Author Topic: The Making Of Wanjigi  (Read 8098 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2022, 08:00:49 PM »
He is an idiot who despite enjoying security of tenure and having governors controlling billions under his charge - has not made serious money.
Instead of wasting time taking people to court - who will walk out tomorrow after paying bail
He should have laser focused on corrupt governors.
Do stealth investigation job and have files ready on all them.
Then demand a Mungiki Protection fee of 10Million delivered CASH to him every month.
We would be talking of 30B kshs billionaire.

And he wont have time for useless drama kama Wanjigi guns and land deals - useless cases that will be thrown out

The next Kinoti if he is smart will become 2nd President of KENYA - because after President - he will control 350B counties budget - by hanging swords in every governor office head.

Until Mumbi ruling is overturned....governors have no security of tenure.

Kinoti is not playing birrionaire games he is playing games of survival after wanjigi tried to jail him he has come back strongly and jailed birrionaire Wanjigi.
Gatheca and Wanjigi are playing birrionaire game.
Here no money is at hand just raw power. Let me leave you with this Stalin quote
"Everyone imposes his own system as far as his power goes"

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2022, 08:11:40 PM »
He is an idiot who despite enjoying security of tenure and having governors controlling billions under his charge - has not made serious money.
Instead of wasting time taking people to court - who will walk out tomorrow after paying bail
He should have laser focused on corrupt governors.
Do stealth investigation job and have files ready on all them.
Then demand a Mungiki Protection fee of 10Million delivered CASH to him every month.
We would be talking of 30B kshs billionaire.

And he wont have time for useless drama kama Wanjigi guns and land deals - useless cases that will be thrown out

The next Kinoti if he is smart will become 2nd President of KENYA - because after President - he will control 350B counties budget - by hanging swords in every governor office head.

Until Mumbi ruling is overturned....governors have no security of tenure.

Kinoti is not playing birrionaire games he is playing games of survival after wanjigi tried to jail him he has come back strongly and jailed birrionaire Wanjigi.
Gatheca and Wanjigi are playing birrionaire game.
Here no money is at hand just raw power. Let me leave you with this Stalin quote
"Everyone imposes his own system as far as his power goes"

Interesting  so this is how you plan for next DCI to become birrionaire. Kalenjins mmerogwa you can't even reason a minute without thinking bribes and that's why I always say mpende msipende YOU MUST WORK HARDER hakuna Mali ya kubwa 90s Moi mogotio goats style.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2022, 08:13:10 PM »
We work smart. We are not people to do menial jobs. Hiyo ni yenu.  That is why only 1 percent of slums are Kalenjin :). Kalenjin we know what it means to have power. Sio kupiga kifua nayo. You will rarely see a Kalenjin doing kifua kifua kama Kinoti - but make money they will make - exercise real power they will.

Kupiga kifua ni ufala. Or such kind of dramatics ni ya wajaluo na wameru - halafu ubaki maskini. Kinoti arrogance combined with Munya is enough to build a wall btw kenya and somalia

Interesting  so this is how you plan for next DCI to become birrionaire. Kalenjins mmerogea you can't even reason a minute without thinking bribes and that's why I always say mpende msipende YOU MUST WORK HARDER hakuna Mali ya kubwa 90s Moi mogotio giats style.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2022, 08:17:02 PM »
Njuri Njeke if Kinoti was NOT A FOOL he would also be billionaire.
Because Mumbi gave him 47 corrupt governors on a silver platte.
Instead of being used to intimidate governors to back political projects of Gideon and Uhuru.
He should have instead realized his office is independent.
And he should have demanded weekly 10Million Cash from every governor every month...otherwise Subaru ifike.
That is small money from governors. They would gladly accept such a deal.
The 47 governors donate 10million per month is cool 0.5B kshs every month
Four years - he would be multi-billionaire. He would be 6B annually - 30B in four years. COOL HARD CASH.

But ni fala imekula miraa kama wewe - KICHWA IMEENDA :)
Mogotio goat thinking. No wonder economically  you need 100 years to catch up with Mlima. Eti every position someone has you convert it to theft no wonder Kibaki cleared all of you from posta where you used to steal even stamps and parcel.
I hear one time nkalenjini stole a parcel container from posta went to kapsabet and hid it there for weeks.When coast was clear he went and opened it,unfortunately  parcel contained poisonous  snakes bana

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2022, 08:17:53 PM »
Njuri trust me six months from now - Kinoti will be thrown to Kamiti to start his jail sentence :)  - found in violation of chapter six - halafu a kalenjin CID will take over - and he will be multi-billionaire unless Mumbi rulling is overturned. Hapo govenors lazima watalipa unless they stop stealing completely

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2022, 08:18:59 PM »
We work smart. We are not people to do menial jobs. Hiyo ni yenu.  That is why only 1 percent of slums are Kalenjin :). Kalenjin we know what it means to have power. Sio kupiga kifua nayo. You will rarely see a Kalenjin doing kifua kifua kama Kinoti - but make money they will make - exercise real power they will.

Kupiga kifua ni ufala. Or such kind of dramatics ni ya wajaluo na wameru - halafu ubaki maskini. Kinoti arrogance combined with Munya is enough to build a wall btw kenya and somalia

Interesting  so this is how you plan for next DCI to become birrionaire. Kalenjins mmerogea you can't even reason a minute without thinking bribes and that's why I always say mpende msipende YOU MUST WORK HARDER hakuna Mali ya kubwa 90s Moi mogotio giats style.
Even after all that genius you kalenjin say. You still very poor to us. Sorry help yourself in bomet mogotio and other villages. 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2022, 08:19:57 PM »
My friend few dyansties - while rest of you are in slums. Ruto is coming to rescue you from dyansties. Until you're not in slums dont speak.

Wacha turudi in august ndio tukufundishe how to use power intelligently.

Sio kupiga watu na kiburi kama mumeru.

Mogotio goat thinking. No wo der economically  you need 100 years to catch up with Molina. Eti every position someone has you convert it to theft no wonder Kibaki cleared all of you from posts where you used to steal even stamps and parcel.
I hear one time nkalenjini stole a parcel container from posta went to kapsabet and his it there for weeks.When coast was clwar6he went and opened it,unfortunately  parcel contained poisonous  snakes bana

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2022, 08:22:01 PM »
My friend world food feeds tharaka and north meru to this day. You people outside Imenti and Chongoria are very poor. Very poor. My uncle saw old mattresses and blankets being sold in markets :) :)

Danganya toto jinga.

How can you even compare kipsigis with your people? Again outside Imenti - iko shida tupu

Even after all that genius you kalenjin say. You still very poor to us. Sorry help yourself in bomet mogotio and other villages. 

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #28 on: January 18, 2022, 08:31:09 PM »
Njuri in Moi era - all torturers and such characters were almost non kalenjin - kalenjin were sitting strategically making money while kina Opiyo and Kalam Madoung were beating other Luos to pulp....Kalenjin would gather intelligence then have menial job of breaking bones given to Opiyos.

Rarely will kalenjin accept a job of beating others - while real kahunas are making money. Hiyo ni kutumiwa vibaya. That MENIAL JOB in the power games.

Kinoti is essentially mtu wa mkono for Uhuru - uhuru and gideon makes all the money - while he is busy breaking wanjigi doors and getting himself entangled in jail and law suits.

DO NOT ACCEPT MENIAL JOB - but Kazi ni Kazi :) :)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2022, 08:50:35 PM »
Njuri in Moi era - all torturers and such characters were almost non kalenjin - kalenjin were sitting strategically making money while kina Opiyo and Kalam Madoung were beating other Luos to pulp....Kalenjin would gather intelligence then have menial job of breaking bones given to Opiyos.

Rarely will kalenjin accept a job of beating others - while real kahunas are making money. Hiyo ni kutumiwa vibaya. That MENIAL JOB in the power games.

Kinoti is essentially mtu wa mkono for Uhuru - uhuru and gideon makes all the money - while he is busy breaking wanjigi doors and getting himself entangled in jail and law suits.

DO NOT ACCEPT MENIAL JOB - but Kazi ni Kazi :) :)
The way you see it is totally different from how I see it.
This is a battle for survival rather than money. Wanjigi wanted Kinoti jailed,Kinoti turned tables and Wanjigi is jailed. Now explain to me like a 2year old how this has got to do with money and mbirrions,eti even you explaining shamelessly how kinoti could mint birrions of bribe money from governors yawa. Am sure everyone else is so shocked by your posts on this matter.
This sudi thinking won't get you anywhere ,create business to make you wealth not just eating drinking and sleeping corruption. If smart to you means stealing then God help kalenjini.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2022, 08:59:48 PM »
Wanjigi himself. He accepts he has no power it lies on the other side just like I told you pundit  :D learn from the master and stop being emotional like Robina. Everyone will exert their system as far as their power reaches. Always remember that

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2022, 09:05:31 PM »
My friend Kinoti is NOTHING - just mtu wa Mkono - in this battle.
Dont be foolish.
The real beef here is simple
10 percent of SGR - 5B dollars - is 50B kshs.
That is beef btw two billionaire dynasties Uhuru and Wanjigi
Both sons of dynasties and old school mary boys.
Wanjigi did donkey work for SGR and was waiting for 50Bshs - and when Uhuru saw the money - he took it all.
It was supposed to at least be split btw Uhuru, Wanjigi and Ruto - the 3 having played some key role to make it happen.
Ruto complained bitterly through Alfred Keter - as his front man - DL Langat missed out
But later realized he could make even more by snipping everything else the boss was not keen on.
But Wanjigi has taken his beef to NASA & ODM - and he still putting.

Kinoti is being misused by kenyatta and he will suffer.
Bado jail sentence is waiting - he loses the appeal - Kamiti pap :)

You merus are just bunch of idiots - no wonder kikuyus have dim view of you.

The way you see it is totally different from how I see it.
This is a battle for survival rather than money. Wanjigi wanted Kinoti jailed,Kinoti turned tables and Wanjigi is jailed. Now explain to me like a 2year old how this has got to do with money and mbirrions,eti even you explaining shamelessly how kinoti could mint birrions of bribe money from governors yawa. Am sure everyone else is so shocked by your posts on this matter.
This sudi thinking won't get you anywhere ,create business to make you wealth not just eating drinking and sleeping corruption. If smart to you means stealing then God help kalenjini.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2022, 09:07:58 PM »
You have nearly room temperatue IQ like Kinoti :)
Eti Kinoti is fighting with Wanjigi.
You must be crazy.
Kinoti is small fly in this battle.

Big boys in Jubilee eating game - Uhuru, Ruto, Gideon - and Wanjigi was big eater of Kibaki - who was sliced despite funding Jubilee.

Wajinga kama Kinoti and Raila do not feature.

Wanjigi himself. He accepts he has no power it lies on the other side just like I told you pundit  :D learn from the master and stop being emotional like Robina. Everyone will exert their system as far as their power reaches. Always remember that

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2022, 09:14:28 PM »
You have nearly room temperatue IQ like Kinoti :)
Eti Kinoti is fighting with Wanjigi.
You must be crazy.
Kinoti is small fly in this battle.

Big boys in Jubilee eating game - Uhuru, Ruto, Gideon - and Wanjigi was big eater of Kibaki - who was sliced despite funding Jubilee.

Wajinga kama Kinoti and Raila do not feature.

Wanjigi himself. He accepts he has no power it lies on the other side just like I told you pundit  :D learn from the master and stop being emotional like Robina. Everyone will exert their system as far as their power reaches. Always remember that

Calm down you will bust a vein.
Now who is a dunderhead Its you dear pundit. Kinoti responded to stimuli which was Wanjigi trying to jail him do you suffer from selective amnesia???
Now if others like gatheca take this opportunity to screw wanjigi further that will be the progression things take. Nowagain your mursik head bitterness is equivalent to a child's tantrum,why are you so obsessed with Wanjigis arrest and gone bonkers???

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2022, 09:20:51 PM »
You came here to defend your tribes man and when I tell you he is just a little fry you come crying.
It's NOT about Meru - it's about a fool called Kinoti.
Of course he is a tool
Kinoti, Matiangis and Kibicho are going to end up in many problems.
Uhuru hands are very clean.
Already Kinoti is waiting to start Kamiti jail - pending court of appeal stay proceedings.
Jimmy is billionaire - he can bribe any judge any day.
That is guy who wears a trouser worth even a million shilling :) :)
Ile uizi amefanya is world class.
His kids and Kulei read in best schools in world - somewhere in Eaton and Swiss alps.

Wanjigi reduced Baba to pitiable figure - he had him chained like a dog following wanjigi all over :)
Ndii created a good bottom up manifesto for NASA - and Wanjigi threw it out - and put his Chinese inspired projects :)

Halafu you bring your stupid meru of Rambo BOYS :)

Come 10th august - Uhuru will go spend his billions - Kinoti will be trying to escape abroad to seek asylum :) if not serving kamiti.

Calm down you will bust a vein.
Now who is a dunderhead Its you dear pundit. Kinoti responded to stimuli which was Wanjigi trying to jail him do you suffer from selective amnesia???
Now if others like gatheca take this opportunity to screw wanjigi further that will be the progression things take. Nowagain your mursik head bitterness is equivalent to a child's tantrum,why are you so obsessed with Wanjigis arrest and gone bonkers???

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2022, 09:37:04 AM »
You came here to defend your tribes man and when I tell you he is just a little fry you come crying.
It's NOT about Meru - it's about a fool called Kinoti.
Of course he is a tool
Kinoti, Matiangis and Kibicho are going to end up in many problems.
Uhuru hands are very clean.
Already Kinoti is waiting to start Kamiti jail - pending court of appeal stay proceedings.
Jimmy is billionaire - he can bribe any judge any day.
That is guy who wears a trouser worth even a million shilling :) :)
Ile uizi amefanya is world class.
His kids and Kulei read in best schools in world - somewhere in Eaton and Swiss alps.

Wanjigi reduced Baba to pitiable figure - he had him chained like a dog following wanjigi all over :)
Ndii created a good bottom up manifesto for NASA - and Wanjigi threw it out - and put his Chinese inspired projects :)

Halafu you bring your stupid meru of Rambo BOYS :)

Come 10th august - Uhuru will go spend his billions - Kinoti will be trying to escape abroad to seek asylum :) if not serving kamiti.

Calm down you will bust a vein.
Now who is a dunderhead Its you dear pundit. Kinoti responded to stimuli which was Wanjigi trying to jail him do you suffer from selective amnesia???
Now if others like gatheca take this opportunity to screw wanjigi further that will be the progression things take. Nowagain your mursik head bitterness is equivalent to a child's tantrum,why are you so obsessed with Wanjigis arrest and gone bonkers???
Kalenjins are a nobody in the greater equation of Kenya. Sorry. We GEMA decide whi is president and other bla bla bla. As of now we decide its Ruto. We can even decide its an ogiek or turkana and it will be thats why baba is following us like honey.
You are bitter of course hope your hangovers is done

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2022, 09:44:20 AM »
You dont decide nothing.
Moi won twice without any GEMA vote outside starving Tharakas, Igembes and Mbeeres.
Moi still got 40 percent :) - with zero Luo, most of Luhyas outside Maragolis, half of gusii.
Ruto has made you vote for him - by meticously destroying any competiton in GEMA.
Then when Uhuru tried to play games - inciting a class war - that saw you hate your dynasties.
Of course making Raila run - gives you little wiggle room - because you hate him more :)
You think things just happen.
Things are made to happen.
Ruto has the strategic and tactical mind to plan and execute things.
He has the mouth for propaganda.
He has bottomless pit of money to oil his campaign and keep most of your politician on a retainer.
Ruto will get more than 50 percent of the vote.
Gema will contribute 15 percent of that.
35 percent will be from outside - Non-GEMA.

Dont think Kalenjin are women to be threaten by Kinotis:)
We are real men. Total MEN like Biwott use to say :)

Njuri enda tu kwa Azimio mara Moja :) :) - Jaluo will beat the hell out of you, sleep with your wife and take your house :) - if you complain - akupike mawe :)

Kalenjin we will just raid the central bank - it's just kalenjin way of life to raid for a living :) Utazoea tu. The raiders in kalenjin are lionized - they marry the best girls, have the most wealthy and generally we society of raiders or thieves :)

This is the election to dehorn GEMA entitlement.

Kalenjins are a nobody in the greater equation of Kenya. Sorry. We GEMA decide whi is president and other bla bla bla. As of now we decide its Ruto. We can even decide its an ogiek or turkana and it will be thats why baba is following us like honey.
You are bitter of course hope your hangovers is done

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2022, 09:54:05 AM »
Njuri scratch that - GEMA expected contribution to Ruto victory is 16 percent :)
Roughly 65 percent of reduced turnout (25 percent of the total vote) = 16.25 percent :) :) -Ruto is donating 10 percent to Baba from Jubilee - and taking 10 percent of NASA :) from outside GEMA - end of day - Baba 38 percent - Kalonzo 8 percent - Ruto 55 percent :)
Meaning Ruto has gotten 35 percent out there.
Naona maDVD will get 10 percent; GEMA 30 percent; Ruto will keep 60 percent for rest of kenya :)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #38 on: January 19, 2022, 09:59:49 AM »
You dont decide nothing.
Moi won twice without any GEMA vote outside starving Tharakas, Igembes and Mbeeres.
Moi still got 40 percent :) - with zero Luo, most of Luhyas outside Maragolis, half of gusii.
Ruto has made you vote for him - by meticously destroying any competiton in GEMA.
Then when Uhuru tried to play games - inciting a class war - that saw you hate your dynasties.
You think things just happen.
Things are made to happen.
Ruto has the strategic and tactical mind to plan and execute things.
He has the mouth for propaganda.
Ruto will get more than 50 percent of the vote.
Gema will contribute 20 percent of that.
30 percent will be from outside - Non-GEMA.
Kalenjins are a nobody in the greater equation of Kenya. Sorry. We GEMA decide whi is president and other bla bla bla. As of now we decide its Ruto. We can even decide its an ogiek or turkana and it will be thats why baba is following us like honey.
You are bitter of course hope your hangovers is done
Okay wishful thinking. Thank your God we support Ruto. We will actually wven decide the make up of his government you and sudi will get no appointment apart from a few tenders so that you get money ro spend back to yellow yellow GEMA Women. In all we will control mzito like a remote control. We will also allow him to reemploy you in posta and police where no skill is needed. You can then het rich by taking bribes from governors and becoming mbirrionaires since you know no hard work.
Hopefully you wont still posta containers with poisonous snakes.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #39 on: January 19, 2022, 10:02:40 AM »
I dont think you have much of an option.
Na bado ukichezea watatoa mishale...they take the land and send a million of your people destitute.
Hii lazima mulipe deni.

Kalenjin ni people of their words.
So expect to share in the bounty.
Kama ni wizi - you will get a chance too.
Kama ni maendeleo - mutapata pia.

Mimi I will watch from the distance.
Bora niweze to kuinvest mau forest bila maneno mingi.

I just pity people who involve themselves emotionally in siasa.

Okay wishful thinking. Thank your God we support Ruto. We will actually wven decide the make up of his government you and sudi will get no appointment apart from a few tenders so that you get money ro spend back to yellow yellow GEMA Women. In all we will control mzito like a remote control. We will also allow him to reemploy you in posta and police where no skill is needed. You can then het rich by taking bribes from governors and becoming mbirrionaires since you know no hard work.
Hopefully you wont still posta containers with poisonous snakes.