I'm siding with those who say we go on with our lives; no restrictions, no masks, nor curfews, no vaccine mandates. Covid is just another liberal scaremongering excuse for authoritarian serikalis to deprive us of our civil liberties and lives in some cases - think of kianjoma boys. It is also being used to fleece us. It is BS, hunger kills more Kenyans than Covid yet this potato head Kagwe pontificates about its dangers as if it was a virulent pestilence akin to black death. Enough of this sanctimonious virtual signaling from yall - "sijui I lost so and so, covid is real, bla bla" Death has always been with us, young people occasionally die healthy and fit, no biggie. The problem with socialists is they want to control the narrative - epidemic is so bad, so we must do so and so.They are anti freedom. Witness their ba'al vaccine get exposed as ineffectual, now we need booster shots, for two years they waited with bated breath for their fake idol to come to the scene and obliterate the virus, it has done nothing despite industrial scale vaccination campaign, the virus is mutating - delta, lambda etc. Those who called for caution were labelled cranks and conspiracy theorists. The so called vaccine is not even a vaccine but closer to DNA-altering gene therapy. Yet we are supposed to accept like a sheep unquestioning the science behind it.