once you subscribe to Ojingaism. Uhuru is completely infected with Ojingaism. Now calling Raila BABA.
An educated fool who struggles to interpret a simple sentence,

It's better to be chokoraa than mjinga educated fool

Us in Uhuru camp don't believe in Ojingasim,Just using it to stay in power while keeping jalluo happy.

But anyway Ojingaisim is better than murderers

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2022, 11:41:59 AM »
Wewe ni fala nini.
How many times do I have to say - Uhuru is PORK - I am pundit.
I can say anything - including the ugly truth.
Yes it's true that his supporter would have reacted violently
Raila is just normal citizen - and if injured - the law expect he will be processed like any assaulted person.

Gov official position can never be - there will be fire if you touch Raila :) - Fire for what?

JESUS you really suffer from Ojingaism

But this is true whether it's Raila, Ruto, or even this Uhuru.

Are you telling me if someone shoots Samoei tomorrow or downs his plane, there won't be fire in Kenya? Are you telling me if one of these guys is killed by other hands abs not nature, this country won't see fire? So tell me how this is about Uhuru raising Raila as a god?

People here are always castigating you when you talk about violence in RV and your response is always the same: I'm warning you about what will happen, not inciting. So tell me how your warnings are different from saying, "If you guys harm this person, there will be chaos."? Especially when we all know it's true there will be chaos if it looks like someone has been killed and not just fallen sick or something?

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2022, 11:43:05 AM »

An educated fool who struggles to interpret a simple sentence,

It's better to be chokoraa than mjinga educated fool

Twice now you're bringing up my education: inakwashia nini? Nani alikunyima kitabu?

Uneducated or not, you're a low life and will keep being so, by your own behavior, kumbaff.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2022, 11:47:51 AM »
Wewe ni fala nini.
How many times do I have to say - Uhuru is PORK - I am pundit.
I can say anything - including the ugly truth.
Yes it's true that his supporter would have reacted violently
Raila is just normal citizen - and if injured - the law expect he will be processed like any assaulted person.

JESUS you really suffer from Ojingaism

But this is true whether it's Raila, Ruto, or even this Uhuru.

Are you telling me if someone shoots Samoei tomorrow or downs his plane, there won't be fire in Kenya? Are you telling me if one of these guys is killed by other hands abs not nature, this country won't see fire? So tell me how this is about Uhuru raising Raila as a god?

People here are always castigating you when you talk about violence in RV and your response is always the same: I'm warning you about what will happen, not inciting. So tell me how your warnings are different from saying, "If you guys harm this person, there will be chaos."? Especially when we all know it's true there will be chaos if it looks like someone has been killed and not just fallen sick or something?

Rubish. You suffer from lack of objectivity whenever Ruto-Uhuru drama comes up.

Uhuru said something FAR MORE problematic in that same speech and youre ignoring it Ati because he said something every child in Kenya knows. A president can indeed tell people to be aware of the consequences such things can create. His only mistake there is to be ONE-SIDED. He should've said the same thing when Ruto's car was hit.

That thing he said about people insulting him in his back/front yard expecting to get votes, wataona: that was far more threat-like to my ears, as far as 2022 elections go. Hii ingine ni drama.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2022, 11:52:56 AM »

An educated fool who struggles to interpret a simple sentence,

It's better to be chokoraa than mjinga educated fool

Twice now you're bringing up my education: inakwashia nini? Nani alikunyima kitabu?

Uneducated or not, you're a low life and will keep being so, by your own behavior, kumbaff.

Am bringing your education into perspective because you are using your smelly ass to think after multiple sex orgies over the weekend.

How am I a low life?yes I am one a matatu conductor in kibera with a stolen phone of a murderered rape vitcim

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2022, 11:54:48 AM »
You're actually sicker than I thought.
Uhuru and gov official position should the RULE OF LAW AND ORDER.
The fact that if RUTO or Raila is injured - there will be violence - is NOT NORMAL AND CANNOT BE NORMALIZED.
Same with ethnic violence that target innocent people

And I am free to predict - such incidence happening - Uhuru should rally kenya to narrow path  of rule of law and order.

Rule of law - Raila should go to nearest police station - and get P3 form - and file for assault.

He is PORK - I am a Pundit.

Rubish. You suffer from lack of objectivity whenever Ruto-Uhuru drama comes up.

Uhuru said something FAR MORE problematic in that same speech and youre ignoring it Ati because he said something every child in Kenya knows. A president can indeed tell people to be aware of the consequences such things can create. His only mistake there is to be ONE-SIDED. He should've said the same thing when Ruto's car was hit.

That thing he said about people insulting him in his back/front yard expecting to get votes, wataona: that was far more threat-like to my ears, as far as 2022 elections go. Hii ingine ni drama.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2022, 12:00:03 PM »
Pundit, Uhuru DID issue something like a veiled threat, but you missed it because you're distracted by this non-issue. Endeleeni.

Go back and listen to what he said about those insulting him huko kwao thinking they're getting votes, wataona. THAT sounds like a threat. Because we know how those guys are leaning: so WHAT does he mean?

I won't respond to that lowlife who keeps degrading himself further with every post. Can't believe I almost made the mistake of actually meeting him in Buruburu many years ago. Kumbe guy is mad man. Thank God.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2022, 12:46:50 PM »
I've listened to it again: Yep! He says the one insulting me at my home thinking he's getting votes, "ngoja ataona ashangae. Tumeelewana?" What does that mean? Nini atawaonesha? This would/should send alarm bells, But noooo. Zero hullabaloo about this!  :D Here or in social media. Instead, dead set focussed on something else that's not even a threat. Mnanishangaza sana.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #28 on: April 04, 2022, 12:58:40 PM »
I won't respond to that lowlife who keeps degrading himself further with every post. Can't believe I almost made the mistake of actually meeting him in Buruburu many years ago. Kumbe guy is mad man. Thank God.


Lets keep our past relationship out of this.Just because I refused to marry you shouldn't after our few dates shouldn't resultyo this.I can also spill beans hapa hapa.

On one line you claim you wont respond to me,on the other line you respond indirectly by calling me a mad person,Who is the mad person here?

You've called me a Chokoraa,low life,Mad man on this thread,Who would stand that?

Get a life bitch.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2022, 01:03:42 PM »
Lol, you wish!

I'm very glad I didn't agree to a one-to-one meeting when I thought you were a friend/comrade from nipate. I used to see people calling you mad on nipate, telling you to grab meds, and I'd feel so sorry for you because you seemed like a good person. Kumbe they knew better! Maybe they agreed to meet you, unlike me a d they found out the hard way your Miguna ways! I wish you health and wellness and I'm thankful my intuition told me not to meet someone I only knew online, because you never know! It was right, judging from your insults, and I'm grateful I'm a naturally paranoid person.

You're right about engaging you. It's shocking when youve thought of someone in friendly terms for years :) and almost met them in person in good faith thinking they were a normal friendly person with similar politics, kumbe they are godawful.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2022, 01:12:30 PM »
But how can that be a threat? I guess he just mean insult will not get them votes? I dont see it as threat of rigging
I've listened to it again: Yep! He says the one insulting me at my home thinking he's getting votes, "ngoja ataona ashangae. Tumeelewana?" What does that mean? Nini atawaonesha? This would/should send alarm bells, But noooo. Zero hullabaloo about this!  :D Here or in social media. Instead, dead set focussed on something else that's not even a threat. Mnanishangaza sana.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2022, 01:19:51 PM »
Really? Why does he add 'ataona, ashangae.' To me that does not sound innocent because we know that area is UDA. So what does he mean atashangaa? Ataona? If it was battleground, it'd sound less threat-like. Now it doesn't sound innocent. Unless Uhuru is delusional.

Offline Githunguri

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2022, 01:20:08 PM »
Lol, you wish!

I'm very glad I didn't agree to a one-to-one meeting when I thought you were a friend/comrade from nipate. I used to see people calling you mad on nipate, telling you to grab meds, and I'd feel so sorry for you because you seemed like a good person. Kumbe they knew better! Maybe they agreed to meet you, unlike me a d they found out the hard way your Miguna ways! I wish you health and wellness and I'm thankful my intuition told me not to meet someone I only knew online, because you never know! It was right, judging from your insults, and I'm grateful I'm a naturally paranoid person.

You're right about engaging you. It's shocking when youve thought of someone in friendly terms for years :) and almost met them in person in good faith thinking they were a normal friendly person with similar politics, kumbe they are godawful.

On a serious note,I am not Njamba.

Why are you paranoid as you've claimed?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2022, 01:25:53 PM »
I think you're stretching it
Really? Why does he add 'ataona, ashangae.' To me that does not sound innocent because we know that area is UDA. So what does he mean atashangaa? Ataona? If it was battleground, it'd sound less threat-like. Now it doesn't sound innocent. Unless Uhuru is delusional.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2022, 01:31:16 PM »
Pundit, this is where you lose all your objectivity. Regardless of whether it was wise or not, are you seriously telling me that when you listened to that speech, you understood Uhuru to be saying something like, "Wewe, touch Raila and see: I'll rain hellfire on you!" And not, "You guys might unwittingly unleash skirmishes." You genuinely believe he meant the first and not the latter from that speech?

Wacha ujinga

Njamba, ujinga is your preserve. Sikunyanganyi.  :D

Wewe I am not this character

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2022, 01:35:46 PM »
Lol, you wish!

I'm very glad I didn't agree to a one-to-one meeting when I thought you were a friend/comrade from nipate. I used to see people calling you mad on nipate, telling you to grab meds, and I'd feel so sorry for you because you seemed like a good person. Kumbe they knew better! Maybe they agreed to meet you, unlike me a d they found out the hard way your Miguna ways! I wish you health and wellness and I'm thankful my intuition told me not to meet someone I only knew online, because you never know! It was right, judging from your insults, and I'm grateful I'm a naturally paranoid person.

You're right about engaging you. It's shocking when youve thought of someone in friendly terms for years :) and almost met them in person in good faith thinking they were a normal friendly person with similar politics, kumbe they are godawful.
Lol 😆  Kumbe kadame you had a another online boyfriend. Anyway I am too old for this man's antics. I react when provoked. My anger is usually directed at tribal supremacists. We had a lot of them in rcb and I dealt them at their level of sickness. Most of them are dead now.

Offline GeeMail

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2022, 04:28:10 PM »
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2022, 04:32:47 PM »
Baba has been a god for some time now.  They say he is an institution.  So for better or worse, it is dangerous for the country if his safety is seriously compromised.
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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2022, 04:54:56 PM »
Where was he when some of us was saying same thing about Kondele. This is not isolated incident. Uhuru has cheered violence perpetrated by ODM. He did it in Kibera by-elections. He has also basically told everyone who cared to listen that handshake was as reward of Raila violence - to stop him from burning kiosks and such. The subliminal message - if you cause enough chaos including swearing yourself - you'll get rewarded

The sickening double standards, the politicization of key institutions that ought to fight violence, and erosion of public confidence on police/prov admin/dci is leading us to 2007 PEV. The worst is that supreme court just delivered half-arsed BBI ruling that leaves many doubting it's ability to mediate close elections in four months time.

People will eventually say enough is enough - and deal with Uhuru - and his biased security forces. If the security force kill civilians allied to UDA - UDA civilians will kill Azimio civilians. That is taking us back to 2007 pogrom and this time we might not be very luckly - we might lose the country to civil war like Ethiopia, and many African countries.

I've seen UDA people insulting him over this and while I understand the double-standard complaint (why didn't you talk when Ruto car was stoned?) I really don't understand the idea that he was threatening fire if Raila gets hurt. That's a spin of monumental proportions. He was just asking, "You guys, think about it: What if the Dude had actually got hurt? Isn't that how skirmishes start?" This is very obvious to me, so I think those guys spinning it into threats are mean-spirited.

I agree it's a first for a sitting President.  But had he been on Ruto's side, they would have been a pogrom on those locals.
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Re: April 3,2022:Uhuru warns ruto.
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2022, 05:15:14 PM »
Raila is just normal citizen

He is not and all Kenyans know he is not especially to Luo's. His death would spark chaos just like Ruto's death would spark chaos.

Kenya is a tribally divided banana republic. You can scream law and order all day long, but that's not what it is today. Aren't you the one telling us to always accept the facts as they are? The facts as they are, are this: Kenya is a lawless country. It's presidents are corrupt and thuggish and Uhuru is no exception. We are in an election year and there is real enmity between the president and deputy president. Expecting them to settle this like Sweden is unrealistic. Kenya is still Africa.