Tues 10th August 2027, Election Day
Yes but these changes are for the best.Kalenjin use to fuck a girl as soon as she hit puberty.Only criteria was matiti imetoka.Quote from: Omollo on June 14, 2021, 12:56:29 PMI spent one full year in my village. What I found was initially shocking. Everyone sleeps with everyone. I saw a few married women under 50 who weren't in it. But the rest were free for all. The ones whose husbands worked huko nje in Nairobi etc were just loose cows. Whenever they accidentally got pregnant they quickly rushed to Nairobi or ordered the men to come. An observant old guy could sit and tell me huyo mtoto ni wa fulani na yule msichana is now fucking her own brother...I didn't grow up there as our family resided outside as an entity. But once my dad retired and moved back I grew curious and also wanted to speak like a tribesman. Hence my spending time huko.I've never understood why boys are jailed for having sex with 16 year olds. Kids routinely have sex at 12. Amefika standard 7 or 8 she feels she's grown up. More work needs to be done to change attitudes otherwise we have a problem
I spent one full year in my village. What I found was initially shocking. Everyone sleeps with everyone. I saw a few married women under 50 who weren't in it. But the rest were free for all. The ones whose husbands worked huko nje in Nairobi etc were just loose cows. Whenever they accidentally got pregnant they quickly rushed to Nairobi or ordered the men to come. An observant old guy could sit and tell me huyo mtoto ni wa fulani na yule msichana is now fucking her own brother...I didn't grow up there as our family resided outside as an entity. But once my dad retired and moved back I grew curious and also wanted to speak like a tribesman. Hence my spending time huko.I've never understood why boys are jailed for having sex with 16 year olds. Kids routinely have sex at 12. Amefika standard 7 or 8 she feels she's grown up. More work needs to be done to change attitudes otherwise we have a problem
Kalejin men and women lived in paradise here on this earth.
Confusing thread this one.Let me help you on Kalenjin part.Kalenjin follow strict clan based non-endagomous marriage. MARRIAGE. Sex is free for all. There was no debate about sex. Marriage gave you family and kids.Beyond that it's free for all.It was expected that if a stranger visited you and you had two wifes - you'd leave one to him. Children were children - doesn't matter - most were born in drunken stupor - Kalenjin then enjoyed going with entire clan to Busaa - and fucking free - anybody wife - anybody girl.Infact when british came and ask Kalenjin for local laws that would be by-laws in counties (yes there were tribal countries) - Kalenjin passed itYou would be jailed for offence of refusing to extend conjugal courtsey to a stranger. Making a visitor sleep with "cold" was illegal.Pretty much growing up - sex was free for all - everything changed with AIDS - and maybe protestant christianity.From when we heard that some Luo in tea estate had contracted the UGANDA dieseas AIDS - everything started changing.Most guys then loved GANG BANGS - in fact nobody liked a girl who was private shy thing - people liked women with experience.In my village people loved those free for all women - and they use to give the entire village goronhea and syphillis - nobody cared.most got it treated - and some didnt'/The best sex was called Kibaske (gang bangs) - like dogs who converged in a biatch on heat from all over location - men would converge on one girl in one house.Young men loved living together - like 10 men in one house.
This sounds wild and I would doubt it if I didn't know a Kalenjin guy who is addicted to prostitutes; he has trouble relating to women as anything but sexual objects. How does this gel with FGM? I know Maasais stay away from circumcised women but consider any uncircumcised girls to be open for business.
Paradise for STDs maybe?
STDs came with the mzungu. Before that Kalejin were busy having harems. Fun for both men and women as it was free for all. Quote from: bitmask on June 14, 2021, 09:56:49 PMParadise for STDs maybe?