War is the last resort of the kalenjin nation.
Last option if Kinotis violently rigged elections and Koomes refused to do justice.
Hapo prepare for war. I dont think Kalenjin will stomach such an injustice knowing Raila is their enemy numero uno.
Dont think Kalenjin ni watu ya kuogopa bunduki
You dont know war.
You dont know Kalenjin in war mode.
If kikuyus with all their mau mau experience could do zilch.
Do you think Meru commandos will do anything.
My friend war in kalenjin is serious business.
Sio Munguki 1,000 that you need to pay or mobilize.
It's 7 million people at war.
Sio MCHEZO. I saw it first in 1992.
I still remember that war cry and how entire society transformed instantly to a war mode. It still surreal. It's a spectacle.
SIO mchezo. I had never heard a war cry in my life before.
So we hear this strange cry - that said attack molo three times - and stopped - next ridge another woman picked the war cry - attack molo three times. Stopped - and it went on ridge to ridge - it real art of communication because only one woman who hear it first - repeat those words - and stop as next women in next ridge or village - so it doesnt become nduruuu!
Immediately the school bell was rang - we were told to go home.
By time we are getting out of the gate - the rules have change - men walked on right side - women on left side.
Men had already worn shorts - and armed themsleves. You hear war cry - you stop everything - pick your weapons and move.
Women immediately go to their kitchen and cook food....and leave it at the roadside
Assembled in village points...our school became the assembly points...thousands of warriors.
In 2hours time - there long line of warriors matching all the way from Transamara.
Women were preparing food and leaving on the road...
There is no talking...it just business of war...only talk happen in those assembly point.
At assembly points everyone dress in shorts and shukas - is briefed - warriors split based on clans - and leaders elected
Military strategist - Laibons - and age set leaders -then decide on how to approach the war.
I had not seen so many armed people in my life.
Within six hours - men as far as transmara - were entering the forest.
Definitely Luos will be in the theatre too.
Uhuru has to ensure we have free and fair election.
He has all the cards to do that.
Otherwise 2007 will look like child play.
It will be huge disaster because kalenjin have even more jobless frustrated youths than little ones kibaki had fired in 2002.
It will human wave attack of 2 million young men - deployed in shortest possible time - and wrecking destruction in shortest possible time.
By the time you will think of retatation or defending yourself - we will be talking 3 million IDPS.
Huge destructions of scale that will beat 92 and 2007.
It will be a flash of destruction that will last 48hours max...two nights...and destruction in it's wake will shock the world.
Ruto has managed to unite Kalenjin so if it comes to it - it will be waged on all fronts of kalenjin land.
Please do not wake that monster.PEV will be an affair between you and luos. Try touch a single Kikuyu there ndio utaona moto. Our support will everporate. Dont dare hide in maize farms and through arrows this time we will deal with you like burukenge we will run you out of RV bana you will cry like little children 2 million worriors will be fodder for canon. Ujawahi ona vita Pundit. You wont have any home. Should Kikuyus be overwhelmed we will send now a bout 200 military commanders hope we will get KPR guns by July . Ne very careful and fearful.