Author Topic: The Making Of Wanjigi  (Read 8113 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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The Making Of Wanjigi
« on: January 18, 2022, 08:58:45 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2022, 10:38:44 AM »
Uhuru still bitter with Wanjigi - it seem personal.

What is Jimmy Wanjigi gameplan?

Does he still have the money or he is broke?

He still trying to go back to golden era of kibaki as chief  broker.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2022, 01:23:20 PM »
Pure abuse of police. If it's about fraud - they should have summoned him. This drama makes Kenya look like Uganda.

It obvious Murume Kinoti is still bitter with his contempt of court arrest

Offline Kadudu

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2022, 03:47:27 PM »
Wanjigi too much to be broke. Of course he wants more money and would like to go back to those days of Kibaki. Uhuru has personal vendetta on this fellow. Could be he stole Uhuru's girlfriend. Financially is Wanjigi a midget compared to Kenyattas.

Uhuru still bitter with Wanjigi - it seem personal.

What is Jimmy Wanjigi gameplan?

Does he still have the money or he is broke?

He still trying to go back to golden era of kibaki as chief  broker.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2022, 04:21:55 PM »
Wanjigi must have told Uhuru is a good for nothing because he a mummy boy!
You know Uhuru made his first serious money with SGR!
James Bond basically inherited KANU looting machine - and perfected it under Kibaki.
He must have invested a billion or half a billion in Uhuru campaign with expectation he was going to get SGR and continue grand looting as new Mr 10 percent.
Uhuru use to tag along Mama Ngina for any decision worth billions - so that must have made James Bond think lowly of him.
Shock on him - Uhuru had other ideas - he was first to be betrayed.
Ruto has seen Uhuru hidden side in second term.

I suspect when all is said and done - Uhuru presidency will be about cutting the umbical cord of Mama Ngina and finally becoming his own man.

Wanjigi too much to be broke. Of course he wants more money and would like to go back to those days of Kibaki. Uhuru has personal vendetta on this fellow. Could be he stole Uhuru's girlfriend. Financially is Wanjigi a midget compared to Kenyattas.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2022, 05:44:21 PM »
Kinoti finally get his revenge. Utalala ndani

Offline Kadudu

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2022, 06:31:58 PM »
So much theatrics for nothing. Tomorrow the man will be out of a 2M Ksh bond. Just summon the guy through his lawyer kama kuna shida. We will never even hear of hat case. If Goldenberg, Anglo Leasing and company cases are still on to this year, when will even this case be heard in court?

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2022, 07:33:12 PM »
Kenya has a Mbig problem. Creator non other than gatheca,we are in a mess not even during Kibakis time did we stoop this low.
Now Kinoti and Wanjigi all have mbig ego problems,now when gatheca gave greenlight for his henchen Kinoti,Kibicho Matiangi et all to try an reign on Ruto he created a monster. Now these henchmen have developed their own powers am pretty certain Kinoti os executing this single handedly he thinks he is a ka demi god.
Wanjigi should have known better going against gatheca and kinoti is not a wise idea at least he should just have remained tormenting gatheca,now he has 2 powerful enemies,gatheca could just hide behind Kinoti to finish wanjigi who some how thought he is bigger than the system with his money built on quick sand. Wanjigi risk even being bankrupted by the system it appears when gatheca hates someone it becomes personal more like iyo chuki ya wanawake.
I don't see wanjigis redemption unless he toshas Mzito and donates half of his wealth to the UDA movement otherwise he is done for he is not q politician he has no following he could be liquidated and only his family will protest he doesn't have a single politician in his pocket how sad but that's how they come,

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2022, 07:35:17 PM »
Wacha chocha ya mtu yenu. Kinoti is small man. Wanjigi is big guy. The guy is billioanire. Kinoti is one salary from being broke.

Kinoti apart from 24hours drama is pretty powerless.

All he can do is keep Wanjigi in prison for 24hours - he get released through bail - and he is powerless.

The only people he can scare are governors - because part of bail condition is to quit office. That is Mumbi Ngugi stupid rulling that has reduced governors to Kinoti boys.

Kenya has a Mbig problem. Creator non other than gatheca,we are in a mess not even during Kibakis time did we stoop this low.
Now Kinoti and Wanjigi all have mbih ego problems,now when gatheca gave greenlight for his henchen Kinoti,Kibicho Matiangi et all to try an reign on Ruto he created a monster. Now these henchmen have developed their own powers am pretty certain Kinoti os executing this single handedly he thinks he is a kandemi god.
Wanjigi should have known better going against gatheca and kinoti is not a wise idea at least he should just have remained tormenting gatheca,now he has 2 powerful enemies,gatheca could just hide behind Kinoti to finish wanjigi who some how thought he is bigger than the system with his money built on quick sand. Wanjigi risk even being bankrupted by the system it appears when gatheca hates someone it becomes personal more like iyo chuki ya wanawake.
I don't see wanjigis redemption unless he toshas Mzito and donates half of his wealth to the UDA movement otherwise he is done for

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2022, 07:37:11 PM »
Wacha chocha ya mtu yenu. Kinoti is small man. Wanjigi is big guy. The guy is billioanire. Kinoti is one salary from being broke.
Kenya has a Mbig problem. Creator non other than gatheca,we are in a mess not even during Kibakis time did we stoop this low.
Now Kinoti and Wanjigi all have mbih ego problems,now when gatheca gave greenlight for his henchen Kinoti,Kibicho Matiangi et all to try an reign on Ruto he created a monster. Now these henchmen have developed their own powers am pretty certain Kinoti os executing this single handedly he thinks he is a kandemi god.
Wanjigi should have known better going against gatheca and kinoti is not a wise idea at least he should just have remained tormenting gatheca,now he has 2 powerful enemies,gatheca could just hide behind Kinoti to finish wanjigi who some how thought he is bigger than the system with his money built on quick sand. Wanjigi risk even being bankrupted by the system it appears when gatheca hates someone it becomes personal more like iyo chuki ya wanawake.
I don't see wanjigis redemption unless he toshas Mzito and donates half of his wealth to the UDA movement otherwise he is done for
Then explain why the 1 salary guy is tormenting the birrionare
You have to understand money and power go hand in hand having one lacking other is similar to playing Russia n roulette.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2022, 07:38:42 PM »
He is small fly who wont bite Wanjigi - because after few days in cell - Wanjigi will be granted bail.
Kinoti and Kibicho can only scare governors.
DPP Haji got big win against governors because if they are charged with corruption - even trumphed charges - you're going to be locked from office - and that is end of you. Deputy governor take over.
That judgement is biggest threat to devolution.
It has reduced governor to nothing.

Otherwise KIbicho and Kinoti ni MAVI YA KUKU - they can arrest you and tomorrow you're out in bail - and they lose the case 3yrs late.

They can only do EJK - by killing and torturing people outside the judiciary - because they are powerless before judges

Then explain why the 1 salary guy is tormenting the birrionare

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2022, 07:41:07 PM »
He is small fly who wont bite Wanjigi - because after few days in cell - Wanjigi will be granted bail.
Kinoti and Kibicho can only scare governors.
Then explain why the 1 salary guy is tormenting the birrionare
A few days you say in cell. Then why cant he birrionaire use his money to escape this. Do you think over before posting sometimes? Here we are discussing how a 1 salary guy is putting a birrionaire in cell for a few days as if even 1 day in cell is okay.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2022, 07:43:11 PM »
What is a few days in cell for someone fighting to make more billions
Wanjigis, Rutos and rest can retire to bliss
But they are ambitious...want to make more billions
So they take gov - so they can overthrow it and run the next.
Part of the prize to pay to take on gov is few days in cells.
That is NOTHING in large scale of things.
That is why politicians get arrested and get back to program.

Dont try to elevate your fellow tribesman - he is nothing in the big scheme of things

Tayari he is fugitive who is hanging by thread of court of appeal - once appeal is lost - Kamiti will be waiting for him

These kind of arrest in fact promote Wanjigi - who would ideally be behind the scenes wheeler dealer bring in chinese and making 10 percent - and now he can become a real player if he plays right - not a wheeler dealer bribing people in statehouse corridors

A few days you say in cell. Then why ca6the birrionaire use his money to escape this. Do you think over before posting sometimes? Here we are discussing how a 1 salary guy is putting a birrionaire in cell for a few days as if even 1 day in cell is okay.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2022, 07:46:04 PM »
What is a few days in cell for someone fighting to make more billions
Wanjigis, Rutos and rest can retire to bliss
But they are ambitious...want to make more billions
So they take gov - so they can overthrow it and run the next.
Part of the prize to pay to take on gov is few days in cells.
That is NOTHING in large scale of things.
That is why politicians get arrested and get back to program.

Dont try to elevate your fellow tribesman - he is nothing in the big scheme of things

Tayari he is fugitive

A few days you say in cell. Then why ca6the birrionaire use his money to escape this. Do you think over before posting sometimes? Here we are discussing how a 1 salary guy is putting a birrionaire in cell for a few days as if even 1 day in cell is okay.
You are quite bitter with Kinoti for nothing, obviously your anger is that a government officer can deal with Mbig fish that you support ruthlessly, don't get emotional over hii manenos,Kinoti being able to avoid jail and come back to send Wanjigi to jail should ring in your head where the shots are being called for

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2022, 07:48:35 PM »
Eti this arrest will promote wanjigi?where? In mt.kenya or kalenjin rv be objective acha hubris.
Okay lets see wanjigi now even run for MCA with his birrions and see if he will even get 100 votes.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2022, 07:49:02 PM »
Emotional over what.
Is Wanjigi a Kalenjin?
Kinoti is a fool playing in billionaire games.
He is pawn in big scheme of things.
I know you're desperate for more mountain warriors who are powerful
But DCI is nothing in Kenya - because judiciary has taken the ball
Tomorrow Wanjigi will be out - granted bail.
Then want next for Kinoti?
You are quite bitter with Kinoti for nothing, obviously your anger is that a government officer can deal with Mbig fish that you support ruthlessly, don't get emotional over hii manenos,Kinoti being able to avoid jail and come back to send Wanjigi to jail should ring in your head where the shots are being called for

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2022, 07:51:22 PM »
It depends how he play this.
If I was him - I would definitely link it with Raila project - and join UDA or hustler nation.
The problem he is playing crazy ODM politics but he surely has end goal
If he decides to quit ODM - this part of reason for quiting - obviously he is not foolish to take on Raila in ODM and win.
Then next course of action if he has brain is to join Hustler Nation.
And use his billions to create space for himself.
Ruto would glad welcome him and displace your man Linturi :)
Who should be banned from campaigns...having given Baba some ammunition :)
Eti yhis arrest will promote wanjigi?where? In mt.kenya or kalenjin rv be objective acha hubris.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2022, 07:56:45 PM »
Njuri Njeke if Kinoti was NOT A FOOL he would also be billionaire.
Because Mumbi gave him 47 corrupt governors on a silver platte.
Instead of being used to intimidate governors to back political projects of Gideon and Uhuru.
He should have instead realized his office is independent.
And he should have demanded weekly 10Million Cash from every governor every month...otherwise Subaru ifike.
That is small money from governors. They would gladly accept such a deal.
The 47 governors donate 10million per month is cool 0.5B kshs every month
Four years - he would be multi-billionaire. He would be 6B annually - 30B in four years. COOL HARD CASH.

But ni fala imekula miraa kama wewe - KICHWA IMEENDA :)

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: The Making Of Wanjigi
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2022, 07:57:52 PM »
Emotional over what.
Is Wanjigi a Kalenjin?
Kinoti is a fool playing in billionaire games.
He is pawn in big scheme of things.
I know you're desperate for more mountain warriors who are powerful
But DCI is nothing in Kenya - because judiciary has taken the ball
Tomorrow Wanjigi will be out - granted bail.
Then want next for Kinoti?
You are quite bitter with Kinoti for nothing, obviously your anger is that a government officer can deal with Mbig fish that you support ruthlessly, don't get emotional over hii manenos,Kinoti being able to avoid jail and come back to send Wanjigi to jail should ring in your head where the shots are being called for
Kinoti is not playing birrionaire games he is playing games of survival after wanjigi tried to jail him he has come back strongly and jailed birrionaire Wanjigi.
Gatheca and Wanjigi are playing birrionaire game.
Here no money is at hand just raw power. Let me leave you with this Stalin quote
"Everyone imposes his own system as far as his power goes"