Pundit you have to differentiate your enthusiasm for posting concocted panganga here after binge drinking and differentiate reality.
I have come to see you stuck in the 90s of course that was a golden era for you guys. But we in 22,guys like Ndichu twins easily could up Kulei a big name but redundant. Any corrupt money stashed abroad by Mois regime has no future it can be swiftly detained and owners rendered bankrupt overnight. You need to come to tandem with current Economic dynamics that are 360 degree. Ask yourself how do the current rich maintain their wealth answer is simple they are constantly producing and creating new wealth constantly. If you and your billions hid money abroad then that money is as good as non existent coz it cant be used to reproduce,most likely it will be siphoned out slowly to avoid detection until its finished. Look at all the wealthiest people in the world they own some sort of production. Alon Musk with Tesla, Bill gate,Dangote etc even the Kenyatta's are associated with production. But what does biwott and Kulei produce. Take it from Me even Moi another 15 years down the line he won't last in 20 most wealthiest in Kenya. Differentiate man.