We knew he stole but such expose provide evidence.
Like COVID billionaire thing - the family was fingered.
Container - again fingered.
RELAThieves - but Uhuru was not fingered himself. Now he is fingered.
What is important is evidence....eventually these people will be felled by a simple thievery...not the grand looting.
Yes we strongly suspect Uhuru has stolen from SGR and others - but it's well hidden
So pandora is very important - because it's first time kenyatta loot hidden out there in Swiss alps is getting exposed.
Actually nothing new here. It makes Kenyattas look poorer than they are in reality. What is 30M US$ to this family? Uhuru make more than 10 times alone with the SGR deal.
Kenyans knew Kenyattas were very corrupt even before Uhuru was elected in 2013.
The report claims Kenyattas are valued at 0.5B US$. I think the right figure should be ten times as much.
This pandora box is just small lid on the Kenyattas and Mois stashing of kenya money abroad. Gicheru and Okemo are still wanted in Jersey,
Politically this will destroy Uhuru - like COVID Billionaires exposes his close family.
If Uhuru a well known thief was planning to use corruption propaganda against Ruto - now he has nothing.
A thief cannot hand over power to thief